Chapter 684

On that day, the entire Blackbird City was boiling.

Tan Taixuan stepped down, and Wang Teng became the new army leader.

For the entire Black Sparrow Legion, this is undoubtedly heavy news.

Even if the matter is a foregone conclusion, everyone can’t help but talk, and it lasts until the evening, and the heat is not diminished.

At the same time, an important meeting on the extermination of Shinrikyo was also quietly held among the top ranks of the Black Sparrow Legion.

This meeting lasted until the evening, and then everyone saw that the senior officers of the Black Sparrow Legion walked out of the command building with solemn expressions.

Beginning the next day, a large number of troops were assembled, and the entire Black Sparrow Legion was making preparations intensively.

Until the third day, a large number of military fighters once again gathered on the martial arts field.


Military warriors have always used war to raise wars and improve their martial arts cultivation skills in the midst of killing.

Ordinary is fine, but as soon as there is a task, this group of people gathered together and immediately burst into a terrifying aura.

Wang Teng also appeared, wearing a black and green general robe, looking down, his face calm and he couldn’t see any thoughts.

“Are everyone here?”

A faint voice came.

Below, Song Wanjiang immediately went out with a serious face, and replied loudly: “Back to the army, all the combat personnel have arrived, including 600 warriors at the 3-star warrior level, 300 soldiers at the 4-star warrior level, and 5 star warriors. There are 280 people at level 6, 80 people at 6 Star Wars level, 40 people at 7 Star Wars level, 20 people at 8 Star Wars level, and 8 people at 9 Star Wars level, a total of 1328 people!”

These are all the warriors dispatched by the Black Sparrow Legion this time!

It is equivalent to most of the strength of the entire Black Sparrow Legion, and the others need to stay on guard to prevent accidents.

Wang Teng nodded, his face was flat and his voice was not high, but it spread to everyone’s ears:

“For a long time, the truth cult cultists have had ambitions and intended to destroy the relationship between the two worlds. They have also secretly taken action in several major incidents, causing countless casualties and many innocent people lost their lives for this.”

“This time the East China Sea sea beast riots also have their presence, and the damage and loss it caused is incalculable. Among us, I am afraid that many of our relatives and friends have gone forever.”

“Cultists do whatever they can to achieve their goals and ignore human life. Their sins are to be blamed!”

When Wang Teng’s voice slowly spread, his face was already cold, and his eyes burst out with a bitter killing intent. When he said the last four words, he shouted directly.

As Wang Teng said, many people present have been persecuted by the Shinrikyo Church, and many of their relatives and friends have died as a result of the Shinrikyo riots. At this moment, their eyes are red and hateful.

“Everyone, should the cultists be killed?”

Wang Teng looked around and asked loudly.


Suddenly, thousands of warriors shouted in unison, rushing into the sky, and the boiling killing intent was almost condensed into substance, echoing in the sky.

“Truth Sect, should it be destroyed?” Wang Teng asked again.




The anger echoed endlessly, resounding through the sky.


“Let’s set out now, destroy the truth sect, level their nests, and end their future troubles forever!”

When the voice fell, Wang Teng rose into the air.

Thousands of warriors followed, they boarded a rune warship, ascended to the sky, and flew toward the northwest.

On the deck of the rune warship, Wang Teng stood with his hands in his hand, and Song Wanjiang and other deputy army leaders stood behind him.

“Military Lord, we are still a day and a half away from where the truth sect’s lair is located.”

Song Wanjiang had completed the change of identity, stood there, and said respectfully.

“Yeah.” Wang Teng nodded and said with a smile: “I’m afraid that no one would have thought that the Shinrikyo Sect had established its headquarters in another world, and it was still in that kind of bitter cold land. Thanks to them, it is no wonder that we have been looking for it for so many years. could not find it.”

“The cultists are a group of brainwashed lunatics. It is not surprising that they do anything.” Zhu Chengwang also said respectfully.

“The Mosakira Mountain Range where the truth sect’s lair is located is a continuous snow-capped mountain with snow all year round. It is extremely cold. If our martial artist enters it, even if there is something to protect against the cold, it will be affected.” Aside, another name The deputy commander named Kang Wenbo pointed at the map and said with a slight condensed expression.

“It’s okay, I will lay out the formation when the time comes to increase the temperature near the Truth Sect’s lair, so naturally there is no need to worry.” Wang Teng said calmly.

Several deputy army chiefs behind him were surprised when they heard the words.

According to intelligence, the truth sect’s lair covers an extremely large area, probably more than 10,000 meters.

It is not easy to change the temperature within a radius of 10,000 meters, and it is not easy to do it with non-ordinary formations, especially in places that are frozen all year round, which is even more difficult.

But Wang Teng seemed to be confident, his tone was plain, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

“It turns out that the military owner had planned, and his subordinates made you laugh.” Kang Wenbo said.

“If you have any questions, just ask, I am not omnipotent.” Wang Teng said indifferently.

Naturally, a few people can only respond, but they don’t dare to talk nonsense.

“I have to leave later, you continue to the Mosakira Mountains.” Wang Teng said.

“This…” Several people were suddenly startled.

“Don’t worry, I will catch up before you arrive.”

When the voice fell, he had already jumped off the battleship.

The Phoenix King fighter appeared, and Wang Teng went straight into it, and then went to the mountain range where the sapphire glazed flame was originally obtained.

His two spirit pets are still there.

It happened to be passing through here this time, and he planned to pick them up when the distance was not far.

The Phoenix King fighter flew quickly across the sky, like a black lightning, and went away in an instant.

Deep in the lush mountains.

Suddenly a violent blast sounded, and the terrifying force wave swept around, completely destroying the surrounding trees.

Immediately after that, there was another yelling.

“Run, run!”

I saw a huge iron armored fire scorpion quickly alternated several legs, rushing forward, breaking countless tall trees.

In the sky, a crow with red and black feathers spread its wings, and galloped forward quickly, as if there was something terrifying behind him.

“Damn crow, damn scorpion, you dare to invade my territory and look for death!”

A roar came from behind a crow and a scorpion, and the ground rumbling, saw a horrible figure lined up with the big tree and rushed.

It was a great ape with pitch-black hair, like a hill, crushing forward.

Seeing that the aura is the middle lord level, equivalent to the human middle warlord-level powerhouse, it is no wonder that the Iron Armored Flame Scorpion and Xiao Bai have been driven everywhere.

“Didn’t you just take your two spirit grasses? As for chasing, Bai grows such a big man and is so stingy, I am.” Ironclad Fire Scorpion fled while turning around to curse.

This guy is also dying, thinking that he died not fast enough, and at this time he will anger the other party.

“Gah!” Xiaobai screamed in the sky, ignoring the death behavior of the Iron Armor Scorpion, and quickly went away.

“Damn, you ungrateful crow, you actually left me to run.” The Ironclad Flame Scorpion screamed, ran wildly, and hurriedly followed.

“Never want to leave!” The black giant ape roared, spouting two huge fireballs, smashing towards the Iron Armored Fire Scorpion and Xiao Bai.

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