Chapter 717 Martial arts in the world, only cheap and not broken!

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, a trace of enlightenment rose in his heart, and a golden sword light flashed in his eyes.

Jin Yaozhen killed Jianyi!

The sword intent displayed by the Pope of Truth just now has been grasped by him in a way that ordinary people cannot understand.

And because the Pope of Truth has realized this sword intent to 100%, Wang Teng also started directly from the 10%, surpassing the first nine levels at once.

[Jin Yaozhen kills sword intent]: 6010000 (10%)

And the real gain is more than just the surface.

Jin Yaozhen’s killing sword intent contains the meaning of shock, which is a brand-new power of artistic conception.


Known as everything is shaken!

Air, metal, water, soil and rock, even artistic conception, profound meaning…all existence can be shaken, and once the vibration frequency reaches a certain terrible level, even the hard object will be shattered.

No wonder that even the profound meaning of his power was almost torn apart just now.

This concussion is really a BUG!

But now this BUG-like concussion is also grasped by him. The Pope of Truth probably couldn’t think of it. The artistic conception he worked so hard to comprehend was actually stolen by Wang Teng so easily.

The corner of Wang Teng’s mouth evokes a curve, like a fishy little fox, and he sends his sincere thanks to the Pope of Truth opposite:


“??” At this moment, the Pope of Truth was stunned.

Under what circumstances, why is this kid thanking him?

The most important thing is that he felt that Wang Tengte actually thanked him sincerely, his expression was not fake at all, and he really couldn’t be more real.

This kid’s brain was caught by the door, right!

Inexplicably thank him, this enemy, this is something that a person with normal brain circuits can do?

Zhou Xuanwu, Zuo Tian Liehua and others were also a little dazed, really unable to understand Wang Teng’s behavior.

“Huh!” The Pope of Truth couldn’t understand Wang Teng’s thoughts, but seeing his smile, he didn’t know why, but he was extremely upset. He gave a cold snort and disappeared in place.

Wang Teng’s eyes condensed, and he didn’t dare to neglect, the same figure flashed.


In the next moment, the two of them had no extra words, and directly turned into a gold and a red two rays of light colliding in the sky.

“The formation mage continues to control the formation, strangling the Shinrikyo warriors!”

At the same time, Wang Teng’s voice came from the light.


The array mage below immediately responded in unison.


Immediately the formation continued to run, and the lava rolled, turning into a giant dragon, and swept toward the truth sect warrior.

On the other side of the truth sect, there is also an array mage running their apologetic array. The power of ice and snow condenses and turns into an ice dragon, entangled with the lava dragon in the sky.

Boom boom boom…

The roar kept coming out.

The warriors on both sides of the surrounding area once again fought fiercely.

“Wang Teng, I’ll help you!”

Zhou Xuanwu was not idle either, shouting loudly, and joined the battle between the Pope of Truth and Wang Teng.

The battle situation immediately escalated!

A huge mysterious tortoise phantom appeared on Zhou Xuanwu’s head, and it was cut out with the blade of the sword in the roar. The sword was so thick and full of yellow light that it seemed to suppress everything.

The Pope of Truth was beaten back and forth, and his face was extremely ugly.

Wang Teng followed closely, and the magic weapon and Demon Que appeared in his hands, each with sword intent and sword intent, and output like crazy without money.

For a time, the sound of thunder, the sound of the waves, the howling of the wind…It was a big work in the sky, stirring up the wind and clouds, so magnificent!

All the warriors retreated in amazement. At this moment, they truly understood why Wang Teng was so young, but he could serve as the commander of the Black Sparrow Army.

Nima’s strength is against the sky!

Many Shinrikyo warriors were shocked, and distracted, the warriors of the three major legions seized the opportunity and launched crazy attacks one after another.

The screams sounded, and the truth martial artists fell to the ground like dumplings.



The roar continued to sound, and a warlord-level powerhouse fell and blew himself up at the final moment, triggering a chain reaction of horror.

In a moment, the warlord-level powerhouses of the Shinrikyo sect fell as many as five or six, and the number suddenly decreased.

On the side of the three major legions, the general-level warriors were at most severely injured, and there was no death.

The warlord-level powerhouses of the three major military officers were almost twice as strong as the Shinrikyo warrior-level powerhouses, and the situation was instantly irreversible.

As for the warriors below the general level, there were casualties to each other, but in general, the three legions still had the upper hand.

The death toll of the high-ranking warriors of the three major legions is relatively small, which played a key role in this battle. One high-ranking warrior is enough to be worth a dozen or even dozens of low-ranking warriors, so the three major legions Only then has such a big win situation.

The Pope Truth saw this scene, his face was ugly to the extreme. He knew that the general situation was over, and the truth was probably unable to turn around. His hatred for Wang Teng and others grew stronger.

But he knows even more that if this continues, even he will be planted here.

Wang Teng’s strength was beyond his expectation, and joining forces with Zhou Xuanwu, even for him, felt very difficult.

The Pope of Truth flickered, and suddenly a loud shout came from his ear:

“Tiangang Flame Knife!”

The Pope of Truth beat his heart, a sword knocked Zhou Xuanwu back, and then he swung his sword to where the sound came from.


A flame of blade light collided with his sword light and was directly annihilated.

The Pope of Truth couldn’t help being stunned for a moment. This attack was too watery, and it broke with one blow, not as powerful as before.

However, before he could react, a black mist swept out from the broken blade, and instantly enveloped him.

“not good!”

The face of the Pope of Truth changed, he immediately held his breath and sealed the pores all over his body with the force.

But it was too late, and the black mist invaded his body instantly.

He had suffered from Wang Teng’s poisonous force before, and he knew how difficult this poisonous force was, and he felt bad at once.

Now that they are fighting again, there is no extra time to clear the poisonous force in the body.

He didn’t expect that he was accidentally hit by Wang Teng’s insidious trick.


“Using poison, you… mean!”

The Pope of Truth glared at Wang Teng, his eyes almost breathing fire.

“The world martial arts, only cheap and not broken!” Wang Teng said with a smile.


Zhou Xuanwu had a weird look on the side, and he was simply overwhelmed by Wang Teng’s shamelessness, but he also had to admit that what Wang Teng said… so reasonable!

The world martial arts, only cheap and not broken!

So if he fights with others in the future, shouldn’t he also have to be cheaper?

No, no… Zhou Xuanwu shook his head quickly, considering his own future, it would be better not to do such destructive things.

“Do it, take advantage of his illness to kill him!” Without any hesitation, Wang Teng greeted Zhou Xuanwu to do it.

He finally took advantage of the fact that the Pope of Truth was struggling to deal with it, and unexpectedly entrained the poison force in the flame force, and he was caught.

Now that the Pope of Truth has been poisoned by his demon lotus, his strength must be greatly affected. At this time, he will not be attacked, but when will he wait!

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