Chapter 706 You are… so strong!

The voice of the Pope of Truth was cold and indifferent, with a trace of killing intent as if it were substantive, coming from behind.

There seemed to be a hint of anger in the voice.

Being infiltrated into his core secret, and even poisoning him by his side, this is simply a malicious provocation.

That little mouse that sneaked in, damn it!

“It’s over!”

Zuo Tian Liehua shuddered when she heard this voice. She had been lurking in the truth sect for more than a year, and she was familiar with the name of the pope and could no longer be familiar with it.

In the eyes of all truth cult cultists, the Pope is a ruthless character. Every enemy that falls into his hands will have no good end. Anyone who opposes him will die extremely miserably.

Once there was a bishop who instigated some cultists to apostasy and wanted to start anew. As a result, they all underestimated the strength of the pope.

In the end, those apostates were tortured for three full days and three nights, still in front of everyone. At that time, the entire Shinrikyo cult members were frightened, respectful and afraid of the pope.

“Go, don’t be overtaken, or you will die.” Zuo Tianliehua said anxiously.

Although Wang Teng was not afraid to fight the pope head-on, he didn’t know how the formation was arranged outside, so he didn’t want to collide with him so quickly.

But things backfired…


There was a roar behind him, and a fierce force swept like a wave.

The Pope of Truth appeared, with a palm print on Wang Teng’s back.

“Grandma’s legs, I really think I’m afraid you won’t make it.” Wang Teng suddenly turned around and greeted him with a punch.

However, as soon as he punched, he suddenly remembered something, and immediately regained his strength.


A fist and a palm crashed into each other, and Wang Teng was slammed into the air, and his body was in the air, suddenly spouting a mouthful of blood.

“You… are so strong!”

He pointed to the Pope Truth with difficulty, and spoke with a hoarse voice.

“Hmph, dare to be presumptuous in front of this seat, today you will undoubtedly die!” The Pope of Truth stood with his hand in his hand and snorted coldly.

If it is someone who is very familiar with Wang Teng, such a flamboyant performance has long been seen through, but the Pope of Truth is not familiar with Wang Teng at all, so naturally he can’t see much.

At this moment, Wang Teng rushed towards the entrance of the passage quickly with his momentum.

And just now, Zuo Tian Liehua had already rushed out of the passageway, running faster than Wang Teng.

“Want to run!” The Pope of Truth seemed to feel that Wang Teng’s strength was no more than 11-star warlord level. He didn’t care too much, smiled contemptuously, and followed him unhurriedly.

However, when he came outside, his complexion suddenly became stiff, and then slowly became gloomy.

“Damn it, dare to fool me!”

As he walked out, the cultists around were shocked and knelt down one after another: “See the Pope!”

“Someone has invaded, block all the passages for me, search for intruders!” The Pope of Truth said coldly.

The cultists around were shocked, and someone invaded, but they didn’t notice it at all.


Everyone responded in unison.

Then they all started to take action. The whole truth sect was like a huge machine. At this moment, many cultists were used as gears, and it started to move quickly.

Every large force cannot be ignored.

The Shinrikyo Sect has existed for so many years, and it has been operating in an orderly manner.

When every cultist joined the search army, some clues were still discovered.

Hong Peng’s disappearance, and the real Yao Ji who was tied up by the five flowers and tucked naked under Zuo Tianlie’s flower bed.

Yao Ji was taken out. At this time, his nose and face were swollen and his body was naked. He was kicked down by a cultist and knelt down in front of the Pope.

“…” Seeing his appearance, the Pope of Truth couldn’t help being taken aback, and then asked indifferently: “Who made you like this?”

“The Muslim Pope, I… I don’t know.” Yao Ji said tremblingly: “The man attacked me from behind. I didn’t see him clearly.”

The Pope of Truth frowned.

He felt it was a waste.

“Then why are you in Ma Feifei’s room?” At this moment, a person next to him asked.

This person is impressively Feng Quan at the bishop level.

“I, I…” Yao Ji’s face changed slightly, stammering, speechless.

Can’t you say that you are stealing Ma Feifei’s personal belongings? How does this make him speak?

“Trash!” The Pope of Truth said coldly.


Suddenly, Yao Ji’s eyes widened, a blood stain appeared on his neck, blood spurted out, and his body fell weakly.

When his consciousness plunged into darkness, a trace of regret appeared in his heart.

I knew I shouldn’t steal something…

Yao Ji never thought that he would die because of it. He felt that he died too unjustly!

But in front of the Pope of Truth, a cultist who said to kill would kill him, it was no different from pinching a chicken to death.

“Have you found that Mafifi?” Pope Truth asked again.

“No, he seems to have disappeared.” A Bishop of Truth replied.

“This Mafifi is very likely to be related to the invaders. I sensed that there were two invaders at that time. Look for them again. If you can’t find them, please come to see me.” Pope Truth said coldly.

“Yes!” everyone felt tight and responded quickly.

Then there was another tumultuous jump, and all the cultists were searching for Wang Teng and Ma Feifei, who was also Zuo Tian Liehua’s figure.

At this time, the two of them avoided a search team and hid in an abandoned cave. Zuo Tianliehua couldn’t help complaining: “You killed me. Now I have completely exposed.”

“It’s up to me, you were discovered by yourself.” Wang Teng refused to admit it, and said, “That Yao Ji is your diehard fan. The one who wanted to steal from you, was discovered by me, so he was stunned. Go under the bed, you have to thank me.”

“…You call this a diehard fan?” Zuo Tian Liehua said silently.

That’s a dead pervert at all.

She was suddenly a little grateful, because she usually lied to Hong Peng and Murongshan. The things in her room were stolen from other people, not her own personal belongings, otherwise…

Just thinking about what Yao Ji did, she couldn’t help but feel a chill.

too frightening!

That damn change too!

“But… who are you?” Zuo Tianliehua took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice.

“Does it matter who I am?” Wang Teng asked, “Anyway, the fire of your soul is on me, so don’t think about it, but pray that I can take you out.”

“Hmph, if it weren’t for you, how could we have fallen into such an awkward situation.” Zuo Tianliehua coldly snorted.

“Hey, it’s not that you can’t get out. What are you afraid of.” Wang Teng said heartlessly: “Besides, it’s not difficult to want to go out. I’ll find two cultists, who will become like them, and then mix up. go out.”

“It seems that this can only be done.” Zuo Tianliehua nodded.

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