Chapter 638 Strangle the throat of fate!

“Everyone, I’m going to trouble you to capture this person this time!”

Elifas glanced at the seven paladins who had descended, and said solemnly.

None of these seven had spoken, but they all looked at Wang Teng with interest.

It was this guy who hit the Cancer Palace from the Taurus Palace, pierced the three palaces directly, and even killed Margus in the Cancer Palace!

So young!

It’s incredible!

“Cao, you should have been defeated by his hands, why do you still have a face to appear.” At this moment, one of them suddenly laughed.

“Dimia!” Cao looked ugly.

The other party’s words undoubtedly hit his sore spot, or in front of everyone, making him extremely embarrassed.

When he appeared here at this time, he was naturally unwilling and wanted to capture Wang Teng personally.

But when the other party said so, it seemed that he was extremely insignificant and made him feel ashamed.

“If you have the ability, just grab him and show it to me by yourself.” Cao said with a dark face.

“Hey, you think I’m a waste like you.” Scorpio Palace Paladin Di Mia sneered.

“You!” Cao’s face was gloomy.

Eliface saw that everyone was either silent or in a quarrel, and no one paid any attention to him. He couldn’t help but his face was blue, and he was really embarrassed.

Fortunately, at this time, El Rodney of the Lion Palace frowned and said: “Well, don’t make a noise every time you meet, catch people first, let’s talk about it, what is it like to let people be so wild on the sacred mountain.”

When the others heard this, they also looked at Kaor and Dimia.



The dull eyes put the pressure on the two of Kao greatly, they snorted, each turned their heads, after all, they stopped making unnecessary quarrels.

Then everyone looked at Wang Teng who was on the opposite side, and the paladins spread out in a tacit understanding without even speaking, trapping Wang Teng in the middle.

Wang Teng’s face was dull, looking around, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Really think we can deal with him by joining forces?

These people are too naive.

Who doesn’t know that Wang Teng is best at fighting in groups.

It’s nothing to say that a group of people beat up a group of people.

“Which one of you will go up and try first?” Erodeney said with a proud face, as if he didn’t intend to fight in a group.

“Dimia, why don’t you go, grab him alone and let Cao see.” Capricorn Paladin Yarrow quipped.

The few people talked and laughed easily, with indifference and arrogance in their expressions, as if they had eaten Wang Teng.

Even if Wang Teng penetrated the three houses in front, or even killed Margus in Cancer Palace, they didn’t think that Wang Teng would be able to turn out any big waves under the siege of a few of them.

You know, the more the zodiac sign goes, the stronger the guarding paladin is. Among them, except for Kao, the others are stronger than Margus.

As a strong man, who is not even proud of it!

The stronger the person, the more so.

It’s a pity that the person they met was Wang Teng…

Faced with the contempt that a few people showed inadvertently, Wang Teng was very indifferent. There was no wave in his heart, and said, “Don’t fight, let’s go together.”

In a word, the surroundings immediately fell into silence.

The seven Paladins stared at Wang Teng unblinkingly, as if they heard something unbelievable.



“Looking for a dead end!”

The seven Paladins opened their mouths one by one, their eyes were cold, and they shouted.

“Hahaha!” Wang Teng suddenly laughed.

“What are you laughing at?” Rodney frowned.

“I laugh at you guys.” Wang Teng smiled, his face suddenly turned cold, and shouted: “Since you are all so impatient, I will see you off.”


In an instant, a terrifying force erupted from Wang Teng.

Jinmu, water, fire and earth…

Five kinds of force, burst out together!

The force of horror seemed to converge into an ocean, and huge waves swept across the west.

At the same time, the sapphire Liuliyan also rushed out of Wang Teng’s body, wrapped around him, setting him off like a flame king.

The complexions of the seven Paladins suddenly changed!

In an instant, they found that they underestimated Wang Teng.

Such a terrifying force, how can ordinary warriors have it.

However, Wang Teng did not give a few people a chance to think, nor did he see what his actions were. Several cold rays of light burst from the flames around him, wrapped the flames, and dragged the long flame tail to gallop towards the Paladins. .

The speed of these cold lights was too fast, and in the blink of an eye they came to the seven Paladins, either rushing into their eyes or taking their hearts… Without exception, they all aimed at their critical attacks.

The pupils of the seven paladins shrank in their eyes, and they responded.

I saw Di Miya of Scorpio Palace pointed out, a scarlet light shot from his sharp nails, greeted the cold light.

Rodney of the Lion Palace is the most direct, fist flickering, turning into countless shadows of fists, intercepting the cold light.

The other paladins also used their own means to block them.

Boom boom boom!

A series of attacks erupted in the sky, but unfortunately none of them hit the cold light.

Several cold rays seemed to transform into spirit snakes, moving very flexibly in the sky, drawing lines of flames in the air, spinning and colliding crazily around the seven Paladins.


At this moment, a scream suddenly sounded.

Everyone turned their heads and looked, only to see Wang Teng appeared in front of Kao somehow, pinched his neck with one hand, and lifted his whole body.

At the same time, both of Kao’s arms were pierced, and the blood trickled down.

“If you let you go once, you still dare to come, really recklessly!” Wang Teng sneered.

He was the first to stare at this Kao.

He already knows the opponent’s methods very well. As long as he can deal with it, it won’t be too difficult to take it down.

And doing this is to… kill the chicken and the monkey!

Don’t let these people look at his methods, they really think he has no temper.

Cao heard that a trace of humiliation flashed in his eyes, but he was pinched by Wang Teng’s neck, like a duck holding his fate’s throat, unable to move at all.

Only now did he truly understand the gap between himself and Wang Teng.

But how could this guy be so strong?

Kao couldn’t understand, almost unbelievable, at this time his complexion kept flushing, and he was obviously about to suffocate.

“Let go of him!” El Rodney and others shouted, trying to come forward to rescue, but they were all entangled in the meteor cone, and he had no time to take care of them.

“Are you ordering me?” Wang Teng looked at everyone, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, these people have not seen the situation clearly, and dare to yell at him. They are really stupid people!

“Let him go, or you will definitely die today!” Dimia said coldly.

Wang Teng smiled and looked at Kao and said: “Don’t blame me, blame them if you want to blame it, look at them, is this what people say, in fact they want to harm you!”

Kao immediately showed fear in his eyes, struggling desperately, but it was in vain. He wanted to speak, but his throat was stuck, and he couldn’t make a sound.

“Poor, sad!”

Seeing his dying struggle, Wang Teng couldn’t help shook his head, then twisted his palm, spitting out vigorously.


The crisp sound reverberated, and everyone was shocked, their faces full of incredible.

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