Chapter 639 Must be miserable when you were a kid?


Dimia stared at the scene in front of her, her eyes widened, and she couldn’t recover for a long time.

Kao, who had just quarreled with him, just died like that!

He thought that their six Paladins were here, and Wang Teng would definitely throw a rat, and he didn’t dare to really hurt Kao.

As a result, the Xia Guowu cultivator had no scruples at all. He killed him when he said he was killed, and did not take his threat seriously.

Di Mia suddenly felt a burning pain on his face!

The other paladins also fell into silence. They were both paladins, but they died so directly in front of them.

And he was pinched and screwed to death like a duck!

Such an insulting method of death is simply the greatest provocation to their Paladins.

Ai Rodney and others looked extremely ugly, all staring at Wang Teng angrily, and finally no longer the look of arrogance and indifferent.

Wang Teng smiled lightly and looked around the people, as if he thought their sudden change was quite interesting.

Sure enough, everyone is angry!

And now their anger has been completely ignited by him.

This is like a person, not a clergyman.

These people just owe them to clean up!

On the other side, Elifas looked at Wang Teng’s plain and smiling face, and suddenly felt a chill hit the sky.

The second one!

The above asked him to come to resolve the dispute and settle the matter.

But now because of his transfer, another paladin died.

At a time, only ten of the twelve paladins were left!

He suddenly regretted using this tough way to solve it, but it was too late, and now it was useless to say anything.

At this time, Wang Teng released the palm of the hand that was holding Kao’s neck, and with a flick of his hand, he threw Kao’s body aside.


“how dare you!!”

Rodney and the others were furious and shouted.

Someone shot, the Force rolled out, and sent Kao’s body into the Cancer Palace below, so that he would not fall directly to the ground.

“The Paladin must not be humiliated, we will catch you, and let you experience the cruel punishment of the temple!” There is endless ice cold in the words of Love Rodney.

“Yes, I must not let him go today!” Aquarius Paladin Yafelika was a beautiful woman with long blue hair. She had never spoken before, but she saw Kao being killed and she was a member of the Paladin. , She finally stood up.

“You are so young, the methods are so cruel, and the killing is so heavy. If you let you go, I’m afraid you will kill many people in the future.”

She said this directly to Wang Teng, with a hint of hatred in her words, as if she was treating Wang Teng as a heinous.

When Wang Teng heard this, he couldn’t help looking strange.

Since he embarked on the road of martial arts, he has seen a lot of people who kill and kill decisively or with sinister intentions, but this is the first time he has encountered someone who is as righteous as this woman.

And her three views are really weird!

These Paladins came to catch him, and even wanted to kill him, could he still not resist?

It’s ridiculous!

Wang Teng admitted that he was not a good person, but he did not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Everyone he killed had their way to death.

Unexpectedly, in the mouth of this woman, he turned into a murderer?

Wang Teng was really angry. Who are these people? Didn’t the temple give these paladins ideological education?

“What are you laughing at?” Yafei Lika said coldly.

“Laugh at you childishly, kid!” Wang Teng made no secret of the smile on his face, even accentuating the last three words.

“You!” Yafelika was furious and was about to do it.

“Yafelika, don’t be fooled, this guy has sharp teeth, he just wants to provoke you, and then break us one by one.” At this moment, a man suddenly reached out to stop Yafelika and slowly shook his head.

This man…beautiful!

His beauty is not limited to the beauty of men and women, but the beauty of all beauty in one.

The temperament is refined, the posture is elegant, like a god who has come out of myth.

Not like a person!

Wang Teng glanced at that face, there was no wave in his heart, and there was no such thing as jealousy.

Just a little worried for him.

Why do you think you are such a good-looking man? Are you afraid of being jealous of talents and being struck by lightning?

“Who are you?” Wang Teng asked curiously.

“Pisces Palace, Bloomfield!” the beautiful man said.

“If you grow up like this, you must have been miserable when you were a child?” Wang Teng asked.

“…What do you mean?” Although Bloomfield thought Wang Teng’s tone was a little weird, he frowned and asked without understanding what he meant for a while.

“You see you look so beautiful.” Wang Teng gestured: “When I was a child, didn’t you blame the scorpion for tricking you into watching goldfish?”


Several blue veins burst out on Bloomfield’s forehead, but even under the anger, these veins are better than others.

But it didn’t matter, what was important was that he felt like he was about to burst.

A pair of big talking eyes stared at Wang Teng fiercely.

Go look at the goldfish in your paralysis!

He is male, male, and doesn’t want to watch goldfish!


This is not something you want to think about at all, but something like this has never happened before.

At the same time, Rodney and others couldn’t help taking a look at Bloomfield with weird faces, and thought of something unhealthy for some reason.

Damn, it was this guy!

The power of Wang Teng’s words is too strong, even in such a serious and tense atmosphere, it abruptly takes the painting style away.

“Really not?” Wang Teng said again, touching his chin thoughtfully: “If there is nothing like this, have you lied to buy lollipops, lollipops, etc.?”

Everyone: “…”

“Ah!” Bloomfield was so angry that he roared into the sky.

Just now Yafelika was advised not to be impulsive, but now he couldn’t help it, and rushed forward.

Rodney and others quickly grabbed Bloomfield’s shoulder: “Don’t be impulsive!”

“Let go of me, I want to kill him, kill him!” Bloomfield shouted, struggling desperately.

Seeing that Rodney couldn’t stop Bloomfield, he had a headache and immediately said, “Everyone, let’s do it together!”


Several people nodded and started at the same time.


The six forces rushed straight into the sky, gathered together, turned into a terrifying torrent of forces, and rushed towards Wang Teng.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, the original force in his body also burst out, and five types of original force burst out.

Earlier, he had completed the combination of the five elements of boxing and fist, and had some experience.

The Five Elements Force is similar!

At this moment, a flash of light appeared in his mind, and the Five Elements’ Force rotates on its own, regenerating and restraining each other, and greets him toward the torrent of the six forces on the opposite side.

Boom boom boom!

In the sky, the two torrents of Force directly collided, spreading in all directions amidst the earth-shaking roar.

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