Chapter 657 Shot!

Buddha in the palm of your hand!

Kiplin raised his head, looked at the giant palm and patted it lightly, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

“I know all your methods!”

“The saint didn’t let you take action before, because I was afraid of being targeted by me, but now you have no choice but to take action now.”

“Unfortunately, it was all in vain after all!”

Kiplin held the ‘Magic Soldier’ in his hand and spoke lightly.

When Soang, Sharjah and others heard this, an ominous premonition could not help but emerge in their hearts.

As a great sage of the temple, Kipling knows the various inheritances of the temple best under one person and over ten thousand people. The methods of their paladins are equivalent to transparency in front of him.

But at this point, other things are useless, and the arrow has to be sent on the string!


Above the giant palm, layers of space are folded, like a self-contained world, shrouded toward Kipling.

The ‘magic soldier’ in Kiplin’s hand suddenly pierced out, and a violent and rich black light flickered on it, spitting out the sword light, and straddling the sky.

Although this sword light was pitch black as ink, the black light that bloomed out was dazzling, illuminating the entire sky.

The sword carried an endless dark sword intent, the sword aura whizzed, and the sound was extremely sharp, piercing fiercely towards the giant palm in the sky.


There was a loud noise.

There was a violent vibration in the palm of the giant palm, and cracks appeared, and then it seemed to contain an unbearable terrifying force, and it burst into pieces.


The Buddha kingdom in his palm was destroyed by a single blow, and Sharjah was shocked as if struck by lightning, and a mouthful of blood spurted out uncontrollably.

He was hit by a huge force, his face was as pale as paper, blood ran across one palm, and he trembled, but he couldn’t even lift it up.

“It’s a pity!” Wang Teng shook his head regretfully.

His eyes were strange, and he didn’t expect to see Buddhism-like methods in this foreign country.

But I don’t think about it. This Buddhism method is not unique to Xia Kingdom. Even the Buddhism of Xia Kingdom came from the Inga Kingdom. Who knows if this paladin has some inheritance there?

It’s just that [Buddha Kingdom in the Palm] seems to be a means that includes the principles of space. It seems that the Paladin named Sharjah is also a space talented warrior.

The holy mountain is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger, and two talented warriors in this space have appeared, it is really incredible.

However, their methods seem to be focused on the use of combat skills, and their own development and mastery of space capabilities does not seem to be high.

At least Wang Teng didn’t see them using methods such as shuttle space.

Unlike him, although he doesn’t have many space combat skills, he has developed a lot of space abilities anyway, and can easily complete short-distance space leaps.

He didn’t know that this kind of space leapfrogging method was not that simple. Although Sharjah and Marcus could also use them, they were extremely risky. They would be cut into strips by space if they were not careful. Dare to use it easily.

Especially in battle, if it is disturbed by others, the consequences will be disastrous.

So, this is the advantage of strong talent!

Wang Teng’s spatial talent is extremely strong, and his comprehension has reached a terrifying imperial level. Even this extremely difficult method of the spatial type can be comprehended and mastered at will.

Of course, Sharjah, Margus and their talents are already extremely high, otherwise they would not be able to master the space combat skills, but compared to Wang Teng, they are still so lost.


At this time, the huge blue dragon transformed by Libra Mulong descended from the sky, and slammed into Kipling while roaring.

Thorang controlled the fall of countless boulders, whizzing down, spinning and falling at high speed.

Arudis turned into a huge bull, rushing violently, he felt guilty in his heart, thinking that all of this was due to him, so he was determined to die at this moment, inspiring all the potential, and fighting to the death!

Kipling sneered, holding a sword in his right hand and a palm in his left hand. The magic soldier inspires a sword intent to the sky, and the sword glow rises up into the sky. All the meteorite-like boulders burst in mid-air, making it impossible to get close.

The blue dragon also uttered a mournful cry, and was beheaded by a black sword light, and under an unwilling roar, the huge body turned into a light spot and dissipated.

Mu Long’s sturdy body emerged, with sword marks all over his body, very miserable.

At this time, Arudis took the opportunity to break through the sword qi blockade, and the bull slammed into it, and his huge body trampled and ran with indomitable momentum.


The bull roared like a giant beast, and a pair of golden horns were so sharp that they slammed forward.

“court death!”

Kiplin’s face became cold, and he stepped forward abruptly, the palm of his left hand gleamed with a dense black light, and he slapped a palm on top of the head of the bull.

“No!” Thorang and the others yelled in amazement, wanting to come forward to help, but it was too late.


The palm full of black light was severely printed on the top of Manniu’s head, and it made a dull sound like a big bell.

The next moment, the huge golden bull’s body froze in place, and cracks appeared on its body.


With a loud noise, the golden bull’s body broke apart, revealing the body of Arudis.

He maintained the posture of punching his fist, but his body stopped in place, motionless, his face kept flashing black light, it was obvious that the dark force had invaded his body.

Suddenly a trace of blood flowed out of his forehead and eyes, followed by other facial features and seven orifices bleeding.

The breath on his body quickly dissipated!

Thorang and Moulong roared, extremely sad and angry.

Sharjah’s pupils shrank and a trace of sadness appeared on his face.


In the distance, the great sages of Alais and Farah could not help sighing with sad faces.

Twelve holy knights, one more!

“Dead!” Wang Teng was a little surprised. He didn’t expect that Arudis was so stalwart that he was so staunchly that he was so violent that he was really out of his expectation.

“It’s you!” Kiplin suddenly turned his head and looked, his eyes flickered, and he cut out with a sword.

The black sword light fell from the sky and took Wang Teng’s head straight.


Wang Teng’s expression remained unchanged, a punch was blasted, and the powerful force swept through, and the black sword light burst and split in an instant.

Immediately he stepped out and disappeared in place, appearing in front of Kipling like a ghost, and punching again.

“Fast speed!”

The pupils in Kiplin’s eyes shrank, and his heart shook slightly.

This Wang Teng’s physique is really terrible? !

Such a arrogant, let alone stay!

Murderous intent was boiling in his heart, facing Wang Teng’s fist, a palm printed out and collided with it.


A fist and a palm collided, making a violent violent sound, and the invisible strong wave shook their hair and clothes, cracking them.

Kiplin’s complexion changed slightly, and he felt a force swept across from the other side. His arm shook violently, and his body involuntarily retreated several steps before he stopped it abruptly.

Wang Teng couldn’t help but stepped back three steps, his eyes narrowed slightly, he stepped on his foot, and rushed out.

“Come again!”

With a violent shout, he waved his fists and hurled at Kipling like a storm.

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