Chapter 624

Never underestimate the means of a woman!

Wang Teng looked at Martha’s graceful figure in the distance, and suddenly remembered this sentence in his heart.

This is a fairy!

Can’t afford it! Can’t afford to provoke…

“Recovered, everyone is gone!” Tan Tai Xuan glanced at him and said coldly.

“Ah, I’m just thinking about her conspiracy. Don’t get me wrong.” Wang Teng said.

“I believe you are a ghost.” Tan Taixuan said in a bad mood.

“Am I not as pretty as that woman?” Valeria showed an aggrieved expression and looked at Wang Teng with a bitter expression.


Wang Teng took a breath.

Qu Fei and the others were a little envious at first, but at this moment, seeing Wang Teng in such a situation, they immediately became happy again.

Deserve it, let you mess with the relationship between men and women!

Wang Teng looked at Valeria seriously, thought about it, and said solemnly: “You look much better than her.”

Everyone: “…”

How can there be such a brazen person in the world!

Wang Teng dismissed the old Bala’s energy before sending Valeria, but it just stopped, as if it was because Martha had opened her head, and slightly beautiful female warriors from other countries also came to toast and congratulate.

In a short moment, a group of Yingying and Yanyan gathered around Wang Teng, envious of others.

The men present couldn’t help showing a trace of envy, jealousy and hatred on their faces.

“This guy’s Yanfu is not shallow!” Gerald said hehe on the side of the Great Eagle Country.

“It’s normal, good males always have the priority to mate.” Arnold said.

“Puff!” Gerald looked weird. He didn’t expect to say something like this from Arnold’s mouth, and the wine he drank in his mouth spurted out.

“Why, what I said was wrong?” Arnold said.

“Yes, it makes sense.” Gerald twitched.

On the Bald Eagle Country, Ford’s face turned green, looking at Martha, and said angrily: “Why did you go to congratulate that guy?”

Martha was not a good-looking person either. Hearing Ford’s questioning, her face suddenly became cold, and she said, “Pay attention to your identity, you are not your turn to take care of my affairs.”

“You!” Ford couldn’t say a word when he was choked.

“Okay, Fortes, you need to say a few words.” Ute is a little helpless. These genius warriors are very personal. He can’t control it at all, but he reminded: “Martha, we have a delicate relationship with Xia Guo , You can do it yourself.”

“I know.” Martha nodded, saying nothing.

Fortes snorted coldly and looked at Wang Teng in the distance, with a trace of jealousy flashing in his eyes.

Su An looked on coldly, without saying a word, as if anything from the outside had nothing to do with him.

Upon seeing this scene, Archuro of Inga put his hands together, his eyes flickered, and he couldn’t help thinking back to the scenes during the game, and he was lost in thought.

Should he also enter the world and practice like Wang Teng?

The so-called tens of thousands of flowers in the bushes, the leaves do not touch the body.

This sentence was checked through the Internet after the game, and it makes sense.

After more experience, naturally you will not be confused.

Wang Teng didn’t know what he had done unintentionally, and caused a monk to embark on a crooked road…

At nine o’clock or ten o’clock, the banquet finally ended, and everyone dispersed.

Wang Teng let out a sigh of relief. He never knew that women could be so scary.

Surrounded by those women before, it was painful and happy.

When everyone saw him, they couldn’t help being speechless.

“You fellow, such a good thing, you still look unhappy.” Qu Fei said enviously.

“That is, it’s too much. If you really don’t want to, you can give us the opportunity.” Yan Bo said.

“You don’t understand, a woman is a terrible creature, especially when there are a lot of them, it’s even more terrifying.” Wang Teng sighed, shaking his head.

“Damn, you pretend to be a criminal!” Qu Fei and the others couldn’t help but want to beat him.

But at this moment, the atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

“You repeat what you just said!”

A murderous voice came over.

Wang Teng’s scalp was numb and his neck turned mechanically. He saw the blackened faces of Tan Taixuan and Zhu Yunshao, and said with a dry smile: “Then what, my stomach hurts, take one step first.”

After speaking, run away!

At night, in the hotel room, Wang Teng didn’t go anywhere. He sat cross-legged on the bed and counted the gains of the game.

Pull out the properties panel.

What catches your eyes in the first column is–

[Life Origin]: 1375

The origin of this life has increased a lot from his original level, and Wang Teng Mingming seemed to feel that his lifespan was increasing.

No one will think that life is too long.

There is no doubt that this origin of life is his biggest gain this time.

[Savvy]: 2303000 (Imperial Realm)

[Spirit]: 2563000 (Imperial Realm)

Because Wang Teng’s spirit and savvy are both in the imperial realm, his ascension speed is a bit slow, and he is still climbing up like a tortoise at more than two hundred points.

But this is the Emperor Realm after all, already stronger than most people on the Earth Star, so even if the improvement is slow, he doesn’t need to worry.

Mental power can still be his hole card.

In fact, his speed is really fast. Others want to improve their mental power and don’t know how much time it will take.

Then came the Force.

