Chapter 675 The news spreads, the world is in an uproar!

Peerless Tianjiao!

Cromwell would only sneer at this kind of rhetoric before.

When he reached his position, the geniuses who have seen it are unknown, and can be called peerless arrogance, but only a few people.

Xia Guo’s martial arts leader can be counted as one back then!

However, he has received information on the exchange meeting, so he also knows what happened at the exchange meeting.

Ute’s words are not exaggerated.

That Wang Teng of Xia Kingdom could indeed be regarded as a peerless arrogant.

But Cromwell still said: “The martial arts fight for the front, Xia Guo has a good saying, meet on a narrow road and the brave wins. If you are afraid of being beaten by him, you will naturally lose the aggressiveness, and you will not be able to fight him again in the future. ”

“Yes!” Ute and others’ complexions changed slightly, and they quickly responded in unison.

Especially Suan, Fortes, and Martha, who were frustrated at the exchange meeting and were a little depressed, when they heard Cromwell’s words, their hearts were shocked.

Cromwell nodded and continued: “That Wang Teng, I will let people pay close attention to it, and resend intelligence personnel to Xia Country, and be sure to grasp all his information.”

“Now the undercurrents from all sides are surging, and even the star beasts are abnormal. There are frequent signs of sea beasts in the mountains, forests, and oceans. Among them, the Amazon jungle is the most. .”

After listening, everyone felt awe-inspiring.

“Could it be…” Ute looked solemn and wanted to ask something.

But he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

“You don’t need to know these, just follow the orders.” Cromwell waved his hand and said no more.

He turned his head to look at Quincy and snorted coldly: “Trash was actually made like this by the warriors of the Neon Kingdom. If you can’t wake up, let him fend for himself. We don’t have extra time and resources to waste on a waste person. .”

Su An and the others couldn’t help but feel a sense of sadness in their hearts, but they didn’t dare to say anything.

This is not what they can change.

The only thing they can do is to improve themselves, so as not to end up like Quincy.

Now I can only hope that he can wake up by himself, otherwise no one can save him.

“There seems to be an alienation on the Neon Country.” Ute hesitated.

“Don’t bother, I’ll see what they are going to do.” Cromwell said coldly.


At this time, someone knocked on the door.

“Come in!” Cromwell frowned.

An officer pushed the door in, said something in his ear, and then handed him a piece of information.

After reading the information, Cromwell’s expression suddenly became serious, and said, “Look at it, too.”

Ute and others received the intelligence report, and their faces showed shock.

“It seems we still underestimated that Wang Teng!” Cromwell looked gloomy, as if dripping water.

Xia Guo and the Bald Eagle have always been in a competitive relationship, and now there is such a powerful warrior in Xia Guo, and he is still very young, which is not a good thing for them.

Neon country.

A magnificent and solemn ethnic group is located in the hinterland of Edo Castle, surrounded by a moat. The outer garden has a bronze sculpture and a primitive city wall that ordinary people cannot approach.

When you walk into it, you will see a large square, surrounded by trees and lush greenery. Several paths paved with gravel extend to the depths…

Here is the neon royal residence!

In a large hall, Kana Kirihime, Yamamoto Inuichiro and others are all here.

Yamamoto Inuichiro stood respectfully in the center of the main hall, but Kanna Kirihime had no image, sitting on the chairs on both sides of the main hall, with his legs crossed, eating snacks, just like his own home.

At the first place, a middle-aged man sat there with a wonderful expression on his face, as if annoyed, as if helpless… opened his mouth, but didn’t know what to say.

After a while, he said with a headache: “Tong Ji, you shouldn’t do anything to the warriors of the Bald Eagle Country.”

Although the words are condemning, they are obviously not strong.

“Those bald eagle national warriors aren’t so good, why bother.” Kannai Tongji said blankly.

“We still need to rely on them.” The middle-aged man said helplessly.

“That’s your business, I don’t care about it.” Kana Kiruki clapped her hands after eating the cakes, got up and left: “If there is nothing else, I will go back first.”

“Wait.” The middle-aged man quickly stopped him: “You tell me what happened to the Wang Teng of Xia Guo?”

Kana Kirihime hesitated for a moment, and the amazing figure flashed in his mind, and said:

“That person is very strong!”

“I advise you not to be an enemy of him.”

When the voice fell, he turned and left, and there was no opportunity for the middle-aged man to speak.

A hint of surprise flashed in the middle-aged man’s eyes.

He knows the pride of Kannai Tongji very well, but now she respects a young warrior of Xia country so much.

No, it is not so much admiration as it is fear.

The middle-aged man turned his head to look at Inuichiro Yamamoto, and asked, “That Xia Guowu is really so strong!”

“Genius warriors from all countries have no rivals!” Inuichiro Yamamoto hesitated and said.

The middle-aged man’s complexion suddenly became solemn, and he muttered to himself: “Xia Guo, Xia Guo.”

He looked in the direction of Xia Guo, not knowing what he was thinking.

Mibon Inuichiro stood with his hands down, and didn’t dare to bother.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door and walked into the hall.

“What’s the matter?” the middle-aged man asked with a frown.

“Lord, it is an important piece of information!” The visitor knelt down and said in a deep voice.

It turns out that this middle-aged man is the reigning lord of the Neon Kingdom.

“Come up!” The neon monarch.

The visitor immediately handed a piece of information to the middle-aged man, and then retired respectfully.

The Neon Monarch glanced at ten lines, quickly flipped through the information content, his complexion suddenly changed, and then he read it again carefully, as if he was afraid of missing something.

When Yamamoto Inuichiro saw this scene, his head dropped a little bit lower, and at the same time he secretly guessed what kind of information actually made the lord so serious and cautious.

After a while, the neon monarch let out a sigh of relief.

“Xia Guo, it really is the kingdom of heaven!”

His tone was sour and envy and jealousy could not be concealed in his eyes.

Yamamoto Inuichiro was even more puzzled.

“Look at it.” The Neon Lord handed him the information.

After reading this, Yamamoto Inuichiro looked extremely shocked and shocked, and said in a trembled voice: “Kill the eight paladins, the dark species will revive, with the force of light, kill the demon-level dark species!!! This…”

He no longer knew what to say, the young figure appeared in his heart, and his heart trembled inexplicably.

That is a kind of fear from the soul!

The talent of the young man made him feel fear.

In addition to the Bald Eagle Country and the Neon Country, other countries such as the Great Bear Country, Inga Country, Kangaroo Country, and Great Eagle Country have all received the same information sooner or later.

For a while, there was a global uproar, and undercurrents surged.

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