Chapter 704 This little thing looks so unique!

On the stone steps leading to the underground, Wang Teng and Zuo Tian Liehua finally came to an end.

A beam of light came.

The two cautiously came to the entrance of the passage, but what appeared in front of them was not some underground space, but a luminous circular light curtain.

This light curtain is formed entirely of white light and looks like a mirror.

Wang Teng and Zuo Tian Liehua looked at each other, they didn’t expect such a situation before them.

This is a bit unexpected.

“What to do?” Zuo Tianliehua couldn’t help asking.

“Don’t worry.”

With a move in Wang Teng’s heart, a ray of mental power was separated, stretched forward, and began to slowly touch the circular light curtain.

He is ready to leave immediately if something goes wrong.

Even to be on the safe side, he would directly cut off that strand of mental power, anyway, the loss was nothing, his mental power was too much.

This is not counseling, just a strategic retreat!

That mental power slowly stretched into the light curtain like tentacles, and Zuo Tian Liehua became nervous along with her, her whole body tense, as if she was extremely worried that the Pope of Truth would suddenly jump out of it.

However, nothing happened.

Everything is calm.

Wang Teng also perceives some of the conditions inside through his mental power. There is no sign of life at all, and it seems that no one exists.

“Is it because I think too much?”

Wang Teng muttered to himself, and he only hesitated for a while before planning to enter it.

“Let’s go, there should be no danger.” Wang Teng said.

“Should?” Zuo Tianliehua’s complexion turned dark.

Can you not say such irresponsible things, big brother!

But Wang Teng ignored her at all, he had already stepped straight into that light curtain.

Zuo Tian Liehua gritted her teeth, glanced at the empty passage behind her, and quickly followed.

She only felt a blur in front of her eyes, and then stepped into a circular passage, and Wang Teng was not far in front of her.

“Keep up!”

Wang Teng’s voice came to her ears.

The two of them walked along the circular passage for about ten meters, and a silver hall appeared in front of them.

This hall is extremely sci-fi, the whole is silver-white, the top of the head is semicircular, and the surroundings are made of unknown metal, so no cracks can be seen.

A ray of light projected from the top of the head, making the whole hall look like a dream.

“Where is this place? The so-called alien spacecraft is not a lie to you, right?” Zuo Tianlie Hua looked around and said with some uncertainty.

“If I guessed correctly, this may be inside the spacecraft.” Wang Teng said thoughtfully.

“Huh??” Zuo Tianliehua was taken aback: “Then the Pope of Truth is here, is it really okay for us to walk in like this?”

Wang Teng’s complexion was also a little uncertain, and he groaned for a while, and said: “Wealth and wealth are in danger. This is an alien spacecraft. It is necessary to take some risks.”

Zuo Tianliehua’s complexion suddenly changed, and she knew that Wang Teng would not leave so easily.

The hall was quiet. Wang Teng looked around and didn’t seem to see the passage to other places.

He directly turned on [Essence Pupil] and scanned around.

Soon he saw two passages, hidden behind the two silver portals, but the surrounding walls seemed to use a certain special technique, which was almost seamless, so it was invisible to the naked eye.

At this moment, Wang Teng suddenly felt that this [Essential Pupil] was really easy to use, brighter than the legendary 23K titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

“Go here!” Wang Teng said.

Zuo Tianlie was shocked, did he find something?

Without saying much, she hurriedly followed.

Wang Teng went straight to somewhere on the left side of the hall, fumbled for a while on the wall, and suddenly an electronic screen appeared on the wall.

With just a light touch, a door slowly pushed aside.

A passage made of unknown alloy appeared in front of them.

The two walked through the passage and saw several rooms. Sleeping cabins were traversing across them. In the sleeping cabins, several strange creatures were sleeping with their eyes closed.

Wang Teng and Zuo Tianliehua were slightly surprised.

This is… an alien? ! !

I saw that the creatures in the dormant cabins were really very abstract, each with a sharp-mouthed monkey gill, which looked a bit like monkeys on the earth and stars.

But there are obvious differences. They have large and deep eye sockets, large foreheads, and no hair on their bodies. Instead, they are covered with a part of the scales…

This little thing looks so chic!

Obviously they are not intelligent species on the earth and the stars.

“These…” Zuo Tianliehua asked in shock, pointing to the creature inside.

“It should be an alien creature.” Wang Teng replied, no longer paying attention, and continued to go inside.

Soon they came to a room at the end, where they saw an unexpected person.

That’s right, it’s human!

A middle-aged man in his thirties, with a majestic face, long black hair with a shawl, and a purple robe, looks extraordinary.

But in Wang Teng’s view, this is a pretense!

This person, like the alien creatures in front, fell into a deep sleep, and was lying in a huge dormant cabin at this time.

“It’s the Pope of Truth!” Zuo Tianliehua said in surprise.

Wang Teng ignored her, he naturally guessed that this person was probably the Pope of Truth, so he was not too surprised.

What made him pay more attention was the attribute bubbles on the ground.

Pick it up!

【Golden Force*320】

【Star Force (Gold Series)*10】

【Star Force (Gold Series)*12】

【Golden Force*450】

【Star Force (Gold Series)*15】

【Star Force (Gold Series)*8】

【Wang Jing Spirit*50】

【Wang Jing Spirit*65】

【Wang Jing Spirit*48】

“This is… the force of the golden stars!!” Wang Teng’s heart moved, and an incredible thought suddenly popped up.

Does the Pope of Truth have mastered the transformation method of the Star Force? ?

Otherwise, why are there so many Star Force attribute bubbles around his body, and there are also ordinary Gold Force attribute bubbles.

There is only one possibility, and that is that he is transforming the original force.

That’s why there is a situation where both forces are leaking out.

Wang Teng took a deep breath, feeling a bit tricky. If the Pope of Truth really mastered the method of transforming the Star Force, then his strength is worth studying.

After all, it is rumored that his strength is already at the top warlord level, and if the transformation of the Star Force is completed, it is very likely to set foot in a higher field.

Moreover, Wang Teng also noticed that the opponent’s mental power had reached the king state, which was definitely a very powerful existence in the existence of the general level.

“You are waiting for me here.” Wang Teng said suddenly. He looked at the sleeping Pope of Truth and decided what to do.

He can’t be allowed to grow like this, otherwise no one knows how far he will reach.

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