Chapter 683 Sure enough, people who love to laugh are not good things!

The whole martial arts field was silent, and no one was talking, but at this time, it seemed that even the breathing had disappeared.

Kong Li, Yu Wenxuan and others couldn’t help but widen their eyes, their mouths opened slightly, their faces all over in disbelief.

Wang Teng, as the new commander? ? ! ! !

This news is really a bit exploded!

They feel like they are dreaming, which is too unreal.

Yu Wenxuan’s complexion seemed to have eaten shit. Fortunately, he still wanted to compare with Wang Teng, but now he is already a major general and even holds the post of military commander, while he is still standing still.

This gap is really hopeless.

The military warrior below also felt incredible. A young man who was less than nineteen years old was the commander of the Black Sparrow Army. This was simply the most exaggerated thing they had heard of this century.

Han Zhu and Wan Baiqiu stood in the phalanx, their faces full of stunned, the boss with an open mouth could not close it for a long time.

Is there any mistake?

Wang Teng, their junior, became the commander of the Black Sparrow Army.

They were madly undertaking missions in the military department, and now they are considered small and well-known, and they were somewhat contented, but now that when Wang Teng became the leader of the Black Sparrow army, several people were instantly hit.

This guy is such a monster!

And several deputy army chiefs changed their complexions greatly, with a hell expression on their faces.

Some people even look ugly, obviously unable to accept this fact.

At the beginning, Tantai Xuan was parachuted down to serve as the Black Sparrow Commander. They were all waiting for her to leave, and then selected the new Black Sparrow Commander from among their deputy commanders.

As a result, Tan Taixuan was left by them, but a younger Wang Teng came.

The same is airborne!

This damn airborne…

Several deputy army masters felt that their lives were gloomy, helpless, and depressed, only they could experience the hardship.

They looked at each other, and both saw a bit of bitterness in each other’s eyes.

If it’s other people, forget it, they still have a chance to fight, but this Wang Teng, they really don’t have the confidence to fight with him.

Younger age is the rank of major general, and more importantly, his strength is so strong that they have to accept it.

In the first battle of Xingfeng City, several deputy army leaders were also present, seeing his peerless demeanor and terrifying strength.

Such arrogance, they simply can’t compare.

Tan Taixuan had a panoramic view of everyone’s expressions, she didn’t say much, any dissatisfaction, in the face of absolute strength, will disappear.

And Wang Teng has exactly this kind of capital.

“Now I invite your new military commander to come up and say a few words.” Tantai Xuan smiled, and said uneasy and kindly.

She turned and looked back.

Wang Teng was helpless, and knew that he had to come forward, so he stood up and walked to the high platform.

For a time, all eyes were focused on him.

Really too young!

Looking at that face, everyone was full of emotion, their eyes were extremely complex and shocking, and their hearts could not be calm.

Tan Taixuan has no nostalgia. She wanted to get rid of her position as a military leader a long time ago. Now that she finally got what she wanted, she can’t wait to laugh three times… My mother is finally free!

With the departure of Tantaixuan, Wang Teng stood alone on the high platform, sweeping across everyone with a plain expression.

Everyone’s expressions were seen in his eyes, some were shocked, some were envious, some were jealous… all of them were because of his age, but he didn’t care.

When a person reaches a certain level, what he sees is no longer what he sees.

His strength has reached a higher level, even 13-star high-ranking generals can be killed, and there is a military leader in this district, and to be honest, he really hasn’t paid attention to it.

For Wang Teng, being a military leader is a thankless thing.

But why does it mean to pick up an attribute bubble?

No matter, if you get tired, get tired. After all, he is a hard-working person.

But there are still some things to say.

At this time, Wang Teng said, “To be honest, I don’t want to be the commander of this army.”

As soon as the voice fell, everyone was speechless.

Especially Song Wanjiang, Zhu Chengwang’s several deputy army chiefs, looked depressed.

Ya’s standing and talking doesn’t hurt. I don’t know how many people want to fight for the position of the military leader. They don’t even have a chance. It’s not enough for Wang Teng to take the position easily, and he still has to talk cold words.

Is this really human?

“Really, don’t believe me. I think this position as the leader of the army is just a chore. If nothing happened this time, I wouldn’t agree.”

“But even so, I made an agreement with the three marshals.”

Wang Teng’s words attracted everyone’s attention.

Seeing what he said was really serious, it seemed that he really didn’t want to be the commander of this army, and everyone couldn’t help but feel a little suspicious.

And what agreement did he make with the three marshals?

This is where everyone is extremely curious.

“I will only be the commander of the Black Sparrow Army for half a year. After half a year, I will leave.” Wang Teng had no intention of hanging on his appetite, so he said directly.

When everyone heard this, they were shocked again.

Half a year!

Wang Teng actually only worked for half a year? !

Others did not want to come down when they were in this position, and Wang Teng actually made an agreement with the three marshals for only half a year before he took office.

This is really unreasonable to play cards!

Several deputy army chiefs looked at each other with surprise and joy.

For them, half a year was just a blink of an eye.


What a great opportunity!

In this way, Wang Teng’s appointment as the leader of the Black Sparrow Army is not only not a bad thing, but a good thing.

After all, if it were replaced by someone else, it would not be as short as half a year.

This Wang Teng is here for gilding.

After half a year, he will leave, and there will definitely be a higher position waiting for him at that time.

Then their opportunity will come!

“So I hope that in the past six months, everyone can cooperate with my work.”

“As for me, although I am a little younger, my fist is…hard enough. If anyone wants to try, I don’t mind letting him experience my iron fist of love.”

Wang Teng smiled and continued.

“…” The crowd shivered violently, and then they were speechless again.

God’s iron fist of love!

This guy simply wants to use violence to solve problems.

Many people can’t help but think of Wang Teng’s fighting style. Things that can be solved with bricks will never use other weapons.

Those hapless guys who had been greeted by the bricks immediately appeared in their minds, and their scalp was numb, and their hearts were awe-inspiring.

This new commander looks a bit brutal!

Can’t afford to provoke.

Looking at Wang Teng’s grinning face, they thought all this was an illusion.

Sure enough, people who love to laugh are not good things!

Wang Teng scanned the faces of everyone, and he felt that his speech at office seemed to be a success.

Look, isn’t this all honest!

“Okay, I’ll just say so much. After half a year, we will get together and relax.”

“After half an hour, all the officers above the school level went to the command room for a meeting. They are all dispersed.”

After Wang Teng finished speaking, he turned and left, waved his hand, without taking away a cloud…

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