Chapter 637 Come here!

Elifas was frightened and furious. Although the wound on his body was not serious due to timely blocking, it was the first time he was beaten like this.

How can this make him tolerate!

As a great sage of the temple, he is in a high position, and he is used to being complimented everywhere and giving orders. Now he is hitting a wall here at Wang Teng, and he has also smashed blood. He only feels that his face is lost, and his heart is angry. Channeling.

“Fros, what are you still waiting for? Don’t do it yet.” Elifas’s expression was gloomy, and he coldly said to Fros who was still hesitant on the side.

Foluos couldn’t help but hesitate, no matter what the matter was, they didn’t care about it. If he did it, the consequences would be unpredictable.

But seeing Elifath’s cold eyes, he couldn’t help sighing in his heart, his mouth full of bitterness.

The county magistrate is better off now!

If he didn’t do anything at this time, it would be tantamount to offending Elifas, don’t worry about the consequences, Elifas would be the first to let him go.

“Offended!” He looked at Wang Teng, translating.

Wang Teng ignored him, sneered in his heart, and looked at the two with no fear on his face.

Seeing that he was confident, Frost suddenly felt a headache, and couldn’t help but complain about the high level of the temple. How could he send a fool like Elifas to solve this matter?

In this situation, not only can the matter be unsolved, it will get worse and worse.

But the arrow is already on the string!


Seeing Fros yielding, Elifas suddenly flashed a trace of triumph in his eyes, and then looked at Wang Teng, his expression cold.

The force in his body exploded, and the long sword in his hand burst into bright sword light.


There seemed to be waves in the air.

And if you listen carefully, you will hear the faint sound of metal swords in the sound of the waves.

This is… Sword Intent!

Water Sword Intent! ! !

After seeing Wang Teng’s strength, Elifas knew that ordinary methods would not even want to take Wang Teng, even he had to make an all-out effort.

On the other side, Frost also chose to shoot.

A long spear appeared in his hand, and the golden spear light swallowed a sharp cold light at the tip of the gun, and a spear intent was wrapped around it.


At a certain moment, the two moved at the same time, attacking Wang Teng from the left and right sides.

Elifas waved his long sword, and the sound of the waves became more violent, cutting towards Wang Teng.

Frost pierced the spear, and a spear pierced the sky.


Wang Teng held the Magic Que in his hands and faced the two of them, but he never fell into a disadvantage.

The three played against each other, and the battle was fierce!

In the Cancer Palace, the ground was shattered and there were potholes everywhere, and the surrounding pillars were broken and a mess.

The corners of the eyes of Elifas and Frost twitched. This is an extremely important building on the Sacred Mountain. It has been in existence for a long time, but now it has been beaten like this by Wang Teng.

Don’t underestimate the power of the warlord-level powerhouses. No matter how hard the construction material of the zodiac is, it will shatter in the face of the bombardment of the general-level powerhouses.

Elifas and Frost looked at each other, and immediately rushed out of the Cancer Palace, trying to lead Wang Teng into the air to fight.

However, Wang Teng didn’t take the usual path. He directly cut out a knife and stabbed a huge hole in the roof of the Cancer Palace.

In the rumbling noise, Wang Teng stepped on the void, caught up with the two figures, and stood far away from them.

Elifas looked at the big dazzling hole below, and the muscles on his face couldn’t help but twitch.

This bastard!

He must be deliberate!

Frosh knew Wang Teng’s wickedness well, and seeing this scene at this moment felt nothing strange in his heart.

But the corners of his mouth still couldn’t help but twitch.

It’s okay to fight to destroy the Cancer Palace, but it’s a bit too much to deliberately poke a hole.

“You committed such a crime, no one can save you today.” Elifas stared at Wang Teng with a dark complexion, and said angrily.

“Then you are here to catch me!”

Wang Teng’s face was plain, and he hooked his finger at the other party contemptuously.


“Don’t hesitate, come and catch me!”

When the voice fell, his expression changed, and he suddenly shouted: “Come here!”

“??” Elifas was stunned by his loud shout, looking at Wang Teng with his head full of question marks, unable to figure it out.


It was Wang Teng who was obviously arrested, but why is this guy more fierce than him? ?

Frosh looked very strange and felt that he was really upright.

A person can be counseled on anything, but his mouth must not be counseled!

Look at Wang Teng, who opened his mouth, and Elifas was bluffed.

But at this time Elifas finally came back to his senses, his face turned green, angered into anger, and gritted his teeth and said: “You are fine!”

“I’m fine!” Wang Teng said.

“…” Elifas.

He was choked immediately, and almost didn’t follow him in one breath.

This bitch!

Elifas took a deep breath and felt that he could no longer talk to Wang Teng, otherwise he would be pissed alive.

He suddenly waved his hand, and a total of eleven golden rays of light shot out, and they galloped toward the other eleven palaces except the Cancer Palace.

“The paladin of the zodiac obeys the order!”

A loud shout came out of Elifath’s mouth suddenly.

Just now Elifas suddenly acted, and Frost didn’t react at all. At this moment, his complexion changed drastically when he heard the words, and he looked at Elifas with incredible eyes.

He actually wants to mobilize all the Paladins in the Zodiac! !

crazy! crazy!

Since the advent of the martial arts era and the reappearance of the holy mountain, there has never been a situation where all the paladins of the zodiac have been summoned at once.

But now, in order to capture Wang Teng, he broke this stereotype.

Paladins have the responsibility of guarding the temple, so they can’t easily move them. Isn’t it that Elifas is so prosperous, isn’t he afraid of guilt from above?

At the same time, in the zodiac, a token appeared in front of the remaining eleven paladins.

They looked at the token in front of them, and they heard Elifas’s voice in their ears.

Some frowned, some blinked, some helpless, some thought, some were speechless…

Eleven people have different expressions.

Soon someone took the token and disappeared in their respective palaces, but some others chose to ignore them and turned and stepped into the darkness of the palace.

Over the Cancer Palace, a group of figures broke through the air, a total of seven people!

These people are faintly exuding a decent aura, they are not very old, they are about 30 years old, they are all wearing the star armor, and they fall beside Elifas.

Among the seven, one is Gemini, Kao, and Wang Teng has never seen one of the others.

Elifas frowned when only seven people appeared, and a gloom flashed in his eyes, but he didn’t say anything in the end.

It’s pretty good to be able to come to these people.

He also didn’t expect to be able to command all the Paladins, after all, some of them were outrageously strong, and had a very special status in the temple.

And they only obeyed the saints, and ordinary people could not move.

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