Chapter 710 When do you plan to watch the show?

“What did you say?”

“Say who is the mouse!”

“court death!”

“kill him!”

The cultists all around are excited. They have been brainwashed, boasting that they have mastered the truth, and are superior to others. Now they are actually called the rats in the stinking ditch.

It’s worth it!

Dare to insult them so, this guy must die!

Zuo Tian Liehua really admired Wang Teng’s death behavior, and was unable to complain.

What’s going on here, this guy is going to anger these cultists, it’s really not fast enough!

She pulled Wang Teng to stop him from continuing to die.

It’s a pity that Wang Teng ignored her, looked around, and continued: “You so-called mastering the truth are just self-deception, and you want to make an excuse for doing whatever you want.”

“What you people do is worse than the mice in the stinking ditch. The mice eat the rotten food that people pour into the sewer. They are still useful. They can be used for anatomy experiments or something, and what about you? , Eat and drink well, but have nothing to do with it, and make trouble everywhere, killing so many innocent people, and finally using a sentence to cover up for the truth, it is absolutely shameless.”

“To say that you are a mouse is an insult to a mouse. You can’t even compare to a mouse. You are not qualified to be a mouse.”

Wang Teng paused for a while, his eyes swept over everyone’s expressions, and a sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Zuo Tianliehua opened her mouth slightly.

This guy, his mouth is too poisonous!

At this moment, her admiration for Wang Teng was as endless as a river.

Niu batch!

Don’t be too ridiculous!

Being besieged by so many cultists, they can actually be scolded, and they can’t repay the scolding.

Look at the cultists around, their faces are as dark as eating shit.

Even she looked a little cool!

It’s just that they stared at Wang Teng’s eyes, looking like they wanted to eat people, which was a bit scary.

At this time she wanted to give Wang Teng a nickname–

Be a dead little expert!


“Dare to speak up when you die!”

“Boy, you are looking for death!” Feng Quan said through gritted teeth.

“Grab him and cramp him. You must not let him die easily.” Another bishop furiously said.

The Pope of Truth was also angry, his face was cold, and his eyes shot out a substantive killing intent.

“Don’t worry, I haven’t finished talking yet.”

Wang Teng was not afraid at all, no matter what their expressions were, he spoke again:

“It is said that you people are not only dirty at heart, but also stupid. What truth teachings are created by people with ulterior motives. Most of you don’t know anything at all. You don’t even know that you are fooled into being gunmen. It’s so stupid to think that you are fighting for the truth.”

“Truth, what is truth, even the great men of the ages dare not claim that they have found the truth, but you are worthy of grasping the truth!”

As Wang Teng said, he suddenly saw the Pope of Truth staring at him coldly, as if he was about to kill him with his eyes, he pointed his finger at once, and yelled:

“And you, what pope, I think you are a cult leader, I don’t know where I found a shit doctrine, so I used it to deceive people, gathered a bunch of mobs and messed up everywhere, you didn’t kill you. Good luck.”

“But you won’t be jumping for long now, and sooner or later you will be cleaned up!”

Everyone looked at Wang Teng like a monster.

This guy didn’t care if he scolded them, he even dared to point to the pope’s nose and scold him.

What courage is needed to do this?

At this moment, the face of the Pope Truth is gloomy. Since he became the Pope of Truth, no one has dared to curse him like this for many years.

What cult leader!

What is not beaten to death is good luck!

What a jerky will not last long!

The face of the Pope of Truth became more and more ugly, his heart rose with anger, and his voice said coldly: “You are looking for death!”

“I don’t know if I will die, but you must die!” Wang Teng said lightly.

“Presumptuous!” Feng Quan shouted angrily aside.

“I want to scold you just now, you old dog, dare to bark again, I will pinch you to death now.” Wang Teng’s eyes were cold, and he fell on Feng’s body.


Feng Quan only felt a terrifying killing intent directly pierced into his eyes through that look, tumbling and stirring in his sea of ​​knowledge.

He turned pale suddenly, took three steps back inconceivably, and looked at Wang Teng in amazement.

