Chapter 658 Sword Storm!

Kiplin thought that it would be easy to kill Wang Teng, but Wang Teng’s strength exceeded his imagination.

After the real fight, he realized that Wang Teng’s strength turned out to be extremely powerful, not the average 11-star subordinate general level at all, and he was actually on par with him.

It’s incredible!

Kiplin’s heart shook, facing Wang Teng, holding a’devil soldier’, and splitting a black sword light.

Wang Teng smashed his fists and shook the’Devil Soldier’ ​​forcibly, touching it with pure flesh.

Clang clang clang!

When the two collided, the sound of gold and iron clashes was heard continuously.

Wang Teng’s fists threw out like a storm, pressing Kipling back continuously.

In the distance, Soang, Sharjah and others saw this scene, their faces suddenly showed shock, and there was a stormy sea in their hearts.

That Wang Teng was so powerful that he even suppressed Kipling.

Alais’s eyes flashed, and there was a shock in her eyes. She fought with Kiplin, but was lost, and she knew his strength. But now, watching Wang Teng fight with him, she can do her best without any weakness.

This situation made her surprised and happy!

Surprised, because Wang Teng’s strength was beyond her expectation, and hi, because Wang Teng had this strength, the holy mountain could be guaranteed and would not fall into the hands of Kipling.

But the results are unclear, and it is too early to say these.

I only hope that Wang Teng can survive to the end and defeat Kipling.

“Master Saint, Lord Wang Teng, has such a strength, it seems we still have a chance to win!” A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Great Sage Farah, and he whispered quickly.

In his mouth, Wang Teng once again changed from “that kid” to “sir”!

“Yeah.” Alais nodded and didn’t say much.

The Great Sage Farah did not say much, his eyes were fixed to the front, with boundless hope.

On the other side, Tan Taixuan and others also showed their stunned expressions.

They really didn’t expect that Wang Teng’s strength had reached such a level.

During the East China Sea Rebellion, Wang Teng only repelled the “Storm Great Ape” with a big move, but now he can directly fight the 13-star high-ranking general Kipling, and there is no tendency to lose.

How much time is this!

That guy Wang Teng has become so much stronger, how did he do it? ?

“Your Excellency Tantaixuan, he, he…” Not far from the side, Ivan was shocked, and he was a little speechless.

“Don’t ask me, you just don’t know.” Tantai Xuan smiled bitterly.

Valeria was heartless, not paying attention to why, and he laughed and said, “As expected of the man I’m after!”

“…” Everyone was speechless.

This silly girl, that guy is the man you will never get!

The surrounding uproar continued to sound, and everyone’s eyes focused on Wang Teng and Kiplin.

At this moment, the two rushed straight to the sky, turning into two rays of light, one green and one black.

Wang Teng moved horizontally in the sky, the ancient divine body opened, a pair of iron fists punched out the five elements of fist intent, a more powerful secret burst, punch after punch.

Kipling’s complexion was sullen, and he kept going backwards, feeling extremely aggrieved.

His strength is clearly much stronger than Wang Teng, but why is he being crushed and beaten, and he doesn’t even have a chance to fight back.

What kind of evil is this kid!

“Aren’t you going to kill me? Why retreat!” Wang Teng shouted violently, with cyan flames lingering all over his body, the original forces of the various elements in his body surged wildly, and the continuous output turned into a powerful offensive.

At this moment, he is as crazy as a devil and extremely powerful!

“Rampant!” Kiplin shouted angrily, the dark force rushed out of his body, turning into a dazzling black glow.

The demon soldiers clanged loudly, and the sound of crying rang through the world, disturbing people’s minds, and extremely evil intentions.


A dazzling black sword light soared into the sky.

A terrifying sword intent containing endless darkness was brewing, seeming to engulf the surrounding light.

Kiplin withdrew and violently retreated, slashing out with a sword, causing the black sword light to cross the sky and slash towards Wang Teng.

“You also try to pick me up!” Wang Teng’s eyes condensed, and the magical soldier Moque appeared in his hand, and the blue flame spread out, covering most of the sky in an instant.

Tiangang Flame Knife!

Jiucheng flame sword intent!


In an instant, all the cyan flames condensed into a giant blade that cut through the void, and even cut the clouds in the sky in half.

In the roar, the flame blade light collided with the black sword light on the opposite side!

Boom boom boom!

The force’s explosion sounded, and a terrifying shock wave swept around, shaking the sky, shocking everyone.

Some people who were a little closer were directly shocked by blood in their ears, and they were terrified.

“It’s terrible!” Someone was afraid.

“That Wang Teng can actually beat the Great Sage Kiplin. Is his strength higher than the Lord Saint?” Someone is incredible.

The scene was chaotic and boiling.

In the sky, the attacks of the two slowly dissipated, and Kiplin looked ugly. Seeing Wang Teng who was unscathed on the opposite side, a sense of powerlessness surged into his heart.

Wang Teng stepped on the void and stepped forward, with the magic que in his hand pointing diagonally to the ground.

