Chapter 712 Wang Teng, you get out of the way!

The warriors of the three major legions were among the cultists. They were extremely powerful, and they were all veterans who had been killed on the battlefield. They had extremely rich combat experience. How could these cultists be able to compare.

Puff puff……

Suddenly, a large number of cultists were beheaded, and there were sounds of weapons slashing on their bodies and blood spattering everywhere.

Of course, that scream of despair is indispensable.

However, no one sympathized with them. The hands of these cultists were soaked in blood, and it was not a pity to die. Killing them directly in this way would be considered cheap.

In the sky, Wang Teng, Zhou Xuanwu, and Xiao Nanfeng were confronting the Pope of Truth, and the dangerous aura filled the four of them.

The martial artists and cultists all around did not dare to approach the slightest, and they all stayed away.

For a time, with four people as the center, there was no one within a few hundred meters.

“This Pope of Truth has reached the top of the warlord level, and may even be taking that step. Be careful.” Wang Teng Chuanyin reminded the two Zhou Xuanwu.

“Which step is taken?”

The two were shocked, and they naturally knew what Wang Teng was referring to.

In the warlord-level circle, everyone is moving towards a higher level, but now the road to the warrior of the earth star only reaches the warlord level, and many people are groping for higher-level roads.

Whether it can take that step is crucial.

A moat separates the two worlds.

They are all crossing the river by touching the stones. If the Pope of Truth really walks on that road, then he must not be underestimated!

Zhou Xuanwu and Xiao Nanfeng suddenly became serious.

“I have to admit that if you can get to this point, you are considered to be outstanding people in the world.” The Pope of Truth suddenly said.

“Stop talking about these flattering words, it’s useless, we are principled people, no matter how good they are, we won’t let you go.” Wang Teng said.

The Pope of Truth: “…”

A green vein suddenly burst out of his forehead.

Is there a hole in this kid’s head?

Is he flattering them?

What comprehension ability? What brain circuit?

What kind of mental retardation is this! ! !

The Pope of Truth took a few deep breaths to calm the blood turmoil in his heart.

Zhou Xuanwu and Xiao Nanfeng also looked at Wang Teng with weird eyes. What they said just now was clearly a high-ranking comment, but when they came to Wang Teng’s mouth, their taste changed.

The Pope of Truth froze from a commentator to a flattering role.

Originally, the two people felt that the words of the Pope Truth were a little offensive. As the leader of the army, even if they were criticized by others, they would not be the leader of a cult. But now the inexplicable anger is gone, they even feel that Somewhat funny.

“Sure enough, young and vigorous!” The Pope of Truth fell on Wang Teng and said lightly.

“You are right, I am young. It’s not like you have already stepped half of your foot into the tomb. I’ll help you send the other half in. Don’t thank you.” Wang Teng said.


So annoying!

At this moment, the Pope of Truth feels a little pain in the liver, no, it hurts!

His complexion suddenly became gloomy, and a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, reflecting the cold light.

“Since you are so anxious to find death, then I will fulfill you.” The Pope of Truth said indifferently.

The voice fell, and his figure had disappeared in place.

“Be careful!” Zhou Xuanwu and Xiao Nanfeng’s expressions suddenly changed, and they also took out their weapons one after another, and became careful.


A slight sound rang away in the space.

I saw a pale sword light suddenly appeared in front of Wang Teng, slashing from the top of his head.

This sword, as soon as I can’t see clearly, is like an electric light, coming in an instant.

Behind the sword light, the indifferent face of the Pope of Truth emerged.

However, Wang Teng did not evade, his complexion was extremely flat, looking at the sword light, he took the initiative to greet him.

The next moment, a giant soldier appeared in his hand, the strong wind brought by the wave pressed the air and made a dull sound, and a bright golden sword light burst out.


The two sword lights collided in mid-air for an instant, and then shattered. The violent wind generated by the force explosion swept all around.

The expression on the face of the Pope of Truth appeared stiff.

This kid’s strength is wrong!

He had fought with Wang Teng before, and he vomited blood with one blow.

Originally thought that his strength was at most the level of an 11-star warlord, but now it seems that he pretended to be.

“Is it a surprise? Is it a surprise?” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“…” The Pope of Truth suddenly turned dark.

He felt that he was being played by Wang Teng, and the breath that had just been suppressed couldn’t help but rise.

Boom boom boom!

There was a sudden roar in the distance, and the Pope of Truth couldn’t help looking around, his eyes suddenly shrinking.

Truth cultists were massacred, like cutting leeks, one crop after another!

However, many believers rushed out from the belly of the mountain and fought with the warriors of the three major legions to one place.

After all, this is the Shinrikyo Headquarters, and all Shinrikyo followers gather here, and the number is extremely terrifying.

Moreover, there is no shortage of masters in the Shinrikyo sect, and there are as many as ten digits in the warlord level.

They were also aroused in the killing, and they were extremely crazy, and they wanted to fight with the warriors of the three major legions.

Suddenly, there was a counterattack situation on the truth sect.

The complexions of Wang Teng and Zhou Xuanwu suddenly changed slightly.

“It seems that in the end it is still unknown who will die.” The Pope of Truth suddenly laughed.


Zhou Xuanwu snorted coldly: “Don’t talk nonsense, besieged and killed this dog!”

While speaking, he burst into force, holding a war knife, and slashing towards the Pope of Truth.


Wang Teng also condensed his eyes and rushed forward.

Xiao Nanfeng followed closely, and the three formed an encirclement, enclosing the Pope of the Truth, and attacked him one after another.

However, the strength of the Pope of Truth is really very powerful, and one person fights the three of them alone, and he has not fallen into the disadvantage.

Suddenly, he seized a flaw, slashed with a sword, and forced Wang Teng and Zhou Xuanwu back.

At the same time, a punch was blasted, and it fell on Xiao Nanfeng fiercely.


Xiao Nanfeng spouted a mouthful of blood, and his body flew backwards into the distance like a torn sack.

Both Wang Teng and Zhou Xuanwu’s expressions changed drastically, and they quickly stopped the Pope of Truth to prevent him from pursuing Xiao Nanfeng.

“Get out!” A trace of anger flashed across the face of the Pope of Truth, his face was cold, his sword waved, and his sword intent swept away towards Wang Teng and Zhou Xuanwu.

This blow was already a blow at the top of the general class, and ordinary warriors couldn’t take it.

“Wang Teng, you get out of the way.”

Zhou Xuanwu’s complexion changed, he passed Wang Teng, raised his head high with the sword in his hand, and a horrible sword intent shot straight into the sky.

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