“Huh?” A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Pope of Truth, and he said coldly: “It turns out that you have hidden a lot of strength before, but just because of this, you dare to be presumptuous in front of me. You can only say that you are too naive.”

After speaking, he waved his hand.

“Get him down for me!”

Hearing this, the surrounding cultists all besieged Wang Teng, attacking them one after another without money, drowning the two of them.


The terrifying force explosion swept in all directions, igniting large swaths of snow on the ground, flying all over the sky, and falling like a heavy snowfall.

The cultists all around couldn’t help but look at the center of the explosion.

Killed like this?

Isn’t that kid like a strong outsider, he only knows that he’s really a crispy skin, and he can’t help but fight.


At this moment, a violent blast suddenly came out.

I saw a stunned rainbow suddenly soaring into the sky.

“Don’t let him run!”

Below, Feng Quan shouted loudly.

I was scared by Wang Teng just now, and made him angry.

Seeing that Wang Teng was besieged by everyone at this time, he could only escape, thinking that he was not afraid, so he turned into an afterimage and rushed into the sky.

Seeing this, other cultists walked out of the sky one after another, chasing after them.

Only the Pope of Truth unhurriedly followed, his eyes flickering and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

“Boy, you can’t run away, so behave and catch it.”

“Yes, you have been surrounded by us, and you will never escape this snow-capped mountain today…”

The cultists shouted one after another and caught up with them.

In the sky, after Wang Teng rushed out of the encirclement, he unexpectedly stopped again.

“What are you doing? Run!” Zuo Tian Liehua was anxious, pulling Wang Teng and trying to run away.

Wang Teng smiled faintly, broke away from her hand, looked around, and the voice slowly spread:

“When do you plan to watch the show?”

The voice fell, and the surroundings suddenly fell into silence.

Zuo Tianlie looked at Wang Teng with a stunned expression, then looked around, and suddenly remembered that he seemed to have a helper.

But with so many cultists, even if his helpers show up, they will come to die!

The cultist who was catching up stopped abruptly and looked around suspiciously.

This kid still has support?

Isn’t it bluffing?

The face of the Pope of the Church of Truth changed slightly, and his eyes passed.

At this moment, behind several nearby snow-capped mountains, three huge battleships slowly lifted into the air, appearing in everyone’s field of vision.

At the same time, on the battleship, a group of powerful figures emerged.

The aura of those figures is at least 4-star warrior level, and many others are even higher warrior level. These people walked out of the battleship and came from the sky.

When the cultists saw the figure of these warriors, their expressions changed drastically, and they were shocked.

Feng Quan and several other bishop-level figures have even more incredible faces, staring at the marks on the three warships with wide eyes.

“Xuanwu Legion!”

“Black Sparrow Legion!”

“Red Tiger Legion!”

An incredible voice came from their mouths.

How could the powerhouses of these three legions appear here?

They couldn’t believe it, but in the end they had to accept this cruel fact.

Shinrikyo…exposed! ! !

The cultists looked pale and felt bad.

The Shinrikyo sect headquarters, which had been hidden deeply, was discovered. How can this be played?

Everyone panicked.

“Hahaha, Wang Teng, didn’t you want to play with them? Why did you call us out in a hurry.” At this time, Zhou Xuanwu’s laughter came over.

“Enough playing, it’s time to end!” Wang Teng said in a bad mood.

As he spoke, his figure and appearance began to slowly change, and in an instant he returned to his original appearance.

“It’s comfortable, but I still look good!”

Wang Teng took off his cultist’s robes, exposing the close-fitting martial artist’s clothes underneath, and stretched his waist.

“Military Lord!”

At this time, Song Wanjiang, Zhu Chengwang and other Black Sparrow Army’s deputy commanders appeared behind him and bowed and saluted together!

A general robe of the leader of the black sparrow army was draped on Wang Teng’s body, swaying in the mountain breeze, hunting and hunting, a mysterious black sparrow on the robe seemed to come alive and roared to the sky.

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