Chapter 685 How innocent and brave a good boy was originally (4500 two in one)

The black giant ape was terrifying, and two huge fireballs rushed towards the Ironclad Scorpion and Xiao Bai like cannonballs.


There was a loud noise in the sky, the scorching heat of the fireball ignited all the surrounding trees, and the fire spread instantly.

“Mom, run!” The Iron Armored Flame Scorpion was horrified, screaming and running away quickly.

However, the speed of the fireball was extremely fast, and it came close in an instant.

The fireball smashed and landed less than three meters behind the armored flame scorpion and exploded. The entire body of the armored flame scorpion was blown up into the sky.

And another fireball chased Xiao Bai in the sky, whizzing past, causing waves of heat.


Xiao Bai let out an angry scream, turned his head back and ejected a group of blue-black flames, hitting the fireball.


The blue-black flame collided with the fireball, suddenly making a loud noise, and the aftermath of the explosion rolled around.

The large flames formed instantly rushed towards Xiaobai.

The strength of the two is too different, one is not at the lord level, and the other is already at the middle lord level, Xiao Bai is not an opponent of the black giant ape at all.

“Not good!” Seeing this scene, the Iron Armored Flame Scorpion sank in his heart, rolled over his body, stabilized in midair, and then rushed towards Xiao Bai’s direction.

“This little crow can’t fight a hard fight. If you have a long and two shortcomings, I can’t explain to that evil star.”

The armored flame scorpion rushed away quickly, but it was too late. With a bang, the flame completely submerged Xiao Bai’s figure.

“It’s over, it’s over, it’s dead now.”

The iron armored flame scorpion trembled in his heart, and an annoyed color appeared in his eyes. If he knew that he shouldn’t provoke this blasting giant ape, this time it was a kick to the iron plate.


The Explosive Great Ape was so excited to see an intruder killed by himself, he couldn’t help but let out a loud roar.

“It’s noisy!”

However, at this moment, a flat voice suddenly sounded, directly overshadowing the huge roar.

There was a moment of silence all around.

The iron armored flame scorpion trembled all over, the voice was so familiar, it couldn’t be forgotten even to death.

It’s that person!

That evil star!

He actually appeared here? !

The Explosive Great Ape opened its mouth wide, and its roar stuck in its throat, so that it was interrupted in the middle, making it uncomfortable to vomit blood.

However, the Explosive Great Ape was already at the middle lord level, and its wisdom was no less than that of humans.

Just relying on the sound just overshadowing its roar, the Explosive Great Ape guessed that the strength of the incoming person is definitely very strong.

At this moment, its eyes immediately showed a vigilant color, looking at the flames sweeping across the sky.

At this moment, a group of blue light burst out from the crimson flames, and then the crimson flames seemed to be swallowed by something, shrinking inward continuously.

“Sapphire Liuliyan!”

Ironclad Flame Scorpion’s heart shook, and finally he was sure that the evil star had come.

The Explosive Great Ape was also shocked, his eyes staring at the sky.

In just a few breaths, those scarlet flames were swallowed up, finally revealing the figure of a young man.

In addition, the unruly crow hovered at his feet very honestly at this moment.

In the palm of the young man, an inconspicuous cyan flame floated quietly.

But the Explosive Great Ape clearly saw that it was this group of cyan flames that swallowed all its violent flames.

“What kind of flame is that?” The Explosive Great Ape was shocked and uncertain.

It looked at the human being, and then realized that it couldn’t see through the other person, and it was incredible in its heart.

“It’s so fun!”

At this time, a voice came from the young man’s mouth.

His gaze fell directly on the Iron Armored Flame Scorpion below, and there was a trace of joking in his eyes.

The armored fire scorpion suddenly felt a chill from its tail to the skull, and subconsciously took a step back, and said, “I think this may be a bit misunderstanding. I just brought it out for fun, just for fun.”

“Quack…(It brought me out and almost killed the baby.)” Xiaobai suddenly screamed.

Wang Teng understood in seconds, his eyes became more and more dangerous to the Ironclad Flame Scorpion!

This guy has a bad kid!

“Damn, you are framing me, you are not welcome when you take the elixir.” Seeing that the armored flame scorpion was dismantled, he immediately yelled in anger.

“Quack… (You eat the most, you grab me every time.)” Xiaobai quacked.

“You spray the scorpion with blood, I am not, I don’t.” The armored flame scorpion was furious, staring at his small eyes, as if he was greatly wronged.

“Quack… (It’s you, I still don’t admit it.)”

“Fart, you are obviously the one who eats the most.”

“Quack… (It’s you, it’s you.)”


Facing the rogue Xiaobai, the Ironclad Flame Scorpion had a hard time arguing, but it was a little crow who couldn’t speak noisily.

Wang Teng looked weird, and the two guys actually quarreled in front of him.

Moreover, Xiao Bai couldn’t even speak, and could quarrel well with the Ironclad Scorpion. Wang Teng felt that he was really upright.


Seeing that he was actually being ignored, the Explosive Great Ape on the side was furious, and let out a roar to the sky.

“Human, get out of my territory.”

The roar shook the sky, and the sound waves rolled.

