Chapter 65

Who can think of what kind of fear Wang Teng spent the night before the college entrance examination?

So this teaches us a lesson.

Don’t annoy your parents, they are angry, they are simply not human.

The next day, Wang Teng got up very early, ready to sneak out of the house before his parents got up, so as not to be interrupted.

It’s a pity that you can never be earlier than your mother!

Li Xiumei walked out of the kitchen with breakfast in her apron and saw Wang Teng with a look of surprise: “Er, why are your dark circles so heavy? Didn’t you sleep well last night?”

“…” Wang Teng said he did not want to answer.

“You don’t really think that your father and I are going to interrupt your leg?” Li Xiumei asked with a shocked look.

“Ha ha!”

“How can your dad and I be that kind of cruel parents?” Li Xiumei shamelessly ignored what he said last night.

“Ha ha!”

“Hurry up and eat breakfast, brat!” Li Xiumei said helplessly.

After breakfast, Wang Shengguo planned to drive Wang Teng to the examination room by himself. Although he did not return hope, Comrade Wang still paid considerable attention.

“Son, did you bring your ID card and admission ticket?” Li Xiumei asked uneasyly before going out.

“Take it!” Wang Teng said.

“Give me a check.” Li Xiumei checked it personally before sending Wang Shengguo and his son out of the house with confidence.

East China Sea No. 1 Middle School.

Wang Teng’s liberal arts exam is in Donghai No. 1 Middle School.

At this time, there were many small cars parked at the gate of Yizhong. Outside the school’s cordon, the students were in groups, and their discussions became a bit noisy.

On the other side, there are also several buses parked.

Many students gathered under the bus and whispered, obviously more cautious than other students.

They are students who came from nearby areas to take the college entrance examination.

Wang Teng got out of the car and scanned the surroundings to see if he knew anyone he knew.

A voice came from behind.

“Wang Shao, here!” Wang Teng turned his head and saw Yang Jian shouting while beckoning to himself.

Beside him, Lin Chuhan and several classmates were also there.

“Dad, my classmate called me, go ahead first.” Wang Tengchong Wang Shengguo said.

“Go, I’ll pick you up after the exam.” Wang Shengguo nodded.

“No, I can go back by myself at noon, you can be busy with you.” Wang Teng said.

“Okay, it’s not bad for this day, so it’s settled, I will pick you up after the exam.” Wang Shengguo finished speaking and drove away.

Wang Teng walked over to join Lin Chuhan and others.

“How are your preparations?” Wang Teng asked Lin Chuhan and Yang Jian casually.

“It’s okay, the liberal arts exam should be no problem.” Yang Jiandao.

“Today, I have nothing to worry about in the test of fluent English. It’s mainly the test in the later martial arts test.” Lin Chuhan said.

Wukao is divided into paper exams and actual combat assessments!

All students take the test of Chinese, Mathematics, and English first, and then the ordinary students take the physical and chemical students, and the students who take the martial arts test will take the paper test on martial arts.

That is the “Five Years of Wushu Three Years Simulation” that I usually read!

Wang Teng nodded, and when he saw Lin Chuhan alone, he asked in surprise, “Auntie didn’t send you here?”

“I didn’t let her come.” Lin Chuhan said.

Wang Teng didn’t say anything. The situation in Lin Chuhan’s family was quite special. The whole family was run by his mother alone.

“Are you okay with math and English?” Lin Chuhan changed the subject and asked.

Wang Teng usually didn’t take a class seriously, and his exams were in single digits. With this score, how can I take the exam?

But he looked like he was ready, as if the score couldn’t help him at all, which made Lin Chuhan a little uncertain.

“Don’t worry.” Wang Teng really looked like this again.

“Well, it’s fine if you have confidence.” Lin Chuhan said.

“Xiaojian, are these two your classmates?” said a middle-aged man next to Yang Jian.

“Yes, Dad, they are my back table, and they are also going to participate in the martial arts exam.” Yang Jian nodded.

“Squad leader, Shao Wang, this is my dad…”

Yang Jian also explained to Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan.

“Hello Uncle Yang!” Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan hurriedly shouted.

Yang Jian’s father smiled and said, “Hello, you will all take the martial arts exam, maybe you will be admitted to the same school, so you can communicate more in the future.”

“Okay, Dad, the examination room is about to open, you go back soon.” Yang Jian said.

“All right, I’ll come to pick you up at noon, and take your test.” Yang Jian’s father greeted Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan and drove away.

The three of Wang Teng chatted on the spot.

Other students came one after another, and there were more and more people at the gate of No. 1 Middle School.

“It’s over, I forgot to bring my admission ticket!”

Suddenly, a cry with a crying sound rang from the crowd, which made the students and their parents look sideways.

That was a slightly fat girl. She was so anxious at this time that her tears were streaming down. She was looking for her schoolbag there and everything was in a mess.

The more chaos she got, the more anxious she got.

Her parents were also anxious and complained.

“Before going out, I told you to check and check again. You must have everything ready. You just don’t listen or don’t listen. What can you do now?”

Her mother is a middle-aged woman, and she has no idea at this time.

The students present all cast sympathetic glances. At this time, time is running out, and it must be too late to go back and get it.

At the same time, they also checked their belongings one after another, fearing that it would become one of the tragedies in the Forgotten Army.

