Chapter 711 That guy actually still has this kind of identity! !

Master of the Black Sparrow Army!

At this moment, all the cultists looked at Wang Teng like a ghost.

They witnessed him transforming from an ordinary cultist into a heroic and promoted youth. Now he is wearing a general robe and looks extraordinary. His eyes are so deep that it is impossible to look directly at him.

Is this still the poisonous intruder who scolded everyone?

The contrast is too big.

But… it’s no wonder he even dared to the Pope!

Many people suddenly realized that this is where his confidence lies.

The master of the dignified army, the status and status can be described as extremely high!

But the more this happened, the more people couldn’t believe it.

How could this intruder who was chased by them running around be the owner of the Black Sparrow Army? ?

Everyone couldn’t believe it, and it felt extremely unreal. Especially seeing Wang Teng’s youthful face was shocked and couldn’t calm down for a long time.

At such a young age, how did he become the leader of the Black Sparrow Army? This is not martial arts at all!

Everyone feels that the worldview has collapsed. Are they really outdated to this point, and can’t keep up with the development of the times?

Among the crowd, Feng Quan’s face was full of horror, and his complexion was a little pale. He suddenly felt uneasy in his heart when he thought of saying he was going to kill Wang Teng before.

Not far behind him, Feng Hua’s complexion was even harder to see the extreme. He was beaten by Wang Teng before, and his heart was extremely humiliating. He hated Wang Teng and always wanted revenge.

It wasn’t a chance. It was just a mere intruder, who could never escape their siege.

But now he suddenly discovered that Wang Teng was not something he could handle at all. He was a dignified army leader. He was nothing at all in front of the opponent. Not to mention revenge. If they didn’t trouble him, they would burn incense. .

Let alone these cultists, even the Pope of Truth has a hint of shock in his eyes.

The change of Wang Teng’s identity was so sudden that even he hadn’t expected that this invader was actually the leader of an army!

Moreover, looking at the situation in front of him, the other party is obviously not good at coming.

This may be the biggest crisis that Shinrikyo has faced in history.

If it can survive, the name of the Shinrikyo Sect will definitely skyrocket in the future, and even the three major legions of the Xia Kingdom can’t help them. In the future, which major country will look down on their Shinrikyo Sect.

But if it can’t be saved, then everything will stop, and the truth will become a bubble and become a dust in history.

In this era of martial arts, they will be overwhelmed by historical trends, and they will not even be able to provoke a wave.

The Pope of the Church of Truth looked gloomy and looked at Wang Teng, Zhou Xuanwu and others coldly.

The forces on both sides faced each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense to the extreme.


Zuo Tian Liehua hid on the side, looked at the truth teaching side, then looked at Wang Teng’s side, the shock in her heart had not dissipated.

That guy actually still has such an identity! !

Originally thought they were just a small team, and Wang Teng’s helpers were only a dozen people. How could he have thought that they would be more than half of the elite warriors of the three legions.

At a glance, at least thousands of powerful warriors.

Such a powerful force, if it is thrown into a country, is enough to cause huge turmoil.

And now that they are here, and that Wang Teng is still one of the three leading figures of this force, it is incredible to think about it.

Zuo Tianliehua took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.

Anyway, at least her life was saved.

The only embarrassing thing is that she does not belong to these two forces.

It’s a long story, but it’s just a short moment.

At this moment, a solemn voice suddenly came from the Pope of Truth.

“All Shinrikyo followers, prepare for war!”

The truth cult cultists around were shocked. They also knew that there was no room at this time. The various forces had been trying to get rid of them and then quickly, and they would never be allowed to leave safely.

So they have no retreat at all, only fighting to the death.

A sense of madness appeared on the faces of the truth cult cultists.

“Everyone, the biggest test of the truth has come. Whether we can go on and realize our ideals depends on whether we can survive this test!”

“All those who hinder us are heretics. They must die, and we will grasp the truth and go to the highest!”

“The truth is forever, and we are immortal!”

The Pope of Truth speaks, his voice is bewitching and very provocative.

All the cultists heard the words, the madness on their faces became more intense, like a group of fanatical star chasers, shouting loudly:

“The truth is forever, and we are immortal!”

“The truth is forever, and we are immortal!”

“The truth is forever, and we are immortal!”

“For the truth teaching, fight to the death!”

“Fight to the death!”

“Fight to the death!”

All the cultists showed madness, their eyes flushed, and they roared one after another.

All of a sudden, the shouts shook the sky and captured people extremely.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly burst out.

“Truth Nima Bian!”


The voice from the truth sect suddenly stopped, and all the cultists seemed to be stuck in their throats, and the roar couldn’t be heard anymore.

Zhou Xuanwu and others all looked at Wang Teng with weird eyes.

It was obvious that it was his mouth just now.

This guy really does not play cards according to common sense!

Both Zhou Xuanwu and Xiao Nanfeng shook their heads in their hearts.

But they have to admit that although it is a bit vulgar, the effect is very good.

Look at the reaction of the Truth Sect. You just called Du Huan, but now, all of them have become idiots.

“Truth teaches that sins are extremely evil, you should be punished and killed!”

Seeing this situation, Zhou Xuanwu’s eyes flashed and he suddenly yelled.




All the warriors of the three major legions shouted to kill and shook the sky, and their momentum broke out, forming a powerful killing intent that slammed onto the truth sect.

The battle between the two armies must first condense!

This is the consistent practice of military warriors.


Killing like a knife, slashed the past.

No matter how crazy the people of your truth teach, in front of a powerful killing intent, it is like being thrown down by a bucket of ice-cold water.

Many cultists couldn’t help but tremble, and their faces turned pale, and they even thought of running away.

And those powerful warriors looked ugly, and they couldn’t help but retreat in their hearts.

In the first round of confrontation, they lost so thoroughly, how else to fight next?


However, Zhou Xuanwu and others did not give them a chance to hesitate, and immediately gave an order, and all the warriors entered the wolves like tigers and slaughtered the past.

All warriors hate the truth sect very much, and even many of their relatives are killed by the truth sect, and the hatred is as deep as the sea.

Therefore, they didn’t keep their hands, one by one, they held high the butcher knife, and faced the cultists mercilessly, with killing intent in their eyes boiling and indifferent to the extreme.

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