At the same time, its palm ignited a raging flame and shot down towards Wang Teng.


“court death!”

Wang Teng narrowed his eyes and watched the giant palm fall, but he didn’t move at all.

“What is this evil star doing? Are you frightened? It’s over, I’m afraid he is not the opponent of this big stupid ape.” The Iron Armored Flame Scorpion screamed in his heart, his body retreated, and he was ready to drive away.

It has no loyalty to Wang Teng.

But after another thought, its soul origin was still in Wang Teng’s hands, and if Wang Teng died, it would not survive.

At this moment, the face of the Ironclad Scorpion was green.

When the Explosive Great Ape saw Wang Teng motionless, he couldn’t help showing a hideous look on his huge hairy face.

It has just been frightened by this human being who is strong in the outside world!

It’s a shame.

“go to hell!”

The roar of the Explosive Great Ape shook the sky, and a palm that looked like a mountain was pressed down, trying to crush Wang Teng into fleshy flesh.

At this moment, Wang Teng unhurriedly blasted out a punch.


The terrifying force gushes out, as if a huge wave rushes into the sky, and blasts toward the blasting giant ape.


The next moment, the palm of the Explosive Great Ape burst open, and then its entire arm, instantly shattered under the tremendous force, turning into a rain of blood and falling.


The Explosive Great Ape roared in agony, and his huge body kept moving backwards driven by the force of terror, staggering a few times, and smashing into countless huge trees.

It looked terrified, its heart was incomparably shocked, and the human figure reflected in its eyes, full of disbelief.

How could he… be so strong? ?

Not only the Explosive Great Ape, but also the Iron Armored Scorpion was dumbfounded. The whole scorpion was stunned in the same place, and his mind trembled, and he couldn’t believe the facts before him.


Sure enough, it is a evil star!

It’s so cruel!

The armored flame scorpion shivered, feeling that he was gloomy for the rest of his life, and maybe he didn’t even want to get rid of this evil star.


The Explosive Great Ape broke an arm, the pain was unbearable, and it kept roaring.

Afterwards, it actually left Wang Teng behind, turned around and fled.

The huge body stomped on the ground, rumbling, and rushed towards the depths of the mountain without any clumsiness.


Must escape!

It is a lord-level star beast, dominating an area, how can it die in the hands of a human.

Unwilling to die, the Explosive Great Ape rushed desperately, full of desire for survival.

As long as you flee to the depths of the mountains, you can attract the attention of other powerful star beasts. In the face of humans, other star beast lords will never stand idly by.

“This… ran away?”

“Obviously it was so fierce just now.”

Wang Teng looked at the huge figure running away with its tail sandwiched in between, with a strange expression on his face, and said to Xiao Bai at his feet: “Xiao Bai, catch up.”

Xiao Bai couldn’t wait. It had been chased by the Explosive Giant Ape for so long before, and the anger in his heart had not vented. Now some people are backing it, and naturally, the confidence has greatly increased, and he decided to kill the Big Stupid Ape.

I have to say that after spending more than half a year with the Iron Armor Flame Scorpion, Xiao Bai was really taken crooked.

Xiaobai turned into a black-red long rainbow, and chased after the Explosive Great Ape.

“Wait for me!” The Iron Armored Flame Scorpion’s eyes flickered, and it quickly followed.

As a result, a very funny scene appeared in the mountains, a crow and a scorpion, chasing after a great ape, and rushing it everywhere.

Jumping around, countless star beasts were alarmed and evaded one after another.

“Oh my god, that’s a middle lord-level blasting giant ape, how can it be driven around by a crow and an iron-clad flame scorpion?”

“Oh, my dear, what is the origin of the crow and the iron armored flame scorpion? Why are the explosive giant apes so afraid of them because they are obviously not strong.”

“Look, there seems to be a person standing on that crow’s back.”

“Could it be that the human is actually controlling the crow and the iron armored fire scorpion, it is he who is chasing and killing the explosive fire great ape.”

“A human dared to break into our territory. Let’s go together and kill him!”

“Yes, fuck him, a human daring to come to our place is arrogant.”

“Fuck him!”

“Fuck him!”

Countless star beasts were roaring, and they saw a huge star beast rushing out of the mountain range, aggressively killing Wang Teng’s side.

“Oh my god, this is arousing anger.” The iron armored flame scorpion turned black, and a pair of small eyes were about to stare out.

It didn’t expect it to chase and kill the Explosive Great Ape, and it would arouse public outrage.

So many powerful star beasts swarmed up, no matter how strong the evil star was, it wouldn’t be enough for them to stuff their teeth!

The Explosive Great Ape stopped in front, turned his head, his eyes revealed a fierce light, and looked at Wang Teng from a distance.

The revenge of the broken arm must be reported.

This is a big stupid ape who holds grudges.

It was a little proud of it, feeling that it was too wise and witty to think of such a perfect strategy.

Drive tigers and devour wolves!

This trick, wonderful…

Now let’s see how that human being died.

The Explosive Great Ape laughed wildly in his heart, and the expression on his face became more and more ferocious, which was a distortion mixed with pain and smile.

