Chapter 673 The Phoenix King’s Fighter Is Acquired!

Wang Teng’s return to China was extremely high. The three marshals personally picked up the plane, accompanied by a dozen general-level officers.

Along the way, it attracted countless people’s attention.

Near the Xiadu Military Airport, there are not only military personnel, but also warriors from other forces.

These warriors accept military missions and need to take the transportation of the military, so they are eligible to travel here.

At this time they all looked to Wang Teng and others.

However, some people are not very familiar with Wang Teng. At first glance, they did not recognize him.

But the three marshals are very familiar with them, and the general officers around them are wearing military uniforms, and the red stars on their shoulders are also extremely eye-catching, so shocking colors can not help appearing on everyone’s faces.

Who can make the three marshals meet so many generals personally?

“It’s him!”

But soon someone recognized Wang Teng and his face was amazed.

“Who is it?” someone who didn’t know the warrior asked quickly.

“Wang Teng, a new star rising from the East China Sea, no, with his strength, it should be said that he is a powerful martial artist!” Another human said.

“Wang Teng, that is Wang Teng who saved the East China Sea during the sea beast riot!” The expressions of the people around were shocked and said in shock.

“This is… too young!”

“It’s hard to imagine that such a young man is a warlord-level powerhouse!”

“It really can’t be described with the word “new star”, he has already become a real top powerhouse.”

The crowd was in an uproar, looking at Wang Teng with curiosity and shock, and there was a lot of discussion.

“What are they going to do, it seems they just came back?” someone asked again.

“I do not know!”

“Yeah, there is no news!”

“By the way, a few days ago it seemed to be a global warrior exchange meeting. Could it be that Wang Teng attended Xia Guo on behalf of us?”

“Fuck, it seems that the time is right.”

“It must be. With Wang Teng’s strength, he can definitely shine in the exchange meeting. Who will he not go.”

“Do you still have to guess? Just look at the expressions of the three marshals and you will know the result!”

“Eight or nine do not leave ten. No, I have to go back and let people check it. This is a major event, and all the forces will definitely take it extremely seriously.”

“Yes, go, go!”

Everyone was excited, the global warrior exchange meeting represented great honor and influence.

Xia Guo hasn’t come out on top for many years!

This time, if Wang Teng really defeats the young powerhouses of various countries, it will definitely be a great thing for Xia Guo, and the influence of Xia Guo’s warriors will definitely increase.

In the future, who would dare to underestimate Xia Guowu Zhan!

Wang Teng didn’t pay too much attention to the reaction of the people. He was boarding a military car with the three marshals and others and drove to the military headquarters.

The whole body of this military car is forged from extremely hard metal. There are a large number of defensive runes under the paint on the surface. The defensive power is so strong that it can even withstand the attacks of general-level warriors.

Even the glass above is super-strength rune glass, so you don’t even want to break the defense with ordinary attacks.

This kind of car can be called the “Teenage Ninja Turtles”!

This kind of car is only qualified to use the big boss.

Inside the car, Wang Teng looked at the fast passing scenery outside the window, suddenly feeling like yesterday.

When he had just been born again, he was sitting in his own car, looking at the specious world outside the window.

At that time, he was as weak as an ant, but now, he is already the top class of the Earth Star Warrior, and sitting next to him are big-time figures like the Three Marshals.

The world is impermanent, who can think of it?

“Wang Teng, you have done a great job again this time!” At this moment, Hong Shuai said.

“As a native of Xia, this is what I should do!” Wang Teng smiled, neither humble nor overbearing.

The three marshals were always relieved, look at this child, he has such strength at a young age, but he can not be arrogant, not arrogant, and has such a high level of consciousness, it is really rare.

It seems that Xia Guo has some successors!

“The main reason is that the foreign warriors are too weak. I haven’t tried hard yet. They fell down. It didn’t take much effort. I took this trip abroad as a public travel.” Wang Teng said again.

The three marshals: “…”

The gratified smiles on their faces suddenly stiffened, and they suddenly felt that they should withdraw their thoughts.

Not arrogant or arrogant? ?

This is not arrogant or impetuous!

This kid is so mad!

“Three marshals, don’t you still count my rewards?” Wang Teng laughed.

“Ahem… Don’t worry, since we promised you, this reward will definitely not run away. Not only is the Phoenix King fighter plane, but also a lot of contribution points.” Yong Shuai said with a dry cough.

“That’s good, that’s good!” Wang Teng nodded in relief.


The three marshals were speechless again, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

How afraid is this kid that they will regret it!

The most basic point of trust between people.

“I don’t know when I can get it?” Wang Teng continued to die, frantically testing the bottom line of the three marshals.

“I’m afraid that we won’t be able to rely on you.” Long Shuai was a violent temper. He immediately glared at him and said: “The contribution points will be allocated to you later. As for the Fengwang fighter, you can go now if you want to see it.”

“Then dare to love, I can’t wait.” A hint of excitement flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, he rubbed his hands and said hehe.

The three marshals had no choice but to let the driver turn the front of the car and drove in the other direction.

At this time, they had entered the depths of the military area. After turning around, it didn’t take long for them to arrive at the hangar where the fighter planes were parked.

Strategic weapons such as the Phoenix King fighter naturally have excellent treatment.

The car came to a halt slowly, and Wang Teng and the three marshals got out of the car.

In the car behind, Tan Taixuan, Mu Zhiguo and others also got out of the car one after another and walked over.

When they saw the hangar in front of them, surprises appeared on their faces.

What is this going to do?

“Open hangar J-Q003 (brilliant)!” Hong Shuai called an officer in charge of this place and said.

“Yes!” This officer turned out to be a lieutenant officer, with surprise in his eyes, he couldn’t help but glance at Wang Teng.

He knew that the Phoenix King fighter had a master, but he didn’t know who it was. When he saw Wang Teng at this time, he immediately understood that he might be the new owner of the Phoenix King fighter.

He turned to the door to operate, and with a bang, the huge hangar door slowly rose.

A black triangle fighter plane is crawling silently like a black phoenix. Its streamlined fuselage, like blade-like triangle wings, looks beautiful everywhere, like a work of art.

This is the beauty that can only be experienced by men!

As soon as this Phoenix King fighter appeared, the eyes of everyone present were completely attracted to it.

Mu Zhiguo, Qu Fei and others finally knew what they were doing here, their eyes were extremely envious.

“Go and see.” Long Shuai smiled.

Wang Teng nodded, took a deep breath, walked forward slowly, and circled the Fengwang fighter plane. He liked it more and more, stroking the streamlined body, like facing a peerless beauty.

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