Chapter 674 Xia Guo has a peerless arrogant!

Seeing how Wang Teng loved the Phoenix fighter so much, the three marshals looked at each other and smiled.

Wang Teng is a little skinny, but his strength is really strong and his potential is really great.

So they naturally hope that Wang Teng can be firmly tied to the ship of the military.

There are definitely no few forces that want to win over Wang Teng, especially after the results of the global warrior exchange meeting are spread, there will definitely be a lot of disguised wins.

Even knowing that he has been labeled as the military department, some people will try it with luck.

To put it bluntly, the military was nothing more than taking advantage of Wang Teng’s application for the military academy, and it was the first step to win him over.

If they don’t show some sincerity, other forces won’t be stingy.

Anyway, it’s all from the Xia country, where can he not go?

Therefore, in order to reward Wang Teng for his work, they paid a lot of money.

“Go up and have a look.” Hong Shuai smiled and said.

The lieutenant immediately stepped forward and said, “Major General Wang, please come with me!”

He took Wang Teng to the cabin door of the fighter plane.

“This Phoenix King fighter is still in an inactive state, so you need to enter your identity information. This process is done by you.”

While speaking, he signaled Wang Teng to take a step forward.

Under a white light hood, he scanned Wang Teng’s whole body, and the hatch door opened with a scream.

“After you go up, the fighter’s intelligent system will guide you. Just follow the instructions.” The lieutenant officer said.

Wang Teng nodded, and immediately stepped into the cabin in the eyes of everyone’s envy.


The lights in the cabin turned on for a while.

The internal structure of this Phoenix King fighter was a bit similar to the one they had taken to the Holy Mountain before, but it was completely different.

The only thing that is the same may be the same luxury and comfort!

Standing in the cabin, Wang Teng suddenly felt a sense of pride in his heart.

This fighter is completely his!

Wang Teng was a little familiar with the internal structure of this fighter, so he walked in the direction of the cockpit.

Entering the cockpit, an electronic audio sounded: “Hello, Master!”

Wang Teng’s complexion suddenly became weird.

This electronic sound is actually the voice of a little girl, with a little cute feeling, this is simply… Lolita sound!

What sinister intentions did the people designing this fighter use?

Wang Teng shook his head.

“Start scanning, bind identity!”

A red light beam shot out, scanning Wang Teng’s face and pupils, collecting iris information.

“The information is entered, the identity binding is completed, hello, master!”

The electronic sound appeared again.

At the same time, a light and shadow appeared in front of him, transforming into a little girl in a white princess dress with double pony tails.

As soon as Little Lori appeared, she bowed to Wang Teng.

“Damn, which bastard designed it? This is to make me lose the notoriety of Lolicon!” Wang Teng’s expression became even more weird, and he couldn’t help cursing secretly in his heart.

“The master, please name me.”

“Just call… Xiaohei!” Wang Teng thought for a while and said.

“??” Little Lolita was silent for a moment.

She is so cute, why would she use such a name that is not cute at all?

And she is clearly dressed in white, even if she wants to be called Xiao Bai, why is it Xiao Hei? ?

She didn’t understand the master’s thoughts at all.

“Since you don’t speak, I will take it as your acquiescence.” Wang Teng nodded: “I know, you really like this name.”

“…” Little Lolita.

When Wang Teng got off the Fengwang fighter plane, Hong Shuai smiled and asked, “How is it, are you satisfied?”

“Not bad, except…” Wang Teng looked at the three marshals suspiciously.

The design of that little loli is not arranged by these three old men?

When the three marshals heard that he seemed to be dissatisfied, he couldn’t help frowning.

This Fengwang fighter was designed in accordance with the latest design concepts. The people involved in the design are the world’s top designers, so it cannot meet Wang Teng’s requirements.

Is this kid so picky?

“Except for the humanized design of the intelligent system.” Wang Teng said.

The three marshals were stunned.

The problem is actually here?

Doesn’t it mean that young people now like this tune?

Could it be that those designers fooled them?

“If you don’t like it, let someone change it?” Long Shuai gave a dry cough and said, “That was made by the designer, and we only learned about it later.”

He immediately cleared his relationship.

“Yes, the current designers like these bells and whistles, it seems they need to clean up the atmosphere.” Hong Shuai said solemnly.

Wang Teng glanced at them suspiciously, and finally said, “Forget it, the identities are bound, so there is no need to change it!”

The three marshals looked at him strangely.

If you say no, are you honest in your heart?

Sure enough, young people still like this tune.

The three of them glanced at each other, and there was a trace of scheming in their eyes.

“Let’s go, go back first, when you leave, you can come and drive it away.” Yong Shuai said.

Wang Teng nodded.

So everyone left the hangar.

Mu Zhiguo, Qu Fei and others were very envious, and they wished that the Phoenix King fighter was theirs.

However, they are not without rewards. The military has distributed contribution points to several people.

When the car drove to the accommodation area, Mu Zhiguo, Zhu Yunshao and others got off the car and said goodbye to Wang Teng: “We have to go back to report, don’t pass this time!”

“There will be a period later!”

Wang Teng nodded and watched them leave, a little bit sorrowful, everyone has their own way, and I don’t know when they will meet again in the future.

But he is not a hypocritical person, separation between warriors is the norm.

The Fengwang fighter arrived, and then the contribution point was also drawn. Wang Teng was not in a hurry to leave Xiadu, he was ready to re-enter the virtual reality to improve his strength.

At the same time, warriors from various countries also returned to their country one after another, bringing back the results of the exchange meeting.

Bald Eagle Country, in a military base.

A white officer with short white hair and black bear-like strength stood in front of Suan, Ute and the others, his face was cold, and he looked at them majesticly.

And beside him, there was a tall blond woman wearing a white coat and a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

At this time the blonde woman was operating a bunch of machines.

Quincy, who went wild and beastly in the exchange meeting, has not yet awakened, and is lying in this machine at this time.

His appearance was extremely miserable, half man and half beast, covered with black hair, and his body was filled with many unknown tubes, which were carrying blue and green liquids into his body.

“You let me down!” the officer said coldly.

Ute, Su An and the others immediately felt a terrifying aura erupting from the elderly officers on the opposite side, crashing down from their heads.

Several people were pale, gritted their teeth, struggling to support them.

“Marshal Cromwell!” Ute said with difficulty: “This defeat is definitely not our incompetence. Xia Guo has produced a peerless talent!”

“Peerless Tianjiao!” said the elderly officer called Cromwell.

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