Chapter 625

In the early morning, the sun shines into the window sill and falls on the big bed.

Wang Teng sat cross-legged on the soft bed, the quilt on the bed remained unchanged.

Slowly opened his eyes, and a flash of light with several colors disappeared, which looked very strange.

He got up from the bed, leaving only a shallow depression on the quilt.

This is an extremely subtle manifestation of controlling one’s own power.

Practicing everywhere, Wang Teng exercises his strength in his daily activities, striving to develop his strength to the extreme.

For him today, his comprehension and physique have reached a very high level, so he can carry out his cultivation to a more subtle level.

He took off his clothes, revealing a well-proportioned and increasingly perfect body, with tight muscles and sharp edges and corners, like a sculpture.

He washed, but in just a few minutes, he got dressed, dried his hair, paced out of the room, and went downstairs for breakfast.

Zhu Yunshao and others have also got up. They are having breakfast in a corner of the restaurant, chatting a few words from time to time.

When Wang Teng walked into the restaurant, they immediately noticed him.


Zhu Yunshao waved at him.

Wang Teng smiled slightly, nodded at them, and then went to get some breakfast.

This restaurant is in a self-service mode, providing international cuisine. You can choose what kind of food you want.

As a spiritual chef, he knew what was delicious and what was not delicious.

After choosing the food, Wang Teng took the dinner plate and walked to the place where Zhu Yunshao and others were.

I wish Yun Shao opened an empty chair for him. Wang Teng sat down and said with a smile: “You guys get up so early.”

“I’m going to return to China soon, the game was defeated, Wu Yan went back to see people, how can I sleep.” Zhu Yunshao sighed, gnawed bread, and responded casually.

“…” Wang Teng was speechless.

Zhu Yunshao took another look at him and said, “It’s like you, the spring breeze is proud, I must have slept well last night.”

“Okay, let’s see what makes you sour.” Wang Teng couldn’t help rolling his eyes at her as he ate.

At this time, Tan Tai Xuan came over from a distance.

“All up!”

“I just came.” Wang Teng said.

“Hehe, you dare to show up.” Tan Taixuan sneered at him, sneered.

Woman, really hold a grudge!

Wang Teng made a haha, turned the subject, pointed to the cake in his hand and said: “This almond cake is not bad. Sister Xuan, would you like to try it? I specially helped you get an extra piece.”

Tantaixuan was speechless, gave Wang Teng a fierce look, grabbed another piece of almond cake on his plate, and ate it.

Wang Teng finally breathed a sigh of relief…

After the group had eaten breakfast, Parrick suddenly arrived and said, “You guys may have to take a break.”

“What’s the matter?” Tan Taixuan couldn’t help frowning.

“Someone wants to see Your Excellency Wang Teng.” Parrick looked at Wang Teng and said.

“See me?” Wang Teng pointed to himself in surprise.

“Yes, if you can, can you come with me?” Parrick asked very politely.

Wang Teng and Tan Taixuan looked at each other, and then asked: “You have to tell me who wants to see me, otherwise I won’t have time to spend time with you.”

Parrick hesitated, did not speak, but pointed in the direction of the top of the holy mountain.

A hint of surprise appeared in Wang Teng’s eyes.

Parrick was undoubtedly telling him that it was someone on the holy mountain who wanted to see him, and that made Parrick so secretive, showing that the identity of the other party was extraordinary.

Wang Teng had a faint guess in his heart.

Tantaixuan and the others were also taken aback. The big figures on the sacred mountain are usually hard to see once, and they would actually invite Wang Teng on their own initiative.

“Did you say anything?” Tan Taixuan asked.

“What can I know about this.” Parrick smiled bitterly.

Seeing this, Tan Taixuan hesitated a little. Who knew what the people of the holy mountain were going to do, and let Wang Teng go alone, she was not at ease.

Parik seemed to see her concerns and said, “Your Excellency Tantai, please rest assured, our Holy Mountain will absolutely guarantee the safety of Your Excellency Wang Teng. This time, Your Excellency Wang Teng is invited to go up the mountain, but someone wants to chat with him. ”

Tantai Xuan opened her mouth.

This kind of empty vernacular, everyone can say, and there is no guarantee.

But at this time Wang Teng said: “It’s okay, I’ll accompany him to see who is going to see me.”

“This holy mountain master is like a cloud, don’t be arrogant.” Tan Taixuan frowned and said through the voice.

“It’s okay, this place is a sacred mountain. If something happens to me here, the reputation of the sacred mountain will not be better? Besides, they are not a cult organization. They will only do something to me when they have enough food and nothing to do.” Wang Teng also said. The voice said: “And don’t you want to know what medicine they sell in the gourd?”

“In that case, be careful yourself, this holy mountain is very mysterious, don’t make any moths.” Tan Taixuan felt that Wang Teng’s words were reasonable, so she no longer blocked them, but was a little worried about Wang Teng.

She knew that Wang Teng was not an honest master.

“…” Wang Teng was a little depressed, his image in Tantaixuan’s heart could not be reversed anymore.

“Let’s go!”

He didn’t talk nonsense anymore, and went to the outside of the hotel first.

Mu Zhiguo asked in a low voice, “Is it okay?”

“The problem shouldn’t be big.” Tan Taixuan shook her head and asked everyone to go back and wait patiently.

Wang Teng followed Parrick up the mountain, passed through the place where the arena is located, and arrived in front of the last stone steps leading to the top of the holy mountain.

A figure has been waiting for a long time.

“You are here!” the man said.

“The priest of the temple!” Wang Teng said in surprise: “You want to see me?”

“No, I’m here to lead you up the mountain.” The priest of the temple shook his head, his eyes flashed strangely, and he couldn’t figure out why the one met this Wang Teng?

Although he showed a peerless posture in this exchange meeting, far surpassing the average genius warrior, his identity was much worse than that.

When Wang Teng heard the words, he couldn’t help but look along the stone steps to the top of the mountain, and saw twelve palaces lying on the mountain road, winding up to the temple at the top…

“I heard that ordinary people need to go through the zodiac to go up the mountain, so I also want to go up the mountain like this?” Wang Teng asked.

If so, he must turn around and leave.

Although he also wanted to fight against the twelve Paladins, by the way, some attribute bubbles, but this did not mean that he was willing to be driven at will.

Even if the opponent is a holy mountain, it won’t work.

“You don’t need it.” The priest of the temple shook his head, and had already moved up the mountain, and a faint voice came from the front: “Follow me.”

Wang Teng hesitated and glanced at Parrick beside him.

“I’ll send it here, you go.” Parrick said.

Wang Teng nodded and followed the steps of the priest of the temple without delay.

The two climbed up step by step.


As he walked, Wang Teng couldn’t help but whispered in his heart, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The first house of the zodiac seems very close, but they haven’t arrived after walking for a long time.

“This way is weird!”

He thought to himself, but raised a little interest.

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