Chapter 682

Lin Chuhan’s family looked at the back of Wang Teng’s departure, and then returned to the house after a while.

Lin Chuhan was very interested when seeing Mother Lin, and she had a lot of questions, and immediately wanted to run away.

There is a way to know the daughter Mo Ruo mother!

Mother Lin just grabbed her, and said in a bad mood: “You girl, what do you think of your mother, I haven’t asked you yet, you just want to run.”

“Mom, don’t ask, we take care of our own affairs.” Lin Chuhan said helplessly.

“Okay, mom doesn’t get mixed up, but as a mother, I always have the right to know, right? Where are you now?” Mother Lin asked gossiping.

“Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just a confirmation of the relationship.” Lin Chuhan said with his eyes flashing red as he remembered what was going on on the road.

As a person who came here, Mother Lin had never seen what kind of scenes. When she saw her like this, she immediately understood a little, and smiled and said: “I’m embarrassed, let’s do it, mom will not ask, you two are in your own way. Now, I see Wang Teng’s character in my eyes, and there is nothing to worry about.”

Lin Chuhan couldn’t help rolling his eyes, feeling that his mother believed in Wang Teng more than in her. People who didn’t know thought Wang Teng was her own son.

Looking at this scene, Lin Chuxia couldn’t help but a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

It’s a pity that the two didn’t notice it.

Early the next morning, after Wang Teng had breakfast at home, he bid farewell to his family and left.

The Phoenix King fighter flew into the sky, turning into a black shadow and disappearing into the sky.

Li Xiumei and Wang Shengguo looked at the fighter plane until it disappeared, and then reluctantly withdrew their gazes.

“I don’t know when I will come back next time.” Li Xiumei felt a bit sore in her eyes, and said in a slightly depressed mood.

“When the child grows up, he will always go out, don’t worry.” Wang Shengguo comforted.

“I know, I’ll just talk, our son is more promising than others, I’m too happy to be too late.” Li Xiumei said.

Not long after Wang Teng left, Mr. Zhou took Zhou Baiyun to the door, but unfortunately they still rushed out.

Wang Teng floated above the Yellow Navy Academy in the Fengwang fighter plane, and a figure rose into the air from the teacher accommodation area below and entered the Fengwang fighter plane.

This person is Tantaixuan. When she came back, she went back to the Yellow Naval Academy alone, and now went to the otherworld black sparrow army station with Wang Teng to take over.

The Phoenix King fighter descended at the space crack, and was then taken into the space debris by Wang Teng.

The benefits of that space debris have become apparent again.

It’s incredibly convenient to install such a large fighter plane as soon as it is installed.

Tan Taixuan’s eyes widened when she saw it: “Where do you have such a large space equipment?”

“Good luck, good luck.” Wang Teng smiled without explaining.

Can’t tell her that it was picked up by picking attributes.

After a thorough investigation, the two passed through the cracks in the space and came to another world.




Wang Teng’s spatial talent is now many times stronger than before, so he has brought out a lot of space attribute bubbles while he shuttles through the cracks in the space.


The last time it was invaded by Shinrikyo, many buildings were destroyed, but they have been rebuilt recently, and the whole city has been restored to life again.

Wang Teng and Tantaixuan did not disturb the others, they went directly out of the city when they arrived in another world, and then took the Fengwang fighter plane to the city of Heique.

Blackbird City!

The appearance of the Phoenix King’s fighter immediately attracted the extreme attention of the entire Blackbird City, and several deputy army masters who guarded this place hurriedly rushed to it.

On the alien side, there is no flying fighter.

So they thought it was flying star beasts approaching, and they were like enemies, and even used heavy rune weapons, and they almost shouted to the sky to fire!

Inside the fighter plane, Wang Teng and Tantaixuan couldn’t laugh or cry, they could only open communication and talk to everyone below.

When Song Wanjiang and the others received the news, they were stunned, only then did they realize that they had engaged in a big oolong.

But he was also relieved.

The Fengwang fighter came down, and Wang Teng and Tantaixuan walked down.

Everyone looked at the fighter plane in front of them, and their eyes flashed with surprise.

They were members of the military department, so they naturally understood what the Fengwang fighter plane represented, and now that this fighter plane appeared in front of them, how could they not be curious.

And how did this fighter come here?

Everyone is full of questions.

“Military leader!” Song Wanjiang, Zhu Chengwang and other deputy military leaders hurriedly stepped forward.

But what they called was Tantaixuan, not Wang Teng.

“Call everyone together and go to the martial arts field. I have something to announce.” Tan Taixuan said straightforwardly.

The expressions of Song Wanjiang and others changed, as if they could hear something from her.

What a big thing is going to happen!

Several people quickly led away.

Half an hour later, on the martial arts field in Heiquecheng, countless military warriors lined up in a square array, standing neatly, without making any sound.

At a glance, it is extremely spectacular.

Their eyes were full of doubts, wondering why they were suddenly called here?

In the seats around, some military officers were also present, whispering about something.

Niu Li, Kong Li, and Yu Wenxuan were all present.

Even Han Zhu, Wan Baiqiu, Du Yu and other graduates of the Yellow Navy Academy have come back to report.

They were greatly hit by the sea beast riots in the East China Sea and deeply realized their own weaknesses, so they have recently taken on missions in the army frantically.

They were originally geniuses, but now they are willing to endure hardships, and immediately gained a firm foothold in the army and won the approval of their comrades-in-arms.

Several people in the Black Sparrow Legion have already gained fame.

“Hey, what are you talking about? Engaging in such a big battle.” Kong Li pushed Yu Wenxuan next to him and asked.

“Where do I know?” Yu Wenxuan said silently.

“Guess it, it’s boring.” Kong Li said bluntly, feeling that this guy was very boring.

“I’m afraid the matter is not trivial. I haven’t seen this situation for many years.” Niu Li next to him said at this time.

“Lao Niu don’t even know you?” Kong Li said.

“I also just received the news. It was the order issued by a few deputy army chiefs personally. I am also very puzzled now.” Niu Li said.

Not only them, but several deputy army chiefs also whispered, whispering, wondering what Tan Taixuan was going to say? Actually called everyone together.

At this moment, Tan Tai Xuan stepped onto the high platform in the middle.

All the voices around disappeared, everyone couldn’t help being silenced, and they all looked at her.

Tantai Xuan stood with her hand in hand, looked around, and then faintly spoke, and her voice spread: “Not much gossip. Today I called you all here to announce something…”

She paused for a while.

“I will resign as the commander of the Black Sparrow Army!”

Everyone was in an uproar, and no one thought that what Tantai Xuan was about to announce was actually resigning!

Tan Taixuan is so young, why is she suddenly resigning?

The eyes of several deputy army chiefs flashed, and they straightened up in an instant, shocked in their hearts.

Tan Taixuan asked everyone to digest the news just now, and then said again:

“And after I leave, the post of Black Sparrow Army Commander will be succeeded by Wang Teng!”


This time, the entire martial arts field fell into a strange silence.

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