Chapter 686: The Sea of ​​Nothingness, the Pupil of Elemental Quality!

In the depths of the mountains, in the originally extremely dense jungle, a rather messy scene appeared at this time.

The trees are swaying from side to side, and there are traces of various forces that have been raging, which is gross and shocking.

There was also the corpse of the star beast all over the ground, all heads of which were huge, falling to the ground in all directions, blood shed all over the ground.

The surviving star beasts all ran away. They were lucky and were far away. When they rushed over, they saw the terrible scene like a massacre, and they ran away in fright.

The area of ​​psychological shadow left by it can no longer be calculated.

Wang Teng didn’t bother to chase after him.

Too many!

And those star beasts ran into the deep mountains scattered around, just as the saying goes, snakes have snake paths, rats have rat paths, and there is no way to chase them.

It’s just that his heart is bleeding.

As if watching each meeting attribute bubble run with long legs.

The short legs pattered and ran so fast that they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

So he had to cast his anger on the Explosive Giant Ape, after all, only this star beast was alive right now, and the middle-ranking general, more grass-tolerant, was so tossed by him, he didn’t have his braids, and his vitality was very tenacious.

The Explosive Great Ape was completely desperate, unloved, lying on the ground, looking at the sky with both eyes, losing its color, like an insulted Tie Hanhan.



Pathetic again!

The dignified middle lord-level star beasts lie in the mountains and forests, occupying the mountains as the king and dominating all the beasts, and turned into a miserable little pitiful.

How miserable.

“Huh!” Wang Teng let out a sigh of relief, feeling refreshed, and a sulking breath was almost gone.

Wang Teng looked at the little crow and the iron-clad scorpion who were looking at the side, and clapped his hands. It seemed that he had just done a very ordinary little thing, and said lightly:

“This Explosive Great Ape will be handed over to you.”



Xiaobai and Ironclad Scorpion’s eyes flashed suddenly, full of danger, hehe sneered.




“No, don’t shake (require)~” The Explosive Great Ape had a blue nose and a swollen face, his face changed three times, his words were slurred, and he shouted in despair.

Wang Teng looked up at the sky, turned and walked away.

Suddenly a scream came from behind…

The sound cannot be described.

Wang Teng sighed, his eyes showed a trace of relief, and it seemed that Xiao Bai and the Iron Armored Scorpion were deep in his essence.

good! good!

Immediately, his gaze swept the surroundings, his spiritual thoughts gushed out, and the attribute bubbles around him flew in one after another.

【Earth Force *350】

【Fire Force *410】

【Blank attribute*290】

【Wood Force *660】

【Golden Force*430】

【Wang Jing Spirit*185】

【Wang Jing Comprehension*225】

【Water Force *505】

【Blank attribute*665】

【Blank attribute*360】

[Wind Force *520]

【Poison Force*635】

【Blank attribute*375】

In an instant, Wang Teng’s eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth rose wildly.

This wave has made a lot of money!

A large amount of force is like tide water, rolling in his body, gathering on the spine of the human body, and rushing toward the depths of the flesh.


There was a loud thunderous noise coming from his body, and his muscles and bones were shaking violently under the force of the force.


Suddenly, there was a crisp cracking sound, like an invisible wall bursting open.

[Golden Force]: 125035000 (12 stars)

[Fire Force Force]: 86035000 (12 stars)

Wang Teng’s two elements of Golden Fire actually broke through to the 12-star mid-level warlord at this moment! ! !

At the same time, the force of the other series has also grown significantly, and the breakthrough is not far away.

Wang Teng was overjoyed. He didn’t expect that his strength that hadn’t been improved for a long time would have risen again, and there were two elements of Force that directly broke through to the 12-star mid-level general.

This feels really…very sour!

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred.

Wang Teng’s eyes were in a daze, his soul seemed to be drawn into a place of darkness.

The surroundings were extremely dark, and there was a faint glimmer of light.

“What is this place?”

Wang Teng’s heart trembled, and his soul “looked” around. He suddenly realized that there was an ocean with no margins in sight. There were no waves, no ripples at all, and the surroundings of this sea were connected with endless nothingness… …

This sea gives him the feeling.

Profound, mysterious, vast!

Wang Teng felt very surprised and wanted to get closer.

But the sea seemed to be close in front of him, but he couldn’t get close anyway.

As if his soul and the sea of ​​nothingness were separated by a terrifying abyss, it was insurmountable!

At this time, the rolling force in Wang Teng’s body gradually calmed down, and each place was settled. The well water did not interfere with the river water, and one after another returned to the nine pronuclei above the spine.

Wang Teng’s soul was pulled by a force, and instantly got rid of the sea of ​​nothingness.

Everything I just saw was just an illusion.

Wang Teng opened his eyes, and an incredible light flashed deep in his eyes, shaking in his heart, unable to calm down.

“what is that?”

“A weird and mysterious sea, connected to nothingness, without seeing the edge!”

“Why did I suddenly enter that place?”

“What exactly is going on??”

Countless questions arose in Wang Teng’s heart, and his thoughts rolled endlessly. After a long time, he took a few deep breaths before gradually suppressing them.

He didn’t know that the sea of ​​nothingness was the key to breaking through the warlord level, and some powerhouses who had reached the top of the warlord level could also see it.

But because of Wang Teng’s special circumstances, the force in his body suddenly increased, causing him to touch the threshold in advance.

“Forget it, it’s useless to think about it. You will know what you need to know one day.”

Wang Teng shook his head, put the doubt behind him, and looked at the attribute panel.

In addition to the growth of the forces of the various departments, the spirit and understanding have also been improved a lot, and there are also blank attributes, which actually broke the 50,000 mark at this time.

[Blank attribute]: 52110

This is the first time that Wang Teng has such a huge amount of blank attributes, and his mood is a bit complicated.

He felt that he had changed from a ten-thousand yuan household to a fifty-thousand yuan household. It was a big step forward, and it was not easy.

“You have to think about where these blank attributes should be used?”

Wang Teng touched his chin, thinking happily in his heart.

He was about to exit the attribute panel, when suddenly there was a tingling pain in his eyes, and an incredible transformation occurred.

At the same time, a fragment of memory popped out of thin air in his mind.

Elemental pupil! ! !

A pupil of talent that can penetrate obstacles and see the essence.

“Hiss!” Wang Teng took a deep breath, and he didn’t know whether he was stimulated by the abnormal changes in his eyes or was shocked by the information.

It has been so long since obtaining the [Pupil of Spiritual Vision], Wang Teng once again acquired a kind of talented pupil.

And this time the talented pupil is better than the [Lingshi pupil].

See through the essence!

I drop a good boy!

This talented pupil is a bit against the sky!

After a while, Wang Teng’s eyes were completely transformed, and he opened slowly, and an extremely dark glow flashed past.

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