Chapter 708 I will apologize to you if I kill the wrong one!

Everyone looked weird, and their eyes turned back and forth between Feng Hua and the extremely ordinary-looking woman, which was meaningful.

And many people smile at the corners of their mouths, that smile…very wretched!


Feng Quan just felt ashamed of his old face and couldn’t help shouting angrily.


Feng Hua was immediately stunned!

How to fatten four?

what happened?

Why am I being scolded?

He asked three times in his heart and looked at Feng Quan stupidly: “Dad, what are you calling me for?”

“Ask me what I am doing, what are you doing as a jerk?” Feng Quan scolded angrily.

“I didn’t do anything?” Feng Hua looked innocent.

“I haven’t done anything yet, I’m going to ask you, what do you call this woman?” Feng Quan asked with an aversion to iron.

“I am wronged, don’t you think this woman is very similar to Ma Feifei?” Feng Hua yelled, no longer caring about his cold personality.

When Wang Teng and Zuo Tianliehua heard the words, they couldn’t help but chuckle.

However, after all, the two of them are people who have experienced strong winds and waves. At this time, they can still stabilize.

However, Zuo Tian Liehua immediately made a look of sincerity and fear, like an ordinary cult who was oppressed by the second generation.

“Fart, I still have an excuse to this day, that Ma Feifei is so coquettish, how can this woman compare to it.” Feng Quan glanced at Zuo Tian Liehua’s ordinary face, and couldn’t help but explode if he didn’t believe Feng Hua at all. A swear word.

“That’s right, everyone is not blind, this woman is so ordinary, how could it be Ma Feifei.”

“It’s not like it at all, even if it’s a disguise, it can’t be so much worse.”

Everyone nodded, obviously not believing his words.

“Look at her figure. Although she has covered it up, she can’t hide the proud figure that is far beyond the average woman. You believe me.” Feng Hua said quickly.


Everyone suddenly realized.

“What are you guys?” Feng Hua’s head was full of question marks, always feeling that these people didn’t think of any good things.

“It turns out that Feng Shaoguo has seen her figure long ago, let alone her, her appearance is a little ordinary, but her figure is really good, Feng Shaoguo is really smart!”

“Feng Shao’s realm is really not something I can compare to.”

“It looks the same when the lights are turned off, but the main thing is the figure.”

“Feng Shao is a sensible person.”

Everyone kept Feng Hua speechless.


Feng Hua was about to collapse. He didn’t expect that no one would believe what he said.

“Okay, don’t be embarrassed, I want to find a woman, and I won’t find it too late after this incident.” Feng Quan has a headache, but after all, he is his own son, so he doesn’t want to continue to scold Feng Hua in front of everyone. Then the voice said.

“…” Feng Hua.

He looked ugly, walked up to Zuo Tianliehua without a glance, drew out the long sword, and said coldly: “Whether you are an intruder or not, I will kill you now to avoid everyone’s misunderstanding.”

“If it is not, I will apologize to you, if it is, that’s right.”

Everyone couldn’t help being surprised, staring at Feng Hua with wide-eyed eyes.

This guy is a cruel man!

An innocent person is killed if he says to kill, just to prove his innocence.

Many people raised their eyebrows and showed a look of interest. They were all going to leave, but at this time they all stayed.

“Feng, Feng Shao…I’m really not an intruder, I, I…” Zuo Tian Liehua was terrified on the surface, but cursed her mother in her heart.

This is truly a disaster!

Originally all escaped, but because of his figure, Feng Hua discovered the problem.

The subsequent development even caught her off guard, because of other people’s ridicule, Feng Hua actually wanted to kill her to prove her innocence.

What kind of robber logic is this MMP!

Her whole body was tense, and the corner of her eye couldn’t help but glance at Wang Teng.

If Feng Hua really wanted to kill her, she would definitely not sit still.

“I said, if I kill the wrong person, I will apologize to you.” Feng Hua’s face was cold, with a lofty appearance, and she was sentenced to death.

When Feng Quan saw this scene, his eyes were filled with satisfaction.

Worthy of being his son.

Be decisive and use the simplest method to prove your innocence.

It seems that I did misunderstand him just now.

Feng Hua didn’t talk any more nonsense, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a sword pierced towards Zuo Tian Liehua’s heart.

If this sword is pierced, Zuo Tian Liehua will undoubtedly die.

But Zuo Tianliehua was already ready to dodge. At this time, seeing Feng Hua really determined to kill her, regardless of whether she would be discovered or not, what consequences would be after she was discovered, it was important to live first!

So, almost at the moment when Feng Hua took the sword, Zuo Tianlie moved.

She retreated suddenly, her body slightly to the side, and directly avoided Feng Hua’s sudden stabbing blow.

Then his right hand became claws and grabbed Feng Hua’s neck directly.

“You really have a problem!”

Feng Hua was not surprised and rejoiced, with a trace of triumphant triumph on his face, hahaha laughed.

When the war sword in his hand turned, he faced Zuo Tian Liehua’s hand.

Zuo Tianliehua’s complexion changed drastically.


At this time, Feng Quan also yelled suddenly.

Feng Hua’s expression suddenly changed when he heard the words. At the same time, he felt a violent wind hitting from the left side, and his eyes showed a look of horror.

I saw a figure flashing from the side and blasted towards Feng Hua with a punch.


Feng Hua didn’t have time to evade. The whole figure seemed to be hit by a truck weighing tens of tons and hit the rock wall severely.

The snow on the top slammed down, drowning Feng Hua in it.

This scene stunned everyone. The other truth cult cultists stared at Wang Teng who suddenly appeared next to Zuo Tian Liehua in amazement.


Feng Hua struggled to get up from the snow, but before he stood up, he squirted out a big mouthful of blood, his complexion instantly turned pale.

“Hey, he didn’t die!”

Wang Teng suddenly wailed, rather regretful.

Feng Hua’s face turned dark, his heart was raging, and he was half to death with anger.


Feng Quan was ugly, staring at Wang Teng coldly.

However, he did not attack Wang Teng the first time.

“Young man, don’t be so vicious in the future, otherwise you will be easily beaten to death” Wang Teng didn’t care, watching Feng Hua swallow a pill, and said lightly.

“You!” Feng Hua looked grim, panting like a cow.

“You’re the intruder!” Feng Quan pressed Feng Hua’s shoulders to prevent him from impulsively, and looked at Wang Teng with his eyes slightly narrowed, and said in a very affirmative cold voice.

“What about it, so what about it?” Wang Teng said.

“No matter who you are, if you dare to hurt my son, you don’t want to leave here alive today.” Feng Quan’s voice was full of murderous intent and said Binghan.

“Haha, it depends on whether you have this ability.” Wang Teng smiled coldly.

“act recklessly!”

Feng Quan snorted coldly and shouted:

“Enclose them for me!”

“Notify the Pope immediately!”

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