Chapter 705 You Can’t Run!

Zuo Tianliehua’s eyes widened, and he watched Wang Teng walk into the room where the Pope of Truth was.

She thought it was incredible. How dare this guy dare to fight the Pope of Truth’s idea?

【True·Bold JPG! 】

Seeing Wang Teng’s sneaky and sneaky appearance, she should have found it funny, but at this time she didn’t know why, and she couldn’t laugh at all.

Especially when she saw him walking directly to the Pope of Truth. When the two were less than one meter apart, her whole body became tense, her heart throbbing, and she felt extremely horrified.

What does that guy want to do? ?

Zuo Tianliehua is about to jump up, so close, for fear that he won’t be discovered.

To die to die to die…

At this time, Wang Teng had arrived next to the dormant pod where the Pope of Truth was, and was looking at him curiously.

I have to say that this guy is a bold person.

Being so close, I didn’t worry that the other party would wake up suddenly.

It was also thanks to him that he was extremely confident in his own method of hiding, changing himself, facing the top warlord-level powerhouse, he would not dare to approach within a hundred meters.

“It’s so close, why don’t you attack directly?” At this moment, Wang Teng touched his chin, poking inwardly.

But he soon discovered that this method didn’t work.

The dormant cabin is very hard. I don’t know what material it is used for.

And once he launches an attack, he will surely awaken the Pope of Truth.

I am afraid this is why the other party is not afraid of accidents.

After all, there are still layers of defense outside, and this dormant cabin is extremely defensive. If you practice inside, you don’t have to worry about safety at all.

Wang Teng had to give up the sneak attack.


Wang Teng shook his head secretly and continued to observe.

If you want a yin person, you have to observe carefully, act boldly, and act quickly and ruthlessly…

“Huh!” Suddenly, when he saw a familiar item, he couldn’t help but whispered.

It turns out that the dormant cabin is only semi-transparent, and you can’t see it from most of the body below, but after changing the angle, you can still see some.

The Pope of Truth placed his hands on his lower abdomen, holding the same object in both hands!

That is… a crystal skull! ! !

How does this make Wang Teng unfamiliar.

He also has a crystal skull like this!

And now, the second one is seen in the hands of the Pope of Truth.

This is really… unexpected joy!

The crystal skull has the effect of nourishing and enhancing mental power, and it is suspected that there is a fragment of a star map in it!

He is bound to get this thing.

Even if it is in the hands of the so-called Pope of Truth, he has to grab it.

Wang Teng’s eyes narrowed, emitting a dangerous light.

He observed more closely.

It was soon discovered that the dormant cabin was not without weakness, its interior was filled with some unknown liquid, and these liquids must pass through a certain infusion port to enter the cabin.

The corner of Wang Teng’s mouth suddenly showed a curve, and his eyes fell on the junction between the infusion port and the outside.

The wisps of poison force spread out, and penetrated in through the tiny gap.

Obviously, Wang Teng, a shameless fellow, is going to poison people!

The poison is peculiar to the demon lotus venom!

And as soon as he succeeded, he immediately escaped.

call out!

Suddenly, Wang Teng also retreated from the room and hurriedly said, “Go! Go!”

Zuo Tian Liehua didn’t even ask, turned around and ran, returning on the same path, not much slower than Wang Teng.

This woman is capable of lurking in places like the truth teaching for more than a year and surviving.

At least this means of escape is not bad at all!


At this moment, the Pope of Truth, who seemed to fall asleep, suddenly opened his eyes, his expression changed, his expression was very ugly, and he shouted loudly.

“Fuck, I woke up so soon!” Wang Teng was taken aback.

The Pope of Truth was really strong. As soon as the poison of the demon lotus poison invaded, he discovered the abnormality and immediately woke up.

Zuo Tian Liehua and Wang Teng both immediately increased their speed and rushed towards the hall where they had come.

“What the hell did you do? Woke him up!” Zuo Tian Liehua asked with a black face as she ran.

This guy is so uncomfortable!

“It’s nothing, just add some nutrient solution to his dormant cabin.” Wang Teng said nonsense.

“…” Zuo Tian Liehua was almost crazy.

Shentemo nutrient solution!

Do you think I will believe your nonsense?

At this time, this bastard still wants to fool her.

Zuo Tian Liehua was shocked: “Wait, you won’t poison him?!”

“Hey, you are not stupid.” Wang Teng said.

Although he knew that Wang Teng hadn’t done anything good, but really learned that he actually poisoned the Pope of Truth, Zuo Tian Liehua still deeply felt Wang Teng’s insidious damage.

This guy is really not a good thing.

“What kind of eyes are you, soldiers are not tired of deceiving or understanding, regardless of black cats and white cats, those who can catch mice are good cats.” Wang Teng felt insulted and said furiously.

“Yes, yes, you are a good cat.” Zuo Tianliehua was speechless, this guy was concerned about whether his focus was a bit crooked, and when he was still caring about this kind of thing.

“…You are a cat, and your whole family is a cat!” Wang Teng frowned.

“Since you dare to poison, what are you going to run? You can just get it with hard steel.” Zuo Tianliehua said in a bad mood.

“What do you know, before you kill a mouse, you have to make it jump and jump, so that the toxin of rat poison can spread faster in its body.” Wang Teng said without changing his face.

“You guy, actually treat the Pope Truth as a mouse!” Zuo Tian Liehua didn’t know what to say.

It’s a long story, but in fact it took a few short breaths. At this time, the two of them had already ran to the previous hall and were about to run towards the passage leading to the ground.

The Pope of Truth finally stepped out of the dormant cabin, which was originally filled with liquid. When it came out, the liquid had to be cleaned up before the cabin door would open, so it took a while.

After all, this dormant capsule is a product of alien civilization. Because of language and cultural barriers, even if the Pope of Truth has obtained this spaceship for some time, he has not fully grasped the opposite.

For example, he only mastered simple usage of this dormant cabin, but he wanted to open it urgently from the inside, but he could not do it, otherwise the speed would be faster.

But he was not in a hurry. From his point of view, since the little mouse sneaked in and used the poisoning method, his strength is definitely not very good. He is not worried about being run away by the other party and opens. At this time in the dormant cabin, the opponent couldn’t escape his palm.

The irony is that both Wang Teng and the Pope of Truth regard each other as rats, and they don’t know who is the rat in the end.

The Pope of Truth stepped out of the dormant cabin, and then disappeared in place, and a cold voice slowly came out:

“You can’t run away!”

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