[Golden Force]: 750010000 (10 stars)

[Wood Force]: 678010000 (10 stars)

[Water Force Force]: 923010000 (10 stars)

[Fire Force Force]: 635010000 (10 stars)

[Earth System Force]: 742010000 (10 stars)

Wang Teng saw that he had improved a lot of the Five Elements Force, and he felt a sense of satisfaction.

The geniuses gathered at the exchange meeting, all of them at the quasi-war level and above, and there are a lot of attribute bubbles that fall, so his original power can be increased so much.

Look at the five elements of the original force, they are all in the late stage of the Commodore, and the breakthrough is not far away.

[Ice Force]: 53209000 (9 stars)

[Poison Force]: 45705000 (7 stars)

[The Force of Wind System]: 6507000 (8 stars)

[Thunder Force]: 82010000 (10 stars)

The force of the four types of special attributes has also grown significantly, especially the force of the thunder type, which directly broke through the 10-star quasi-war level.

Speaking of which, I have to thank Su An from the Bald Eagle Country. He is really a good person.

The last is the Star Force.

[Star Force (Fire)]: 353

The display of the system is a little weird.

Maybe it is because the force of the stars is too little, or his force has not been completely transformed, so it does not show the realm.

However, this time the exchange meeting, the Star Force has indeed increased a lot.

The only thing that didn’t grow this time was the Dark Force. It was right to think about it. How could the Dark Seed appear where the genius warriors from all over the world gathered.

In terms of artistic conception attributes, Wang Teng also gained a great deal, and the artistic conceptions of various attributes have increased a lot.

[Thunder Fighting Intent]: 2851000 (10%)

[The meaning of wind spirit]: 3121000 (10%)

[Meaning of wrapping snakes]: 1501000 (10%)

These three mood attributes are the moods he has just obtained this time, each has its own strengths, and they are all extremely practical moods.

Among them, the thunder fighting spirit can increase combat effectiveness, the wind spirit means speed, and the snake entrapment means a fighting technique.

As for other artistic conceptions, they are as follows:

[Ice Spear Intent]: 3651000 (10%)

[Five Elements Boxing Yi]: 68508000 (80%)

[Golden Sword Intent]: 67707000 (70%)

[Flame Blade]: 75208000 (80%)

【Water Sword Intent】: 51107000 (70%)

[Wooden Sword Intent]: 8903000 (30%)

[Soil series sword meaning]: 32805000 (50%)

[Golden Sword Intent]: 14608000 (80%)

[Water System Jianyi]: 34806000 (60%)

[Fire Sword Intent]: 28809000 (90%)

[Earth Sword Intent]: 39606000 (60%)

[Wood Sword Intent]: 29804000 (40%)

These are mainly attributes that Wang Teng thinks can be used. In fact, he also saw many other side weapons in the exchange meeting, but he has ignored them.

Those artistic conceptions didn’t help him much, and even if they were picked up, they were nothing but tasteless.

It’s fist, sword, and sword. These three are the most commonly used moods of Wang Teng, and he will naturally not give up.

Now he has merged the fist intent into the five elements of fist intent, and plans to follow the same method in the future, fusing the intent of the sword and the intent of the sword to give birth to a fighting method that truly belongs to him.

In the previous match with Aquilo, he used the five-element boxing technique, which caused Aquilo to suffer a lot at that time.

However, his five-element boxing technique is only a start-up. As it is not perfect in the future, it will definitely be more powerful.

So in his opinion, this matter is promising.

This is his own way.

Wang Teng made up his mind. After returning home this time, he must find time, settle down, and study it carefully.

The remaining combat skills and exercises have a lot of gains, but they will all be swept by Wang Teng before they reach the heavenly rank.

It was not that he floated, but the combat skills and techniques under the heavenly ranks were of little use to him.

And the biggest gain of the exercises category is undoubtedly the “Fire Sutra” obtained from Acura!

This is the ancient method of the Inga country, in which there is a superficial method of transforming the force of the stars, which is of great help to Wang Teng’s method of creating the force of the stars.

As for combat skills, the only thing that can make Wang Teng shine is [Spiritual Illusion].

In the battle with Aguro, he tried the power of mental illusion, which was quite easy to use.

And as long as the brain is big, this mental illusion is simply left to his development, and it is too useful.

In addition, the gains of the talent category are mainly the two types of [Top Thunder Talent] and [Ice Dust Body].

The talents of the two special attributes are extremely rare.

Especially that [Body of Ice Dust], not everyone can have it.

Physical talents have a very small chance of being born. The chance of a small country like the Ice Kingdom is already burning high.

But no matter how rare the talent was, it was not finally obtained by Wang Teng.

The opener is so unreasonable.

After counting the harvest, Wang Teng let out a sigh of relief, slowly opened his eyes, and two bright lights burst into his pupils.

He got up, walked to the window, looked at the dark and quiet night, and gradually calmed down.

For so long, he has been working hard to improve his strength, and he has never stopped, because he is worried about repeating the mistakes, doing nothing like the previous life, even the family is ruined, and ended sadly.

Now, as he continues to improve, he finally stands on the upper level of the Pyramid of Earth-Star Forces. He barely has the power to protect himself, and his family also benefits from it.

He is very satisfied!

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