Chapter 713 You can do it, Ollie will give it!


In the sky, the sword intent and sword intent raged, hundreds of meters slashed across the sword, and the sword intent that was trained like a horse crashed together.

The huge sound spread in all directions, the collision of the sword intent and the sword intent continued to scream, and the horrible force was like a wave of waves rolling back.

Zhou Xuanwu’s expression changed abruptly, and he was immediately impacted by the terrifying force, and the whole person couldn’t help flying backwards.


I saw a sword mark emerging from his chest, blood sprayed and splashed in the air.

Zhou Xuanwu’s face was full of horror, his life stopped flying upside down, and he looked at the opposite Pope Truth, his expression was greatly shaken: “You really have taken that step!!!”

“You are wrong. I haven’t taken that step yet. I just lifted my foot, but it’s enough to deal with you.” The Pope of Truth had a flat face and said indifferently.

Zhou Xuanwu’s eyes flashed rapidly, and his heart was shocked.

Has the strength reached this level before that step has been taken?

Really incredible!

At this moment, Wang Teng’s face couldn’t help showing a trace of solemnity.

He opened the pupil of spiritual vision and saw that the Pope of Truth contained a very special energy body in his body.

That is the force of the stars!

The force of this cluster of stars has reached one percent of the total force of the whole body.

But even so, his strength far surpassed Zhou Xuanwu, who was also a 13-star high general.

The effect of the force of the stars is really terrible!

Wang Teng looked at the force of the stars in his body, it was so pitiful.

Fire element, earth element, wood element, gold element, the force of the stars of four elements, less than one thousandth, is lonely nested in his pronucleus.

Forget it, let’s not compare it…

Wang Teng silently chose to ignore it. If he said it, he might be ridiculed and despised by the opposite Pope of Truth.

“Are you okay?” At this moment he came to Zhou Xuanwu’s side and asked.

In fact, he didn’t want to avoid it just now. He wanted to fight with Zhou Xuanwu, but there was no way. Zhou Xuanwu’s speed was too fast. Before he could react, the two had collided together.

So, he can’t really be blamed for this!

Zhou Xuanwu was also a little embarrassed at this time, thinking that he rushed ahead just now, trying to block the attack of the Pope of Truth by his own strength, but the attack was not blocked, and he was injured.

It was the first time that he suffered such a big loss after so many years of fighting.

However, this also illustrates the power of Pope Truth from the side. This is already far beyond the average warrior-level pinnacle warrior.

“I can’t die!” Zhou Xuanwu looked serious, shook his head, and said solemnly: “You are right. He can no longer be viewed as an ordinary general leader. Even if we join hands, I am afraid that he will not be an opponent.”

Wang Teng nodded, his heart was also solemn.

With his strength, if he wants to defeat the Pope of Truth, it is not enough to rely on ordinary means, unless he uses large-scale moves.

“Turn on the formation!” Wang Teng thought for a while and said.

“Okay!” Zhou Xuanwu blinked and nodded slightly.

Originally, according to their plan, they would not open the formation easily, because the terrain here is special, and it is located on a continuous snow mountain. If the formation is stimulated, it will not only cause fire in the heart of the earth, but also cause a large-scale avalanche. The destruction, I am afraid it will hurt your own warriors.

But now in order to deal with the Pope of Truth, this is the only way to do it.

“Are you finished?” The voice of the Pope of Truth came from a distance at this moment.

“After that, I will send you on the road!”

His eyes were dull, and he walked up, the sword in his hand was puffing out the sharp golden sword light, which was shocking.

“I’ll stop him, you go and start the formation!” Zhou Xuanwu said with a cold look, without looking back.

“Can you not be hacked to death, right?” Wang Teng said.

“…” Zhou Xuanwu’s face went dark.

This kid, the dog can’t spit out ivory, isn’t this cursing him to be hacked to death, so he can’t say anything good!

Zhou Xuanwu’s chest was ups and downs, and he was obviously very angry.

“Ahem, that’s it to you, you can do it, Ollie will give it.” Upon seeing this, Wang Teng hurried to the distance.

“…” Zhou Xuanwu.

The Pope of the Church of Truth flashed his eyes, watching Wang Teng fly into the distance, without chasing after him, he looked at Zhou Xuanwu: “You stay, just to die.”

“I admit that you are very strong, but you are too conceited!” Zhou Xuanwu’s expression remained unchanged.

boom! boom! boom!

The terrifying yellow force is so heavy that it rushes towards the sky.

At this moment, Zhou Xuanwu was full of fighting spirit!

“Come to fight!” Holding a war knife, Zhou Xuanwu strode forward, stepping across the void, and slashing towards the Pope of the Truth, a roar came from his mouth.

The Pope of the Church of Truth narrowed his eyes slightly, and even he had to face Zhou Xuanwu at this moment.

The master of the Xuanwu Legion really deserves his reputation!


The war sword in his hand exploded with terrifying sword intent, and the rich golden sword light slashed towards the void.


A big sword emerged, colliding with the golden light-filled war sword, and suddenly burst into a roar of force.


The sword suddenly slashed down with great power, and actually crushed the Pope of Truth, who was opposite, with the sword and the man by half.

Zhou Xuanwu had short hair like steel needles, his face was extremely cold, and he was crazy when he was fighting. He succeeded in one blow, and the terrorist force broke out in his hand again, and the sword slashed down one after another.

boom! boom! boom! …

The horrible force violently sounded continuously, the face of the Pope of Truth changed slightly, and his figure continued to recede.

He was actually beaten by Zhou Xuanwu!

This made him extremely frustrated!

The Pope of the Sect of Truth looked a little ugly, his eyes were cold, and the powerful force in his body burst out, without dodge or avoid, his sword slashed towards Zhou Xuanwu.

The best defense is to attack!

At their level, their fighting consciousness is already extremely powerful, and they can only seize the opportunity to launch a counterattack in an instant.

In the sky, the two turned into two huge light clusters, one gold and one yellow, and they collided constantly.

On the other side, Wang Teng’s figure has arrived over a snowy mountain to the left of the Shinrikyo Headquarters.

This snow-capped mountain is the extinct volcano they found according to the map.

It is very close to the Shinrikyo Headquarters, and the large formation formed with this mountain as the center of the formation can completely enclose the Shinrikyo Headquarters.

“All the formation masters follow the order and start the formation!”

Wang Teng’s face was solemn, and his voice suddenly spread.

The array mage below who had been preparing for a long time heard the words and sat down one after another, each using their original power to merge into the array node below.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

The entire snow-capped mountain under them seemed to shake.

Immediately, the light overflowed, and a huge circular formation slowly emerged, rising from the ground, covering a radius of thousands of meters.

“what is that??”


“Damn, they actually arranged a formation!!”

The people of the truth sect in the surroundings were shocked, and looked at the sky with horror suddenly.

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