Chapter 660 Chi Yan Demon Lord!

“Jie Jie Jie Jie…”

After a period of silence, Heihua Kipling let out a weird laughter again.

“Don’t laugh, it’s hard to hear!” Wang Teng said.

“…” The blackened Kiplin seemed to be choked again, and the laughter stopped abruptly. It seemed that some frustrated voice came from his mouth: “Boy, you want to die!”

“I don’t want to!” Wang Teng said.

“…No wonder this guy wanted to kill you so much, now I want to too.” Heihua Kipling took a deep breath and said.


A terrifying dark force erupted from him, which seemed to be stronger and larger than Kipling himself had before.

In addition, his body changed drastically, his body swelled, his robes broke through, a pair of sharp horns broke the flesh and blood of his forehead, and it grew wildly.

Above the sharp corner, two black flames suddenly appeared and burned.

A scorching temperature diffused away.

Wang Teng’s face was slightly condensed, and he felt that the sapphire and glazed flames in his body seemed to be agitated at this moment.


Suddenly he whispered in his heart.

Because just as the opponent turned into shape, several attribute bubbles fell out.

【Dark Fire*10】

【Dark Fire*8】

【Dark Fire*6】

“The fire of darkness!” Wang Teng’s heart moved, and he suddenly felt a small black flame in his body.

This small flame was only the size of a fingernail, shrunk beside the sapphire glaze flame, like a little chicken facing a big Peng bird, weak, pitiful and helpless.

Wang Teng’s complexion became a little weird.

Suddenly I got a kind of flame, and it was still a kind of extraordinary flame, but there was only such a handful.

He didn’t know whether he should be happy.

In a short period of time, the appearance of the other party has changed drastically.

Wang Teng has strange eyes, is this guy a monster?

It’s enough to transform once, now it’s changed again, before anyway, it became a young man, this time it became a monster directly.

“Jie Jie Jie Jie…”

He laughed constantly, seemed extremely proud and excited, and then the laughter grew louder and louder, echoing the sky:

“I am free at last!”

“You are happy now, isn’t it too early? You are already surrounded, have you run away?” Wang Teng said with a weird expression.

“Encircle me?” Heihua Kiplin laughed: “Only you?”

“No, just me, surround you.” Wang Teng said.

“…” Heinized Kipling was suddenly stunned.

Immediately reacted.

Surround him alone?

Damn, he was played by Wang Teng!

The blackened Kiplin was furious, and the dark force rolled over.

At this moment, Alais came to Wang Teng’s side, staring solemnly at the blackened Kipling on the ground, and said solemnly: “This is the dark demon soul sealed in the demon soldier. There was once a powerful After being killed by the strong sacred mountain, the higher dark species was sealed in it, but it was unexpectedly released by Kipling this time.”

“The advanced dark species, how strong is it!” Wang Teng said.

“According to the records in the sacred mountain, it should be a demon-level existence, because the soul is powerful and cannot be killed for a while, so it can only be continuously worn out with the light force through the long years.” Alais said.

“Devil rank!” Although Wang Teng’s surface was calm, he really took a breath in his heart.

In the first battle in Star Maple City, the Black Nightmare Lord came, and the terrible situation is still vivid. So many powerful people are not enough for the Black Nightmare Lord to kill by himself. In the end, they abolished the power of nine cattle and two tigers. Defeated the Dark Nightmare Lord, but still couldn’t kill him.

Later, he was fled back to the dark world, and even Wang Teng was trapped in the past. If it weren’t for his methods, he would almost die in the dark world and would not be able to return.

It’s not that he is arrogant. In that situation, changing individuals casually is the end of a break.

And there is a strong man in the holy mountain that can kill the devil?

real or fake?

But now is not the time to delve into it, Wang Teng’s eyes flashed and asked: “He shouldn’t have much strength left now, right?”

“After all these years of radiating force, the remaining strength may not be one in ten, but I am afraid it is much stronger than the 13-star high-ranking general.” Alais said solemnly.

“This little girl is right. Even if my strength is not one or two back then, it will be enough to deal with you.” Heihua Kipling slowly ascended into the sky, looking at Wang Teng and Alais jokingly: “Yes. Now, remember the name of this demon-Chi Yan!”

“We are not really interested in your name.” Wang Teng turned his head to look at it, and couldn’t help but remind.

He found that this guy seemed quite narcissistic.

Chi Yan Demon Lord: “…”

There was a moment of silence, and it said cruelly: “Boy, you are really impatient to live. I hope that after I unscrew your neck, you will still have such sharp teeth.”

Wang Teng took a deep breath, took a step back, patted his chest and said, “I’m really scared!”

Chi Yan Mojun suddenly appeared green veins on his forehead, and the black flames on the two sharp corners bounced twice uncontrollably.

Alais was also speechless.

She never knew that Wang Teng was so wonderful!

Especially in the face of the existence of the Demon Lord level, even she felt terrified, but Wang Teng actually still had the mind to use words to fight it.

I really don’t know what is going on in this guy’s head?

Chi Yan Demon Lord decided not to pay attention to Wang Teng. It rushed to the sky, and a terrible aura erupted from his body, as if a black cloud was pressing down on the city, suppressing it from high above.

“Today, in order to celebrate the devil’s escape, everyone present… will die!”

The evil voice spread vigorously.

When everyone heard that voice and felt the terrifying aura, their complexions changed drastically.

“What happened, why did the Great Sage Kiplin become so terrible?”

Many people don’t know why, they only see the complete transformation of Chi Yan Demon Lord, but they don’t know the true identity of Chi Yan Demon Lord.


“It just said that he is the Demon Lord!!!”

“It is not the Great Sage of Kipling anymore, it is possessed by the Demon Lord!!!”

Someone seemed to have discovered something and screamed in horror.

Tantaixuan, Iwan and others changed their complexions suddenly, staring at the Chi Yan Demon Lord in the sky in horror.

Several people glanced at each other, rushed to the side of Wang Teng and Alais, and asked anxiously: “What the hell is going on?”

“There was a demon lord sealed in that demon soldier, and Kipling let it out. Now he is suffering from evil consequences and is possessed.” Wang Teng shrugged and said simply.

“Mojun, really is the devil!” Tan Taixuan’s voice was extremely solemn.

“It can’t be wrong. No one can have this kind of aura except for the existence of that level. Even a 13-star warlord-level powerhouse can’t achieve this kind of aura.” Ivan said.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of. This guy didn’t know that after being sealed for so many years, he was a strong player in the outside world. Don’t persuade him, just do it.” Wang Teng said.

“…” Everyone was full of black lines, and they wanted to rub him on the ground.

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