Chapter 659: As expected, you don’t really want to thank me…

Boom boom boom!

A terrifying explosion spread across the sky, and the sword intent raged across the sky, as if to fragment the sky.

The clouds in the sky shattered into countless pieces, like a piece of cotton candy destroyed by a bear child.


Kiplin hit the ground, bruised all over his body, vomiting blood, and brutal.

In the sky, Wang Teng was only pushed back ten meters by the aftermath, and then stopped.

Great Sage Kiplin… lost! !


Everyone was in an uproar and couldn’t believe the result.

“Master Saint, we… won?” Great Sage Fara asked in disbelief.

Alais took a deep breath and murmured to herself: “As expected of the person foretold by the temple!”

“The person foretold by the temple!” The Great Sage Farah seemed to have heard something even more incredible, his eyes widened, and his heart was shocked inexplicably.

He looked at Wang Teng in the distance, and there was a different meaning in his eyes, as if he was awed!

But even without mentioning this so-called ‘temple herald’, Wang Teng’s strength was enough to make him awed.

The Great Sage Farah sighed and didn’t ask any more questions. There were so many people at this time, it was obviously not the time to discuss this matter.

On the other side, the three remaining paladins of Soang, Sharjah, and Moulong were shocked, and their hearts were extremely bitter.

This Wang Teng is so much stronger than them, there is no comparison at all.

Before, they were still dissatisfied, thinking that Lord Saintess had taken a look and paid too much attention to Wang Teng.

Now it seemed that the Lord Saint was wiser than them, and she might have already seen how extraordinary Wang Teng was.

If they knew that their saints were shocked, they would not know what their expression would be?

The human brain is indeed a very magical thing.

In the distance, Zhu Yunshao and others looked at each other, feeling extremely unreal.

The powerful warrior who defeated the great sage of the holy mountain in front of them is really the laughing and joking they know, is there a Wang Teng who has never been righteous?

The contrast is too big!

“Your Excellency Tantaixuan, congratulations to you. It is now in the eventful autumn, and your Xia country has one more powerful man in the world, standing on the top of the world, with his alone power, it is enough to suppress most of the country!” Ivan looked complicated! Said.

There is no lack of envy in the tone.

That is really envious. No one knows better than them what a strong man in the world means to a country.

The strong are the cornerstones of a country’s stability!

Tan Taixuan looked at Wang Teng in the distance, her expression was also a bit complicated, thinking that she was also a figure of Tianjiao level, and her cultivation speed was faster than most warriors, and she was even taken care of by the three marshals as the next marshal candidate to train.

In the end, Wang Teng, a latecomer, took the top spot.

But anyway, Wang Teng was watching her grow up all the way, and the feeling of satisfaction of’my boy’s first grown up’ made a perfect curve emerge in the corners of her mouth.

Although she was very proud in her heart, Tan Taixuan waved her hand indifferently and said, “He is still early, he needs to be improved, he needs to be improved.”

“…” Evan suddenly felt an arrow pierced in his chest and was extremely depressed.

God needs to be improved, where do you want to go?

Such strength, no matter how high it is, I am afraid that no one in the world will be Wang Teng’s opponent!

The problem is that Tan Taixuan’s words are fine.

Wang Teng is still very young. Being young means countless opportunities and possibilities. Who knows that in the next few decades, Wang Teng will not be able to improve to the point where they can’t imagine.

Maybe he can get out of the shackles of all warriors and see a higher level of realm?

This thought suddenly appeared in Ivan’s heart, and he was shocked.

If it can be done, it will be the pioneer, the pioneer of all the warriors of the Earth Star, just like those people who entered the other world and brought the world into the era of martial arts.

Ivan didn’t dare to think about it anymore.

However, he was certain that he must report the matter to the upper echelon after he returned. Xia Guo could only be a friend, not an enemy.

He was very fortunate that they were on Xia Guo’s side this time, and even when facing the siege of the saint mountain warriors, they did not shrink back. This was a lot of favor.


Kiplin climbed up from the ground, coughing up blood constantly in his mouth, disheveled his head, his eyes were red, and he was extremely crazy.

“Ah… I have planned for many years and endured for many years, why is this the result?”


“Impossible, how could I lose to your little beast!”

Kiplin yelled, no longer the arrogance and indifference he had before, and the whole person was desperate and crazy, unable to accept the result.

“Little beast?” Wang Teng’s face suddenly darkened.

This slammed on the street actually scolded him as a little beast!

He didn’t even know how much the pure dark species had hanged, this old guy who borrowed the power of darkness dared to scold him for his courage.

Wang Teng was furious, so he rushed down to teach him how to behave.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The dark beast phantom above Kiplin’s head suddenly flashed with red light in his eyes, and he let out an extremely hideous roar, and then fell into Kiplin’s body unsuspectingly.


Kiplin shook his whole body and let out a painful roar to the sky.

Two scarlet rays of light shot from his eyes, just like the giant beast before.


The ‘demon soldier’ in his hand made a clanging sound, piercing his ears sharply.

Many people couldn’t help covering their heads.

At the same time, strands of dark force gush out from Kipling’s body like waves, sweeping around.

Someone couldn’t dodge, was involved in this dark force, suddenly screamed, and the whole person changed.

Countless black patterns crawling all over their bodies, hands, feet, faces…visible, all exposed places are covered.

“Hurry up!”

In the sky, Alais looked at this scene, her complexion changed drastically, and she hurriedly gave a soft drink.

Everyone leaped back quickly, while constantly stimulating the original force to resist the attack of the black force.

Seeing this sudden change, Wang Teng’s eyes flickered rapidly, and he looked down at Kipling who had completely lost himself.

“Jie Jie Jie Jie…”

A grinning laugh came from Kipling. He raised his slightly lowered head, and his scarlet eyes met Wang Teng.

“I have to thank you…” The hoarse voice came out slowly.

“Thank me, don’t just say it, don’t say it, why don’t you give me the weapon in your hand?” Wang Teng said.

“…” Heihua Kipling fell into silence for a while.

“No way, you really don’t really want to thank me, hypocrisy.” Wang Teng said contemptuously.

Blackening Kipling: “…”

Everyone: “…”

Everyone was dull, feeling the suddenly strange atmosphere around them, and their eyes focused on Wang Teng.

How did this guy grow up so big?

If you die in this way, will you really not be beaten to death?

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