Chapter 699 It’s Not Easy to Endure Until Now!

Beyond the belly of the snow-capped mountains.

The sky was already dark, Zhou Xuanwu and Xiao Nanfeng each sat cross-legged on a frozen stone, waiting for Wang Teng to return.

Around them, there were a few array mages who were muttering, their complexions a little bit unpleasant.

This place was terribly cold, and the biting chill directly penetrated into the body, as if even the blood was about to be frozen.

Even if it is a warrior, the body can’t stand it for a long time.

And these Array Masters are not warriors whose main body is the main body. After waiting here for a whole day, naturally they can’t stand it anymore.

But due to Wang Teng’s identity, they dare not say anything, they can only mutter and vent their dissatisfaction there.

Xiao Nanfeng and Zhou Xuanwu naturally saw this scene.

“Why isn’t Wang Teng coming back?” Xiao Nanfeng frowned.

“Did it be delayed by something?” Zhou Xuanwu was also a little uncertain, hesitating.

“I won’t get caught!” Xiao Nanfeng said.

“It should be impossible. With Wang Teng’s strength, there is no one in the truth sect who can catch him, not to mention that if a fight breaks out, we should have noticed it.” Zhou Xuanwu said.

“That’s fun.” Xiao Nanfeng took a deep breath and said helplessly.

“Have you played?” Zhou Xuanwu was surprised, really wondering if he had heard it wrong.

At this moment, there was a trace of vibration from the communication watch in the hands of the two.

“Wang Teng!”

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there!

Seeing the caller’s name displayed on the watch, they looked at each other and immediately connected.

“Wang Teng, why have you been there for so long without any information? So many of us are waiting for you, do you still have a bit of an overall view?” As soon as the connection was made, Xiao Nanfeng asked with a head and face.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I found some interesting things, and I forgot the time by accident.” Wang Teng didn’t care, and said with a smile.

Zhou Xuanwu: “…”

This kid is really playing!

Xiao Nanfeng looked to him with an expression that I had guessed right.

“By the way, I have already determined that this is indeed the nest of the truth sect, you can start to arrange the formation.” Wang Teng’s voice came from the watch again.

When the two heard this, their expressions instantly condensed.

“Wang Teng, won’t you come back to preside over the arrangement of the big formation?” Zhou Xuanwu asked immediately.

“I haven’t finished dealing with the matter here. Let the formation mages go and do it. I have already told them what I should tell them. If this is not done well, then these formation mages should go home and eat shit.” Wang Teng said unceremoniously.

His voice came directly from the watch, making the faces of the surrounding array mage suddenly black.

MMP looks down on people too much!

However, they did not dare to refute. At the time of the previous discussion, Wang Teng’s formation skills had already impressed them deeply. Although he didn’t speak well, his strength really surpassed all the formation mages present.

If you have the strength, then it’s not just forcing it, it’s really awesome!

Not convinced!

“Okay, that’s it. After the formation is set up, I will shut it down last. Let’s do this first, I still have important things.” Wang Teng said, he had already closed the communication directly.

Xiao Nanfeng and Zhou Xuanwu were depressed. They wanted to say something, but now they are all stuck in their throats.

This guy is so disgusting!

Zhou Xuanwu cooperated with Wang Teng for the first time. At this time, he deeply felt the kind of helplessness and depression, but he couldn’t do anything about it.

Zhou Xuanwu’s expression was a little weird. He glanced at Xiao Nanfeng and saw that although he was also very depressed, but he was a commonplace appearance, he suddenly felt a little admiration.

It’s not easy to be able to bear it until now!

“It’s good to get used to it.” Xiao Nanfeng’s complexion has returned to plain, and when he saw Zhou Xuanwu’s gaze, he said lightly.

Zhou Xuanwu shook his head, looked at the array mage around him, and said, “Everyone has something to eat, so let’s start arranging the array.”


When the surrounding mages heard the words, they all responded.

At the same time, within the belly of the snow-capped mountains.

Zuo Tian Liehua took Wang Teng to the outside of a secluded cave.

After many years of excavation in the mountain’s hinterland, it has been extended in all directions. I don’t know how many remote caves like this one are.

After Zuo Tian Liehua took Wang Teng to the depths, she suddenly stopped.

Just now, Wang Teng’s conversation with the outside world did not avoid her, so she heard a lot of things that shouldn’t be heard. At this moment, she couldn’t calm down and was shaken.

“Wang Teng! This is his real name, this guy is not Yao Ji at all!”

“Who is he?”

“Just now he let the outsiders line up. It can be seen that he is not alone, and there are outsiders to take him.”

“But what do they set up their formations for?”

“Could it be… hiss!”

Zuo Tianliehua became more and more shocked as she thought about it, and couldn’t help but breathe in her heart.

She is an extremely smart person. Although the conversation between Wang Teng and the outside world did not reveal much, she has already guessed their purpose from those few words.

This time, the truth sect is probably a pill!

Wang Teng saw Zuo Tian Liehua’s blinking eyes and knew that the conversation just now must have made her guess something, but he didn’t care too much.

Zuo Tianliehua’s soul fire is already in his hands, and this woman can’t make waves anymore.

“Arrived?” At this moment, he spoke lightly, his eyes swept around.

With just a glance, I discovered the unusualness of this place.

A hole concealed by the formation is hidden in the corner, and it looks no different from the surrounding ground, but there is a passage underneath it.

“Here, here is the secret road I secretly dug, which leads to the belly of the third snow-capped mountain, where is the true core of the Shinrikyo Sect.” Zuo Tianliehua took a deep breath and said.

She stepped forward, opened the formation restriction, lifted a stone slab on the ground, and signaled Wang Teng to follow.

The two entered the secret road and walked for about ten minutes. Zuo Tian Liehua stopped again and said in a low voice: “The third snow mountain is in front of the hillside. The guard inside is heavily guarded. We believers can’t usually get in. It’s miserable if you get caught.”

Wang Teng’s mental power quietly spread out, sweeping the space in front of him, and he really sensed the existence of many living entities.

And two of them are very close to them.

Wang Teng immediately turned on the [Essential Pupils], and immediately saw two cultists who were wearing black uniforms and wrapped in black robes all over their bodies, including their heads.

They got closer and closer until they finally reached the cave where the two of Wang Teng were. Then they opened the zipper on the trousers and prepared to hush…

“You are waiting for me here” Wang Teng looked weird, said to Zuo Tian Liehua, and disappeared.

“Where are you going?” Zuo Tianliehua was shocked, and just reminded Wang Teng that the guards here are tight and don’t act rashly. As a result, he just ran out.

This guy is too reckless.

If found, both of them will have to die.

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