However, Wang Teng’s face did not appear as fearful as he had hoped, on the contrary, his eyes actually lit up.


The Explosive Great Ape suddenly wondered if his eyes were spent.

Not only was this human being not afraid, but on the contrary he looked extremely excited.

Is he a masochist? ?

“Awesome, a big wave of attribute bubbles!”

Wang Teng didn’t know that he was treated as a masochist by the Explosive Great Ape, his heart was frozen, and he looked at the star beasts rushing around, as if he saw a bunch of attribute bubbles.

very nice!


Thousands of miles to send bubbles, these star beasts are all good.

When Wang Teng was admiring the star beasts, a weak voice suddenly came from his ear: “Boss, is it important for us to run away first?”

Wang Teng looked back and saw that a group of Ironclad Flame Scorpion was ready to escape.

“You are not promising, you are so scared just like this, how can you fight with me in all directions in the future.” Wang Teng said with a look of contempt and angrily.

“…” The Ironclad Flame Scorpion was speechless.

Go and fight in all directions next to your horse.

He couldn’t even survive now, and he still wanted to fight all directions. How could it not find out that this evil star has such a big face.

“Xiaobai, are you afraid?” Wang Teng lowered his head and asked.

“Quack… (I’m afraid!)” Xiaobai called.

“…” Wang Teng.

The Ironclad Scorpion squinted his eyes, and when you look at it, even your faithful dog’s legs are scared. You can’t blame me for this.

Wang Teng was full of disappointment, and immediately glared at the Ironclad Flame Scorpion: “It’s all to blame for breaking Xiaobai. How innocent and brave a good boy, how can he become like this now.”

“Puff!” Ironclad Flame Scorpion wanted to vomit blood in depression: “Is this to blame?”



“Kill humans!”

A large number of star beasts rushed to the front, roaring, one after another attacked, blasting towards Wang Teng.

Wang Teng’s eyes condensed, and an extremely dangerous light appeared in his eyes.

“The tiger doesn’t show off his might. When I was a sick cat, I came just right, and I was super invincible…Blood Moonlight Needle!”

Wang Teng gently stepped on Xiao Bai’s back, and the whole person rose into the air, and infinite blood-red light emerged, densely packed, covering the sky.

Those are blood-red light needles that are as small as hairs, huge in number, and countless, all aiming at the surrounding star beasts, shining with bone-piercing cold light.


As soon as Wang Teng’s voice fell, the blood moonlight needle had already fallen.


Countless light needles pierced into the bodies of the surrounding star beasts, causing them to become stiff, and then a dark red color appeared on their bodies.

Violent toxins have invaded their bodies.

Bang bang bang…

Some weaker star beasts stiffened and fell directly to the ground, their limbs twitching.

“Roar, you are so mean, human!”



“You must die!”

The nearby star beasts were roaring, madly running the original force in the body, trying to remove the toxins in the body.

However, Wang Teng did not give them a chance to breathe. The flying knife flew out of his body, turned into a dozen black shadows, and rushed into the group of star beasts below.

“Puff puff……”

The sound of entering the meat came, and dozens of throwing knives were like a terrifying meat grinder, reaping wantonly among the star beasts, leaving a place of blood and minced meat wherever they went.


“Everyone, run!”

“Devil, this human being is a devil!”

Some of the surviving star beasts were completely terrified, roaring wildly to the distance, trying to escape the slaughter area.

The star beast yelling to kill Wang Teng in the distance was stiff at this time, and it turned around and ran away.

How ferocious when he came, how embarrassed when he went.

“How could this happen?” The face of the Explosive Great Ape became darker, and his face was full of horror and bewilderment. There was a shudder all over his body, and then he turned and ran as if he was thinking of something.

“Where to go!” Wang Teng shouted loudly behind him.

The Explosive Great Ape was so frightened that he dripped two drops of yellow urine, clamped his butt, and ran wildly with his legs. He had never felt so frightened.

too frightening!

That human being is terrible!

Wang Teng chased after him, and he was a little surprised to see it running so fast.

“MMP wants to run, and asked me if there is a brick in my hand.”

He yelled, a golden light flashed, and he smashed it out severely.


Seeing that golden light flashed, it disappeared into the void in front of him, and then appeared directly behind the Explosive Great Ape, breaking through the air in an instant.

When the Explosive Great Ape heard the sound of breaking through the air from behind, he looked terrified and couldn’t help turning his head to look.

I saw a golden light visible to the naked eye flashing away, magnifying in its eyes, and then…


A slab hit its ape face suddenly.

The power of terror caused its head to crack and blood spattered out.

There was still confusion in the eyes of the Explosive Great Ape, and he felt a sharp pain in his head, and his body fell backward involuntarily.


The earth shook, and its entire body hit the ground.

Wang Teng rushed up, grabbed his hand, and the brick flew into his hand and slammed it at the head of the Explosive Great Ape.

Bang bang bang…

“Let you run, let you run, I will let you run!” He screamed while screaming, slamming the Explosive Great Ape into doubting life, tears of humiliation shed in his eyes.

The ironclad scorpion looked numb, trembling all over, shivering…

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