Chapter 698


Hong Peng wanted to cry without tears. What could he do when he encountered such a cruel person? He was also desperate!

I knew I wouldn’t wake up so early.

Hearing things that shouldn’t be heard, it’s all right now, one foot has stepped into the ghost gate, and if you don’t beg for mercy, the other foot will soon go in.

Curiosity killed the cat, he is now the poor little cat!

Except for being a bit big, everything else is fine.

“Although I am very satisfied with your attitude, but…” Wang Teng said and paused.

Hong Peng raised his whole heart, “but” there is absolutely nothing good after the word.

Sure enough, I only heard Wang Teng speak, “But…I don’t want to let you go, so I’d better ask you to die. After all, only dead people can’t speak.”

When he said that, he planned to do it, and completely ended him.

“Wait! Wait!” Hong Peng cried out in amazement.

Wang Teng did not intend to stop.

“I know a secret that Ma Feifei doesn’t know. That’s the core secret of the truth sect.” Hong Peng saw the bricks swung down with violent force, knowing that if he was hit, he would surely break his head and die. , Immediately ignoring the others, hurriedly shouted.

“Oh?” Wang Teng’s hand stopped abruptly, and stopped on Hong Peng’s head, only a finger away.

Hong Peng was in a cold sweat with fright, and he kept breathing heavily.

Zuo Tianliehua’s complexion changed.

Hong Peng actually knew a secret she didn’t know? ?

This is undoubtedly reducing her role.

If what Hong Peng said is true, then her value is much lower. Will the ‘Yao Ji’ in front of her still keep her?

Zuo Tian Liehua is an extremely smart person. Smart people always think a lot. She seems to have seen Wang Teng abandon her.

At this moment, she looked at Hong Peng’s gaze, full of killing intent.

“The core secret!” Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, with a look of interest on his face.

“Yes, it is definitely the core secret.” Seeing this, Hong Peng couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, as a drop of cold sweat slipped from his forehead.

Finally saved a little life.

“Since it is such an important secret, just to be on the safe side…” Wang Teng spoke slowly, flashing a strange red light in his eyes.

An ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Hong Peng’s heart.

“Come, look into my eyes.” Wang Teng said.

“No, I will tell the truth…” Hong Peng looked horrified.

He felt that he was wronged, and he had already decided to tell the truth. Why did he treat him this way? ?

However, Wang Teng didn’t give him a chance to defend. His mental power surged, and the [Confusion] skill was activated, and Hong Peng’s consciousness was instantly controlled.

“Is this?” Zuo Tianlie frowned and his heart was pounding, and he had clearly recognized that this was the trick that made her start.

“Let’s talk about it, what’s the core secret?” Wang Teng said.

Hong Peng’s eyes were dull, and he slowly spoke:

“The Pope once intercepted an alien spacecraft, which he hid under the snow-capped mountains. The entire Shinrikyo Church does not know more than ten people.”

As soon as they finished speaking, the complexions of Wang Teng and Zuo Tianliehua suddenly changed.

“Alien spaceship!”

Wang Teng was surprised that the truth sect actually intercepted an alien spaceship?

real or fake?

But Hong Peng said this under [Confusion], so it is absolutely impossible to lie to him.

Zuo Tian Liehua was also shocked, and at the same time her heart became nervous.

She heard this secret, would’Yao Ji’ let her go? ?

She couldn’t be sure, she just felt that her mouth was so bitter, is she really going to die here today?

At this moment, Wang Teng suddenly turned his head to look at her, smiled and said, “You seem to be afraid of me.”

“No…no!” Zuo Tianlie said with a knotted mouth, trying to calm himself down.

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you.” Wang Teng said, “But you have to hand over the fire of your soul.”

“Okay, I’ll pay it!” Zuo Tianliehua said simply.

“…” The threatening words prepared in Wang Teng’s heart suddenly had nowhere to be placed, feeling a bit redundant.

I promised so simply!

When did this woman become so enlightened?

To know that the fire of the soul is the origin of a person, surrendering it is tantamount to surrendering your life to the hands of others.

Even so, Zuo Tian Liehua agreed, and he didn’t mess with it at all.

No matter how you look at it, I feel very abnormal.

“You don’t hesitate anymore?” Wang Teng asked suspiciously.

“…” Now it was Zuo Tian Liehua’s turn to be speechless.

Does this guy have a pit in his head?

At this point, she was too lazy to say something, closed her eyes, and quietly sensed the origin of the soul in her body.

After a while, a chaotic, flame-like substance floated from the center of her eyebrows.

Soul fire!

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and his mental strength rolled out, as if he opened his mouth wide and swallowed the soul fire, and then instantly retracted to the center of his eyebrows.

Now in his sea of ​​knowledge, there are already two groups of Soul Fire, one of which is from the Iron Armor Flame Scorpion, and this new group is from Zuo Tian Liehua.

As the soul fire was collected by Wang Teng, Zuo Tian Liehua trembled all over, her complexion became extremely pale, and she appeared extremely weak.

“Let’s go!”

When the matter was resolved, Wang Teng turned his head and was about to leave the stone room.

Suddenly remembered that Hong Peng was still alive.

A scroll of mental power invaded his sea of ​​consciousness and instantly wiped out his consciousness.

Several attribute bubbles fell on the ground, and he picked them up.

【Spirit of Spirit*210】

【Spiritual Comprehension*250】

【Golden Force*860】

【Knife Secrets *350】

“A 250-point comprehension, you are really a show!” Wang Teng shook his head, his expression a little weird.

Then he looked at the tactics on the property panel!

[Knife tactics]: 260500 (proficient)

After he was promoted to proficient, Wang Teng felt that he had a deeper grasp of this access control method, and a sharp blade flashed between his eyes.

Just by reaching the proficiency stage, he felt that if he used his sword technique, he would at least be able to exert his power twice.

In other words, he will get a double bonus.

This access control method is really interesting!

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and he didn’t understand. Where did the truth teach this profound forbidden method?

Even if it is as strong as Xia Guo, there is not necessarily such a thing.

Dealing with Hong Peng mercilessly, Wang Teng threw his body into a space equipment, and then immediately walked out of Hong Peng’s room.

Zuo Tian Liehua took out another mask and put it on again, returning to her Ma Feifei appearance, following Wang Teng.

However, at this moment, Wang Teng suddenly stopped. Zuo Tianlie’s thoughts writhed in his mind. He didn’t know what he was thinking, and he didn’t pay attention for a while and ran directly into Wang Teng’s back.


Her figure is too plump, and this collision directly brings me fullness.

Well, it was Wang Teng who was “full of”!

He felt the soft touch, his face was weird, and he turned his head and said, “You have a good figure, you go ahead.”

“…Okay!” A hint of shame flashed in Zuo Tianlie’s eyes, but he dared not say anything to Wang Teng, and honestly walked ahead and led the way.

The two of them avoided everyone’s eyeliner, and walked quietly toward the depths of the mountain.

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