Chapter 709 Believe It or Not, I Will Hit You With A Dog Fist!


A well-known cultist heard Feng Quan’s order and all moved, and the surroundings were completely impenetrable.

They didn’t expect that this ordinary-looking woman really had a problem, but since the person was found, they naturally wanted to help arrest.

Once you catch people, they will all have merit.

After surrounding Wang Teng and Zuo Tian Liehua, another cult member immediately spread the news, contacting other people and the Pope of Truth.

They are outside the truth teaching, and as soon as the news comes out, someone will arrive soon, and it doesn’t take much time at all.

In this situation, Wang Teng and Zuo Tianliehua were basically unable to escape with their wings.

So everyone didn’t take the two of them too seriously, and they all looked like they were holding the winning ticket.

When Zuo Tian Liehua saw this scene, her expression changed slightly, and she desperately said, “I am the one who caused you.”

In this situation, they basically have no chance of escape.

She was a little guilty. If it wasn’t for her reason, Wang Teng would not take action at all and would not expose it.

He even thought about it deeply. With his endless methods, it shouldn’t be difficult to escape. It would take so much effort just to take her with him.

Zuo Tian Liehua looked at Wang Teng, her eyes flickering.

While feeling guilty, the bottom of her heart was also a little touched.

Although this guy took the fire of her soul, he didn’t do anything excessive to her from the beginning to the end. He just rescued her again. If he was replaced by someone else, he might not care about her life and death at all.

“Don’t get me wrong, I just can’t understand this kid’s wonderful theory.” Wang Teng glanced at her and said lightly.

“Man, duplicity.” Zuo Tianlie smiled in her heart.

“Don’t look at me with that kind of eyes. I have no interest in a woman like you with big breasts and no brains.” Wang Teng said.

“…Fuck!” Zuo Tianliehua suddenly got a black line.

Who is so big and brainless!

She has a big chest, but she has a brain.

This kind of man is destined to be single for a lifetime.

She decided to take back the touch just now.

The world is not worth…

Feng Hua, who was on the opposite side, saw the two of you talking and talking, and his expression was gloomy.

Being beaten by Wang Teng in front of so many people, Feng Hua hated him a long time ago, and naturally he was very upset no matter how he looked at him.

“I don’t know what to say and I’m still playing around here when I die.” Feng Hua sneered and said coldly.

Wang Teng and Zuo Tianliehua both looked at him immediately.

“Is he talking about me?” Wang Teng pointed to his nose and asked Zuo Tian Liehua.

“There is anyone else but you.” Zuo Tianlie raised his eyebrows and said with squinting eyes.

“Damn, your kid actually dare to whistle crooked in front of me, believe it or not, I will beat you with a dog fist.” Wang Teng said with a widened eye.

“Fight a dog!”

Everyone looked weird and couldn’t help looking at Feng Hua.

Feng Hua’s entire face was dark.

The bastard MMP made it clear that he was a dog.


“What are you doing, let’s just say that your old dog can’t protect you.” Wang Teng said.

“…” Feng Quan’s face was also dark, and even darker than Feng Hua.

The eyes of other cultists became even more bizarre.

This guy is so courageous, it is not enough to scold Feng Hua, and even Bishop Feng Quan scolded him in.

“Boy, the louder you call now, the more miserable I will make you die later.” Feng Quan said in a cold voice.

“Oh, I’m so scared!” Wang Teng cried strangely with a frightened appearance, patted his chest.

Feng Hua: “…”

Feng Quan: “…”

Zuo Tian Liehua: “…”

Cultists: “…”

Mad, this guy is really weird!

Such a flamboyant expression, who believes who is a fool.

This is the common idea in everyone’s mind at this moment.

Feng Quan felt that his IQ had been insulted, his eyes seemed to be capable of killing, and he stared at Wang Teng fiercely.

“Let’s go quickly, don’t waste time.” Zuo Tianliehua didn’t want to accompany Wang Teng to fool around, she looked around, looking for a breakthrough, and pulled Wang Teng, transmission sound said.

“With so many people, how do we run?” Wang Teng asked knowingly.

In fact, he didn’t want to escape, otherwise he really wanted to leave, these people couldn’t stop him at all.

“I think we can still struggle a bit.” Zuo Tianliehua said.

“How to struggle? It’s better for you to take the lead, and I will cover you to get out of the siege.” Wang Teng said.

“…” Zuo Tianlie stunned, this is clearly what she wants to say, how can this guy snatch her lines.


She murmured: “Don’t be kidding, you are strong, so you should take the lead. I can only deliver food when I go up.”

“I think you can. Believe in yourself. Besides, if you have me to cover you, what are you afraid of, go to the beauties.” Wang Teng encouraged.

“…” Zuo Tian Liehua was really going crazy.

Fuck you big head ghost!

This guy can’t talk while standing, and if she rushes up like this, she will definitely not end well. This man is really bad.


At this moment, a roar came from behind several people.

I saw a number of silhouettes appearing from the top of the mountain, passing through the formation, galloping in.

Wang Teng and others were near the entrance, so the cultists in the truth sect quickly rushed over.

Even the person at the head is the Pope of Truth!

He went out in person, obviously he was bound to win, and he had to take down the invader Wang Teng himself.

At this moment, he walked out of the mountain with cold eyes, looking towards Wang Teng and Zuo Tian Liehua.

“The Pope!”

“The Pope!”

The cultists all around gave way and bowed respectfully.

“It’s over, it’s really dead this time!” Zuo Tianliehua was completely desperate, watching the Pope of Truth come, she couldn’t help but step back.

His momentum is too strong!

The pinnacle of the general class, that is the top powerhouse that can be counted on a global scale, and it is not comparable to ordinary warriors.

Being looked at by such a peerless powerhouse, not many people can stand it.

The gaze of the Pope of Truth swept from Zuo Tianliehua, and finally fell on Wang Teng.

This intruder is interesting! Interesting!

Facing the oppression of his aura, he didn’t shrink back in the slightest, and his expression didn’t change a bit. This is not something ordinary warriors can do.

The Pope of Truth frowned slightly, feeling uncomfortable in his heart.

“Little mouse, why don’t you run away!”

His dignified and flat voice came out slowly.

“Little mouse?” Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly smiled, as if he had heard something extremely funny.

The sarcastic laughter made the Pope Truth frown deeper.

“Presumptuous!” Feng Quan suddenly shouted coldly aside.

The Pope of Truth waved his hand and asked, “What are you laughing at?”

“I laugh at your group of mice hiding in the stinking ditch. You would call someone else a mouse.” Wang Teng glanced at Feng Quan, then swept over other cultists, and said lightly.


As soon as the voice fell, all the cultists were enraged.

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