Chapter 700: People in the Laboratory and Attribute Bubbles

The two cultists were wrapped in black robes, with hideous masks on their faces. At this time, they left the hem of the robes, their legs opened, and a stream of water flew down.

“Pharaoh, why don’t you have any strength to pee? Is your kidney failure?” one of them said.

“Fart, Laozi’s kidneys are very good, and Yeyu ten daughters are not a problem.” The other person said angrily.

“Hehe, you’re afraid you are not dreaming.” The humanity in front.

“That’s better than you, how many split ends of your urine, don’t you have any points in your heart.” Another person said with a dark face.

“Nonsense, I’m fine, you know what a fart.”

“Made, you are really a talent.”

“To each other.”

The two of you come and go, talking and talking, shorting each other.

At this moment, they did not notice, a figure appeared silently behind them.

This person was Wang Teng, and he saw him with one hand, pushing their heads in the middle.


There was a dull sound, and the two of them had no time to react, their heads slammed into each other, and suddenly their eyes went dark, and they fell down.

“Zhen Te Niang are two wonderful works!”

Wang Teng naturally heard their conversation just now, and he was full of emotion, dragging their bodies back to the secret path before.

Seeing that he had just gone out for a while, Zuo Tianliehua dragged the two guards back, and suddenly opened her mouth in surprise.

How did this guy do it?

“Pick off their clothes and put on them, we will go in for a stroll.” Wang Teng said directly, regardless of what she was thinking.

At the same time, he had already moved his hand first, took off the clothing of a guard, and changed it to himself in twos or twos.

As a sneaker, Zuo Tian Liehua is no stranger to this kind of thing.

After a while, the two swaggered out of the secret passage.

It was just different from Wang Teng’s fearlessness, Zuo Tianliehua was uneasy in her heart, and her eyes under the mask couldn’t help sweeping around, for fear of being discovered.

“Calm down, just like you, it’s strange not to be suspected, because you have been lurking for so long, this psychological quality is not good.” Wang Teng said in an angry voice.

Zuo Tianliehua is very innocent. Although she has been lurking for a long time, she is sneaky. She has never walked outside with such a big fanfare!

Can this be the same?

Now they are in the core area of ​​Shinrikyo, with at least a hundred guards around them. If they are found, the picture must be very beautiful.

Zuo Tian Liehua didn’t dare to think anymore, she was afraid that she could not help running away, and now her legs were shaking a little, and everyone seemed to find that she was a thief.

“Can’t you change the way?” Zuo Tian Liehua said in a voice transmission.

“What better way do you have?” Wang Teng asked rhetorically.


Well, she didn’t.

Zuo Tianlie was speechless, so he could only follow along honestly.

She was supposed to lead the way, but now it was Wang Teng who walked in front and didn’t do anything, just wandering around with the guards.

After a while, he felt familiar with the surrounding environment.

The layout here is very different from the previous two snow-capped mountains. There is no living atmosphere here. They are all the same places as the laboratory. In particular, there are a few places where the guards pay special attention.

Wang Teng clearly noticed that there are people guarding the blind spots in those places at all times. Even if they walk away, some people will quickly pick them up. There will be no empty windows in the blind spots to avoid being sneaked in.

“This is a laboratory of Shinrikyo, they use people to do experiments.” Zuo Tian Liehua said.

“What experiment?” Wang Teng asked.

“Human experiments, they want to see higher-level cultivation methods from the microscopic level of the human body.” Zuo Tianliehua frowned and said: “In fact, many countries also have such experiments, but some are more humane and use Experiment with death sentence criminals.”

“And some are completely unscrupulous. Even the innocent is their goal, because everyone is different. In the eyes of those lunatic experts and professors, individual differences are the existence that cannot be ignored.”

“Human lives are in their eyes, just like ants on the ground, it’s not worth mentioning.”

Wang Teng nodded, his expression unchanged. When he learned that there were genetic warriors in the Bald Eagle Country, he knew that this kind of thing must exist.

“Go in and take a look.” Wang Teng said.

For this kind of experiment, he also wanted to see what was going on.

And he hasn’t forgotten that he once got the [Life Origin] from the genetic warrior, which is a good thing. If there are similar attribute bubbles in the laboratory of the truth sect, then it won’t be earned.

“How to get in?” Zuo Tianliehua was a little dazed. They are standing outside now, how can they have a chance to get in?

“Come with me!” Wang Teng transmitted the sound, and then took her to a dark corner. When no one was paying attention, the dark force surged, cast a hidden shadow secret technique, wrapped the two of them, and they disappeared completely. In the same place.

No one noticed that two people just disappeared like this.

“This is?” Zuo Tianliehua’s eyes widened, and her heart was full of incredible.

Without explanation, Wang Teng asked her to follow, avoiding the guards, and entering the passage leading to a certain laboratory.

“Be careful, there is a rune restriction here.” Zuo Tian Liehua reminded.

The so-called rune prohibition is actually a prohibition that uses runes to achieve a warning effect, which is a bit similar to an alarm device.

Wang Teng nodded, but his footsteps did not stop at all. At the same time, his mental power surged, and the rune restrictions around him lit up, but then it went dark again.

Zuo Tianliehua’s eyes widened, and he was shocked again.

If she read it right, those rune prohibitions were cracked in an instant.

How can this be?

But the facts were in front of her, she followed Wang Teng all the way, and those restrictions did not respond, and they were in vain.

“Who is he?” Zuo Tianlie murmured in her heart, shocked.

Even if Wang Teng was facing Yao Ji’s dwarf clown appearance at the moment, she felt that Wang Teng was very different.

Before long, as the two of them moved forward, a laboratory appeared in front of them, as if embedded in a stone wall. Through the glass wall, you can see that the inside is bright and bright. There are many large medical instruments. This kind of data flashed non-stop, and people in white coats shuttled among them, busy with something.

It is hard to imagine that such a highly modern laboratory exists in such a snowy mountain in another world far away from the earth and stars.

The truth sect must have spent countless manpower and financial resources to create such a laboratory.

It’s a pity that now it falls into the hands of Wang Teng, these places are probably not preserved.

Wang Teng swept his gaze to see the situation inside, only to see large cylindrical glass cabins neatly arranged in them.

And the cylindrical glass chamber was filled with unknown liquid, and people of different shapes and shapes floated smoothly in it. Among these people, there are men, women and children, and each of them has a lot of pipes in them. , Connected to the outside machine.

This picture is full of coldness, which makes people extremely uncomfortable.

It was like walking into a hospital morgue and seeing the corpses lying in it.

Zuo Tian Liehua frowned, her expression a little ugly, she saw a young human body, that pale body floating in the glass cabin, extremely pitiful.

Especially a little girl and a little boy, who are only four or five years old, with baby fat on their faces and cute looks, but at this time they are pale and closed their eyes, seeming to have lost signs of life.

Wang Teng turned on the pupils of Lingsight and found that these people had not completely died yet, and they still had weak life fluctuations.

The truth sect kept them in a glass cabin, like animals, for research.

His eyes were cold, and he added another charge to the truth.

These cultists, really damn it!

He took a deep breath, and then his eyes fell around the glass cabins, where many attribute bubbles floated quietly.

Pick it up!

Wang Teng’s mental power passed through the door of the laboratory, and the attribute bubbles passed through the glass wall of the laboratory and merged into his body.

【The Origin of Life*2】

【The Origin of Life*4】

【Medical Knowledge*350】

【Medical Knowledge*235】

【Star Force (Wood)*25】

【Star Force (Earth Series)*18】

【The Origin of Life*3】

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