Chapter 63


When Wang Teng cursed, he bought Rune Alloy Bullets from the [Master Lu] shop.

However, instead of buying foreign alloy bullets, I bought the [Zhang’s alloy] independently developed in China.

We have to support domestic production!

Zhang’s alloy is the seventh alloy in the [Master Lu] store, and the price is not cheap.

And Wang Teng bought rune bullets.

They are ice type and fire type, which are much stronger than ordinary alloy bullets.

Of course, the purchase of these two seed bombs cost Wang Teng 300,000 in total, and with the recent expenses, his net worth has already bottomed out.

After paying, place the order, and wait for the round-faced fat chicken to be delivered to your door!

Wang Teng put down his mobile phone and took a few lessons honestly, picking up the attributes of “Five Years of Wushu Tests and Three Years of Simulation”.

Time passed quickly, and in the evening, Wang Teng went home for dinner.

The family sat together, chatting occasionally, unknowingly, again on the topic of the college entrance examination.

“The Education Bureau is reforming. You only need to be an intermediate martial artist to participate in the martial arts exam this year. Unfortunately, your martial arts training is still a bit late.” Wang Shengguo felt a little regretful.

Wang Teng practiced martial arts for less than a month, and Wang Shengguo never thought that Wang Teng would become an intermediate martial artist in such a short period of time.

So he didn’t actually report any hope for this college entrance examination.

Wang Teng opened his mouth, but he heard him say again: “But don’t worry, I’ll go through the procedures for you to repeat the course. We still have a chance next year.”

“Yes, son, anyway, your dad and I are mentally prepared. Let’s take the exam again next year. Don’t feel pressure.” Li Xiumei echoed.

Wang Teng opened his mouth again, and finally sighed secretly.

“Forget it, give them a surprise at that time.”

He still didn’t tell his parents about his strength. It’s really hard to explain. It’s better to use facts to make them happy.

After dinner, Wang Teng went out to Ji Xing Wuguan.

Returning at night, the round-faced fat chicken arrived on time, and Wang Teng received the rune alloy bullet, which was stored in the Tibetan weapon box along with the rune gun.

It’s almost up to the spear fighting technique.

In the past few days, he found someone to check Zhao Ganghu’s small group.

The result is not very good.

Those people have mixed good and bad, basically no potential, and usually don’t do business, bullying and fearing hardship, and charging protection fees from some small companies, it is really impossible to get on the table.

As for Zhao Ganghu himself, he was already in his 30s. Although he was a senior warrior, he was obviously not qualified.

And Wang Teng is already a warrior now, and the speed of the subsequent improvement will not be too slow.

He will only get stronger.

Zhao Ganghu would be thrown farther and farther away, completely unable to keep up with his pace.

Therefore, Wang Teng finally gave up the idea of ​​accepting Zhao Ganghu and others.

Zhao Ganghu froze for a long time after receiving the reply!

Unexpectedly, Wang Teng refused the refuge of a senior warrior.


Just look down on me, Zhao Ganghu!

He clenched his fists, his expression a little ugly.

Zhao Gangbao was secretly happy from the side, the evil star did not accept them, and as long as he stayed away, he would have nothing to fear.

He is still the second child, except for his brother, the people under his staff still don’t have to listen to him.

“Brother, if you want me to say, that kid is blind and can’t see your talents, why should we have to follow him.” Zhao Gangbao said in fanfare.

“Don’t give me your thoughts.” Zhao Ganghu glared at him.

Then he asked a subordinate behind him: “How much money do we have?”

“Probably less than eight million.” The subordinate said.

“Go to borrow, make up 10 million, and I will send it to him personally.” Zhao Ganghu said.

“What? Ten million! Brother, you are crazy, he doesn’t care about us anymore, why give him ten million!” Zhao Gangbao immediately jumped and looked at Zhao Ganghu incredulously, wanting to see if he was scared mad.

“You don’t have to give it. Anyway, it’s not me who caused the trouble. If you meet the other party then, you can figure it out by yourself.” Zhao Ganghu sneered and sneered.


Thinking of Wang Teng, Zhao Gangbao stunned, he hesitated and said, “Otherwise, he will give six million, one million more than last time. He should be content too, so we don’t have to borrow money from others.”

“It’s up to you, you can solve this by yourself, I don’t want to take care of it anymore!”

Zhao Ganghu sighed, full of disappointment, shook his head and left the room without paying attention.

He went straight back to training, and worked harder than ever.

“I will make you regret the decision you made today!”

Zhao Ganghu made up his mind that one day he must let Wang Teng see that he is not useless.

“Wang Shao, there is ten million in this. I just got together to borrow the money. I hope you will hold your hands high and don’t be in the same way as me in the future.”

At the entrance of Donghai No.1 Middle School, Zhao Gangbao held a bank card in his hand, nodded and bowed, and handed it to Wang Teng respectfully.

I can’t see the hard-headedness and reluctance before!

Heh~ It smells so good!

“Interesting!” Wang Teng didn’t expect this Zhao Gangbao to be so witty.

But I want to know that 80% is the idea of ​​his brother Zhao Ganghu.

Otherwise, with Zhao Gangbao’s mind, he may not be able to make such a decision.

Wang Teng hadn’t planned to ask for the other party’s money.

After all, I refused them, and it didn’t make much sense to ask for money.

But now, since the other party took the initiative to send it, naturally there is no reason to extrapolate it.

What’s more, he has recently spent a lot of money, and the landlord’s family has no surplus food.

