Chapter 626

Wangshan is running to death!

Putting this old saying here is also suitable.

Wang Teng followed the priests of the temple to climb up the steps, thinking inexplicably in his heart.

His spiritual thoughts spread out one after another, prying into the mystery of this mountain road.

It didn’t take long before it became clear in his heart.

This place is the same as the town below, and it also contains the power of runes. It can extend the space and extend a very short distance several times, even dozens of times or hundreds of times.

There are not many people in the world who can surpass Wang Teng’s mental power. As long as he wants to hide, no one can detect anything.

Even the priest of the temple, who was less than a few steps away, didn’t notice it.

Wang Teng is naturally very interested in this space rune. He has obtained a lot of space rune knowledge from the dark world, but it is not complete. Now prying into this space extension rune, he can undoubtedly contribute to his rune attainments.

The mountain road is not endless. About half an hour later, the two came to the first house of Aries.

Standing outside the palace, without seeing him, Wang Teng already vaguely felt a powerful aura in it.

“Fros, why are you here?” At this moment, a voice came from inside the palace.

“I was ordered to take people up the mountain.” Frost, the priest of the temple, said lightly.

As he said, with a flick of his hand, a silver-white light flew into the Aries Palace from the sleeve of his priest’s robe.

There was silence in the palace for a while, and the previous voice came out again: “Come on.”

“Go!” The priest of the temple went into the palace first.

Wang Teng followed behind him, wandered into the palace, and looked around curiously.

The structure of the palace is very peculiar, with columns on both sides forming a long passage through which you can continue up the mountain.

But behind the pillars on both sides of the passage, it was pitch black, and it was impossible to see anything at all.

The paladin in the palace also didn’t see anyone.

However, it was naturally difficult for Wang Teng. A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and the pupils of the vision were turned on, swept across the darkness, and immediately saw a figure sitting cross-legged in the darkness.

His body exudes a very strong cyan light, very dazzling.

But Wang Teng just swept away this, and his gaze was quickly attracted by the piles of attribute bubbles around this person.


It’s really a lot!

Densely scattered all over the ground, floating quietly in the darkness of the palace.

Wang Teng was stunned, but he did not expect that there would be such a large number of attribute bubbles in this palace.

But then it was overjoyed.

This is an unexpected joy. It is a fool to take advantage of it.

His mental power swept out silently, picking up all the attribute bubbles scattered in the palace.

【Wood Force*65】

【Wood Force *80】

【Wood system super talent*12】

【Spiritual Spirit*45】

【Spiritual Comprehension*60】

A large wave of attribute bubbles was picked up, and the corners of Wang Teng’s mouth couldn’t help rising frantically.

He gained a total of 3570 points of wood elemental power, 320 points of wood element super talent, 450 points of spiritual spirit, and 478 points of spiritual comprehension.

As the attribute bubbles were completely integrated, suddenly, Wang Teng’s body was shocked!

The Wood Elemental Force actually broke through the bottleneck at this moment, reaching the 11-star subordinate general level.

[Wood Force]: 35020000 (11 stars)

“…” Wang Teng’s expression was a little weird.

Is this a breakthrough? ?

He just followed the priest of the temple to meet the characters on the holy mountain, and didn’t think about picking up attributes.

The result was really unexpected!

He broke through inexplicably, just like eating and drinking!

It’s so luck that I can’t stop it.

Wang Teng was full of emotion, and he had already followed the temple priest to the end of the passage.

His breakthrough just now came as a matter of course, and did not cause any movement, and outsiders found nothing at all.

The people in the palace were watching him, but that person also didn’t notice Wang Teng’s abnormality.

“I don’t know if it was an illusion, he seemed to have discovered me just now.” Inside the palace, a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the figure sitting in the dark, and he whispered softly.

However, as Wang Teng and the priest of the temple went away, he closed his eyes again and began to practice silently, and then there were attribute bubbles emerging in the palace again.

These bubbles seem to be bound by some kind of power in the palace, and they have existed for a long time…

Wang Teng followed the temple priests to the second palace Taurus Palace, with some expectation in his heart.

There are so many attribute bubbles in the first house, what about the second house?

Just thinking about it, Wang Teng was a little excited.

If you have stepped through the twelfth house and can raise all of his Force attributes by one level, then it will really be a profit!

After another half an hour, when they arrived outside the Taurus Palace, the priest of the temple also threw out the silver-white light, and the two were allowed to pass.

Wang Teng had noticed before that the silver-white light was actually a token.

When he passed the first house, the Paladin of Aries had already returned the token to the priest of the temple.

Entering the second house of Taurus, a tall and sturdy figure stood in front of the two, looking at Wang Teng with great interest.

“Xia Guo’s arrogant!”

An extremely powerful voice came from the opponent’s mouth.

“Arudis, what are you going to do?” The temple priest suddenly frowned.

“I didn’t do anything, I just heard that Xia Guo had a very good talent in this exchange meeting, so I came out to see him.” The Arudis twins smiled lightly with arms outstretched.

“This is the meaning of the holy mountain?” Wang Teng smiled and turned to look at the priest of the temple.

“No, don’t get me wrong, this is purely Arudis’s personal actions, not the will of the holy mountain.” The temple priest quickly explained.

After that, he turned his head and rushed to Arudis and said: “Arudis, he is a distinguished guest that the saint lady wants to see, you dare to stop!”

“Take me a punch and you can pass.” Arudis was unmoved.

“Presumptuous!” the priest of the temple shouted angrily.

Wang Teng suddenly stretched out his hand to stop him, looked at Arudis on the opposite side, and smiled faintly: “If I don’t pick it up.”

“Then you can’t get through.” Arudis said.

“If that’s the case, then I’ll go back. You can explain to your saint yourself.” Wang Teng turned around and left, not procrastinating.

“…” Arudis’s mouth twitched.

He, just left?

As a Tianjiao, is it not at all angry if you are provoked?

Why doesn’t this guy like MMP play cards according to common sense? ?

“and many more!”

Seeing Wang Teng go further and further, Arudis hurriedly called.

However, Wang Teng didn’t seem to hear him, he kept walking, and he was about to walk to the entrance of the palace.

Arudiba felt anxious, if this is really gone, then he doesn’t have to be a Paladin, just wait for the crime to be condemned.

So he stepped forward abruptly, his whole body disappeared in place, and instantly appeared in front of Wang Teng.

“Go away!” Wang Teng’s face was expressionless, and he suddenly blasted out a punch.


Amidst the roar, the punch came over the sky, and Arudis had only this punch left in his eyes, and other foreign objects seemed to disappear at this moment.

He looked shocked, but the matter had come to this point, it would be useless to say more, he gritted his teeth fiercely, the force inside his body surged crazily, also raising his fist and throwing it out.


When the two collided, Arudis’s figure couldn’t help flying backwards, spouting a mouthful of blood in the air, and then the whole person flew out of the Taurus Palace!

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