Chapter 64 Shocked…

Three years of hard work, only for one battle!

Fan Weiming’s words impressed the students deeply, and each of them became stronger in their faith and went home with determination.

The college entrance examination is on July 5.

After the students left, the whole school was completely closed.

Many things in this world are different from previous lives.

For example, in the previous life, there would be three days off before the college entrance examination, but in this life there was only one day.

However, a large amount of manpower and material resources have been mobilized to arrange the college entrance examination examination room, which is enough in one day.

As a key high school, Donghai No. 1 Middle School is naturally one of the examination rooms.

The same is true for other schools, and even several famous martial arts gymnasiums. Today, they are completely closed off and started to decorate.

Yes, the martial arts hall is also one of the test rooms, but it is for the martial arts test.

Various equipments in the martial arts hall were requisitioned and the students who participated in the martial arts examinations were examined.

Wang Teng received the admission ticket, said goodbye to Lin Chuhan, and then went home separately.

On Saturday the next day, Wang Teng did not go anywhere, so he rested at home.

Recently, all that can be improved have been improved, and it is not bad for this day.

Anyway, the college entrance examination is just a process for him, and he will definitely be able to pass the entrance examination without any worries.

The parents of Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei, unlike other parents of students, were already ants on the hot pot at this time. They were both anxious and worried, and they wished to take the college entrance examination for their children. They were a calm group. What should they do? Why are you going?

In the evening, Wang Shengguo was drinking tea while watching TV news, while Li Xiumei was practicing yoga in a very leisurely manner.

Wang Teng went downstairs to pour water, and when he saw his parents, he was speechless.

By the way, can you respect the college entrance examination?

So calm, where do you put your face on the college entrance examination.

Tucao, Wang Teng also knew that they just failed to return hope, so he calmed down.

When the college entrance examination results come out, I don’t know what the second elders will look like?

It might be quite interesting!

“Son, are you ready for the exam tomorrow? Even if you are just going through the field, you have to be more serious. At least don’t take the exam and come back, otherwise your dad and I won’t be able to go out and talk to people. “Li Xiumei stopped and said.

Wang Shengguo took a sip of tea, squinted his eyes and tasted the tasting. The old god said: “Your mother is right. If you take the exam, I will simply say that you didn’t pass the exam, and you can’t afford to lose this person!”


Wang Teng was speechless.

“You have so little confidence in me?”

“It’s not that we didn’t have confidence in you, but that you didn’t give us confidence at all, son!” Wang Sheng Guodao.

“Let me give you a few more zeros to come back.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“This brat!”

Wang Shengguo rolled his eyes angrily.

At this time, his mobile phone rang, took a look, and rushed to Li Xiumei, who said: “Big Brother’s phone.”

“Hey, brother…”

Wang Shengguo picked it up and chatted with Wang Shenghong, Wang Teng’s uncle.

Before I finished speaking here, Li Xiumei’s mobile phone rang, and she answered, “Hey, Dad!”

A few minutes later, the two hung up the phone.

“I’m here to care about your college entrance examination, how about it, is there any pressure?” Wang Shengguo teased.

“What pressure can I have? Isn’t it just a matter of duck eggs? If one is not enough, you will come two. Anyway, you lose the face of both of you.” Wang Teng said indifferently.

Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei’s faces suddenly turned black.

How do you talk, this little bastard!

The three of them had just said a few words and their phones rang again. Then, what uncles, aunts, uncles…all called and cared about Wang Teng’s college entrance examination.

In the end, Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei looked at Wang Teng with more and more dangerous eyes.

“Oh, if you don’t get one, two, three, four, five in the college entrance examination this time, you will wait to face the violent storms of the mourning family!” Li Xiumei threatened.

“And my thunderous fury, are you ready?” Wang Shengguo squinted at Wang Teng.

Wang Teng suddenly felt a chill out of the sky.

“Father, mother, sir, children can’t do it~”

“Huh, you’ll be over if you can’t do it…”

Thinking of the phone again!

“…” Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei were silent for a while, and said in unison.

“You take it!”

“You take it!”

The corners of Wang Teng’s mouth twitched, and he felt that the second old man was going crazy by the phone call tonight!

Now come up with a math problem:

What is the psychological shadow of Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei?

There are rewards for correct answers~

Li Xiumei glanced at the caller ID on the phone and urged: “Quick answer, it’s Dad’s call!”

“Hey, Dad!” Wang Shengguo quickly picked it up.

“Why did it take so long to answer the phone?” An angry old man’s voice came from the other end of the phone, which sounded a little majestic.

“Oh, I just went to the bathroom.” Wang Shengguo was capable of this nonsense in front of his Lao Tzu, and he opened his mouth.

“Okay, I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you, my grandson is here, let him answer the phone.” Old man Wang said impatiently.

“Here, your grandpa’s phone number!” Wang Shengguo handed the phone to Wang Teng honestly, looking a little bit curious.

Wang Teng put the phone in his ear and called out, “Grandpa.”

“Good grandson!”

Elder Wang’s words came over immediately, but the voice of the same person seemed very kind at this time.

Hearing this kind tone, Wang Shengguo’s expression became even more resentful.

Li Xiumei snickered on the sidelines.

Wang Teng and Mr. Wang chatted for a while, mainly about the college entrance examination.

At the end, Mr. Wang said: “You take the exam, and when the exam is over, Grandpa will give you a banquet to celebrate.”

Wang Teng has been so behaved in front of Mr. Wang since he was a child, so much so that he always thought that Wang Teng was a good boy and a good student, and he never doubted that Wang Teng was actually a scumbag!

Wang Teng still remembers his past life, and Mr. Wang also hosted a big banquet for himself.

As a result, Wang Teng’s achievements could not be concealed from the interested people, and that banquet became a joke in the family circle, and Mr. Wang almost belched in anger.

Thinking of this, Wang Teng felt both guilty and regretful.

Fortunately, in this life, he has become a gangster!

College entrance examination, hum!

Wang Teng secretly decided that this time he must give everyone a surprise, and let those who once despised him take a good look.

What is rolling!

After Mr. Wang, no one called, Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

They were originally very calm, but at this moment, they were frowning, and they felt bitter in their hearts!

“What to do?” Li Xiumei asked.

“Otherwise, we interrupt our son’s legs, so that we don’t have to take the college entrance examination, and naturally there will be no grades.” Wang Shengguo made a bad idea.

Li Xiumei’s eyes lit up: “Try it? Anyway, it’s not that people who practice martial arts recover quickly, and they will recover in three or five days. It should be fine for a broken leg.”

“…Are you the devil? I’m afraid it’s not your own!” Wang Teng shivered from the side.

Tomorrow’s news headlines are here–

[Shocked, the parents of a certain student interrupted their legs to prevent the college entrance examination because their children’s grades were too bad. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality! 】

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