“Let’s stop this matter, don’t commit my hand again in the future.” Wang Teng took the bank card and put it in his pocket unceremoniously, and said lightly.

“I must not dare, I must not dare.” Zhao Gangbao said with a smile.

After Wang Teng left, he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and exhaled.

“The warrior is really terrifying, and I don’t know if it is a psychological effect. The momentum alone is unbearable. Forget it, forget it, just treat it as a disaster.” Zhao Gangbao sighed and comforted himself.

After solving the Zhao brothers’ affairs, Wang Teng’s life was very peaceful in the next few days.

In the past few days, his “Five Years of Wushu Tests and Three Years of Simulations” has been fully refreshed.

So in the last few days, he stopped wasting time in school.

He has a lot of things every day.

In addition to cultivating the original power, you also have to go to the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall to pick up attributes.

Even in the middle of the night, I have to go to the mental hospital to visit the class. After all, the mental attributes are quite rare.

It’s hard to find such a place to brush mental attributes, don’t miss it!

Besides, he also took the time to go to Lin Chuhan’s house to visit the poisonous baby Lin Chuxia.

By the way, pick up the two attribute bubbles of demon lotus poison and poison force that she overflowed.

Not only can this alleviate Lin Chuxia’s surrounding environment, it can also enhance the demon lotus venom body and the force of the poison, which is the best of both worlds!

The only regret is that Lin Chuhan can’t go to the house often, otherwise Lin’s mother should have misunderstood.


With so many things, Wang Teng’s life is simply not too fulfilling!

Properties panel:

【Savvy】: 97

【Spirit】: 91

[Talents]: primary fire talent (11300), primary ice talent (13300), primary earth talent (12300), spiritual vision (primary 1.410), demon lotus poison (3110000)

[The Force]: 68100 Fire (One Star War Soldier Level)

16100 ice (one-star warrior level)

15100 soil (one-star warrior level)

46100 Poison (One Star War Soldier Level)

[Gong Method]: Chi Yan Jue (Introduction 32100), Xuan Bing Jue (Introduction 23100), Huang Tu Gong [Tu Yuan Shield] (Introduction 26100)

[Combat Skills]: Basic combat skills (fist, sword, knife, stick, body comprehension), spear fighting (entry 1.810), fire-lin sword (entry 56100), magic ice fist (entry 28100)

[Knowledge]: Basic subjects (full marks), “Five Years of Wushu and Three Years Simulation” (full marks)

[Comprehensive combat power]: 231

[Blank attribute]: 0

Looking at the properties panel, the above properties have been improved.

Especially the spiritual attribute, it soared directly to 91! Wang Teng felt that there was a peculiar power in his mind.

“Could it be that a certain qualitative change will occur when the spiritual attribute is raised to a certain point?” Wang Teng guessed in his heart.

He suddenly had a hunch.

However, we can only know what will happen when there is a qualitative change.

Looking down, as Wang Teng worked hard to cultivate, the original power of each attribute, the skill and the proficiency of combat skills have also improved a lot.

Strength has increased.

It is worth mentioning that his basic stick method has also reached “enlightenment”!

At this point, the several basic combat skills he has mastered can no longer be improved, and there is no need to waste time to brush attributes.

In addition, Wang Teng went to the Falcon Shooting Club again to try to pick up the spearmanship attributes to see if it would improve spearfighting skills?


Look at the attribute panel: Gun Fighting (Beginner 1.810)

We can know that the spear skill attribute does have an improved effect on the spear skill, after all, the spear skill includes the spear skill.

It’s just that the spear skill attribute has a very limited effect on the improvement of the spear skill. After picking up dozens of attribute bubbles, the spear skill attribute was increased by 0.8 points.

It seems a long way to go to improve spear fighting skills!

Friday, before school.

Fan Weiming, the teacher in charge of the class, handed out admission tickets, first for liberal arts students, and then a few students who took the martial arts test.

When other students saw the students taking the martial arts test go up to get the admission ticket, they all showed envy.

“The squad leader actually wants to take the martial arts exam!”

Especially when it was Lin Chuhan’s turn, everyone was taken aback.

Lin Chuhan is a recognized god of learning, and his academic performance crushes all students and suppresses the entire Donghai No. 1 Middle School.

In the end, she went to take the martial arts exam? !

Everyone found it incredible, even unacceptable.

The last one to go up to get the admission ticket was Wang Teng, who was late.

“Wang Teng will also take the martial arts exam!?” The students who packed their schoolbags to go home were surprised again.

“Has he practiced martial arts?”

“I haven’t heard of it. Isn’t he always hiding?”

“Maybe, they are rich second generations, martial arts training is much easier than ordinary people.” Someone said sourly.

“Hehe, look at you sour~” Some people disdain.

After issuing the admission ticket, Fan Weiming said to everyone: “Go back tomorrow Saturday to take a good rest, work and rest regularly, do not go to bed early or too late, review properly, adjust your mentality, and arrive at each test site early in the morning on July 5, and be punctual at 8 o’clock. Take your time for the exam, don’t be late!”

“You have to bring everything, especially the admission ticket. Every year, people forget to bring it. Don’t say I didn’t remind you. Then there will be no place to cry…”

He didn’t get tired of it, and said with all his heart.

The classmates grinned and said that he was long-winded, but he didn’t look impatient at all.

Fan Weiming as the class teacher can be said to be dedicated to his responsibilities, and his classmates naturally respect him.

“Take the exam well, don’t let down the three years!”

Fan Weiming looked at the youthful faces below and suddenly said with some empathy.

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