Kiplin glanced at the weapon that resembled a sword and a knife, raised his eyebrows, and glanced at his’devil soldier’ ​​without a trace.

The magic soldier trembled slightly, it was a tremor formed after the collision, and could not be stopped for a while.

“This weapon…”

“Don’t stop, come again, old guy!” Wang Teng’s tone was indifferent, he stepped on the ground under his foot, rushed out, and slashed down.


Kipling hurriedly raised the sword crossbar and fought with Wang Teng again.

Boom boom boom!

Wang Teng continued to explode, slashing horrific sword lights crazily, the five elements of sword intent, and the five elements of sword intent, taking turns to slash down without money.

For a time, the colorful sword lights and sword lights are in the void, dazzling people.

Everyone was stunned.

“This… is too inhuman!” Zhu Yunshao couldn’t help muttering in the distance, only shocked.

The eyes of Qu Fei, Mu Zhiguo and others flashed quickly, and they were obviously shocked.

“This lunatic!” Kipling almost broke his teeth and kept moving backwards, his sword hand trembling slightly.

Even if he is strong, but facing the freak Wang Teng, his body is strong, his strength is terrifying, and he can’t stand being chopped for hundreds of meters in such a burst!

At this moment, he regretted it inexplicably, MMP had known that he would not provoke this kid.

Especially this is a wicked evildoer at all!

“No, if this goes on, even if I am unbeaten, there is absolutely no chance of winning.” Kipling gritted his teeth, a flash of madness suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Suddenly, he grabbed the demon sword blade in his hand with one hand, and then swiftly passed it.


A large amount of blood sprayed from his palm and fell on the magic soldier.

The bright red blood is like hot molten iron, pouring the sword body of the demon soldier, slashing across the complicated runes inch by inch, infiltrating into…

“Not good!” Alaisi’s face changed slightly, and she shouted: “Quickly stop him, he wants to completely open the ban on the magic soldier and release the dark power in it!”

Upon hearing this, Wang Teng’s eyes suddenly condensed.

“It’s late!” Kiplin smirked, his face even more evil, his eyes faintly glowing with red light, flashing a hint of evil that did not belong to him, maybe he himself hadn’t noticed the slightest abnormality.

“If you can push me to this point, you are amazing!”

He looked at Wang Teng, the killing intent in his eyes was close to the essence.

“I didn’t force you, it was you who forced yourself, Sand Sculpture!” Wang Teng sneered.


Green veins burst out of Kiplin’s forehead uncontrollably.

“Little boy, don’t be proud, thinking that if you force me to this point, I can’t kill you.” Kiplin said coldly.

When the voice fell, the magic soldier in his hand was full of black light, making a violent trembling sound.


The sound of gold and iron sounded through.

The black light above the demon soldier squirmed like mist, and it was completely submerged in Kiplin’s body, making the black lines on his body more complex and deep, evil spirited.


Kiplin looked up to the sky and screamed, his black hair was dancing wildly, like a demon but not a human.


He yelled violently, completely aroused the dark force, condensed it into a sword of darkness, and soared into the sky.

A phantom horror beast appeared, and his scarlet evil eyes looked down on Wang Teng.

Wang Teng’s face was calm, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly raised the devil’s fault in his hand, mobilizing the force and momentum of his whole body to the extreme, converging crazily.


Around him, countless sword intents, sword intents raging, gold, wood, water, fire and earth…all the artistic conceptions that can be mobilized are condensed in one place, revolving around him, forming a terrifying storm.

Qiang Qiang…

The storm revolved at a high speed, and more and more meanings of swords flowed into it, causing it to skyrocket.

Before long, a huge storm formed by the converging of the intent of swords and swords was completely formed.

And Wang Teng’s figure has long since disappeared in the storm…

All the martial artists in the surrounding area saw this scene, they were very shocked, and there was a trace of fear in their hearts.

Is such a method really a human issue?

They were shocked in their hearts, and suddenly felt the weapons in their hands trembling crazily, constantly croaking, as if they wanted to get out of their hands and merge into the sword storm.

“This is?” The faces of the great sages of Alais and Farah were shocked.

Kipling’s eyebrows were also throbbing, and he felt a great threat, but at this point, no one could hold back.

“Pretend to be a fool!”

He snorted coldly, and his whole body was full of black light, brewing the sword light to the extreme. This was the strongest blow he and the demon soldier had combined into one.


A black sword light pierced through the sky and the earth severely cut down.


At this moment, a cold drink came from the sword storm.

The sword storm suddenly swept forward, and directly collided with the sky-shaking black sword light.

Boom boom boom!

The violent roar sounded, shaking the sky and the earth.

The black sword light slammed into the storm of swords, in which countless sword intents raged, slashing on the black sword light, leaving a trail of marks.

The two sides stood in a stalemate and continued for several breaths.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, the sword storm exploded, and the black sword light exploded. The two merged and repelled each other, forming a terrifying force impact.

Kiplin was the first to bear the brunt. He was knocked out like a torn sack, blood spurted wildly, and his face was full of disbelief.

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