Wang Teng couldn’t help checking it again.

The atmosphere can affect people. The atmosphere on the scene is very tense. Even if Wang Teng’s performance is calm, he is afraid that there will be an accident.

Fortunately, such things are only a minority after all, and he is not so unlucky.

Speaking of bad luck, a person sneezed not far away.

“Damn it, I accidentally caught a cold last night, but I got sick today for the college entrance examination!”

This is also a bit tragic. When I got sick during the college entrance examination, I might not be able to affect my normal performance. If I accidentally missed a few points, I would not be admitted to the ideal university.

Similar things happen from time to time in the college entrance examination, which is not a special case.

The scenes in front of me have evolved into the faces of all beings in the college entrance examination!

The time is coming soon.

The cordon was opened, and students immediately rushed into the examination room.

Wang Teng, Lin Chuhan and others separated and went to their respective examination rooms.

Donghai No. 1 Middle School, Wang Teng is already familiar with him, and he has found the class where his test is located.

After handing in electronic products such as mobile phones and checking his ID card and admission ticket, Wang Teng was able to enter the venue.

Sit down according to the position and wait patiently for the exam to start.

Before long, there was a voice on the radio, explaining the discipline of the examination room and the precautions for the examination and so on.

The students listened attentively, for fear of missing something.

In the college entrance examination, a score difference is enough to get rid of a class of people, and there is no room for mistakes!

The broadcast ended and the college entrance examination officially began.

The first subject language!

When the teacher handed out the paper, Wang Teng smiled immediately after looking at the above question…

The language test lasted two and a half hours, and Wang Teng only took less than one and a half hours, and the remaining one hour was full of soy sauce.

However, he did not choose to leave early, but waited until the bell rang before leaving the exam room with other candidates.

At the gate of a lieutenant colonel, a bunch of parents waited anxiously.

As soon as the candidates came out and saw their parents, before they had time to say anything, the parents said, “How was your exam?”

Then naturally some people are happy and some are worried!

If you are upset for the college entrance examination, I will naturally be happy!

In comparison, Wang Shengguo was much calmer, he didn’t even ask, and took Wang Teng back home.

When I got home, Li Xiumei did the same, she didn’t feel calm as if she had a child taking the college entrance examination.

Wang Teng is also very helpless. Last night, he thought about breaking his leg. Today, like a okay person, what can be done to run into such a pair of strange parents?

Mathematics test in the afternoon.

Test English the next morning.

Wang Teng passed smoothly without any accidents.

Next is Wu Kao!

He didn’t need to take the exam in the afternoon of the second day. He returned home early and waited for the third day to go to another exam room to take the martial arts exam.

Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei were very surprised: “You signed up for the martial arts exam?”

Wang Teng hadn’t told them about this, but suddenly he heard that Wang Teng had participated in the martial arts exam, which caught the old couple by surprise.

“Yeah! Otherwise, what am I doing martial arts.” Wang Teng said naturally.

“But, you have just started martial arts training, and you haven’t reached the standard of an intermediate martial artist. Isn’t it a waste of time to participate in the martial arts test? Besides, I heard that the actual combat test of the martial arts test is very dangerous. Doesn’t you go to give people food?” Wang Shengguo looked on. Said seriously.

“Son, don’t joke about your life!” Li Xiumei became nervous when she heard it.

“Don’t worry, if you can’t even pass the Intermediate Martial Arts Evaluation tomorrow, let alone the actual combat assessment.” Wang Teng waved his hand.

“Oh, that’s right!” Wang Shengguo reacted immediately, and then wondered: “Then why are you taking the martial arts exam? There is no hope at all?”

“Go and experience it first.” Wang Teng casually said nonsense.

“Well, it’s okay to experience it in advance, you will have experience next year.” Wang Shengguo nodded.

July 7, the third day of the college entrance examination!

In the morning, Wang Teng came to Donghai No. 1 Middle School, and the school gate was still crowded.

The first level of the martial arts test is the martial arts level evaluation!

The martial arts rating evaluation is not in one middle school, but in various famous martial arts halls.

At this time, a few buses parked not far from the entrance of No. 1 Middle School, and Lin Chuhan and other students who participated in the martial arts test had already gathered there.

Other students taking the general college entrance examination looked over there from time to time, whispering, and showing envy on their faces.

“They are the first middle school students who are going to take the martial arts exam!”

“In this year’s reform, even intermediate martial artists have the opportunity to take the martial arts test. The number is obviously much larger than last year. Unfortunately, we still have no chance.”


Warriors have become a symbol of the upper class. Society and times are changing. Many high-level positions must be held by fighters, and they play an indispensable role.

Ordinary people may not be very clear about the reason, but it does not prevent them from yearning for the scenery above.

Becoming a warrior means getting rid of the ordinary class!

Who is willing to live at the bottom forever?

Wang Teng got out of the car and said goodbye to Wang Shengguo, with a salute in his hand and a long black object that looked like a cello box on his back, and walked towards the bus.

If you pass the martial arts exam and the martial arts level evaluation, you will go directly to the military area for the rest of the assessment.

Therefore, candidates must bring a change of clothes and daily necessities.

When Wang Shengguo saw that Wang Teng, a soy sauce maker, also brought his luggage, he felt a little funny, but he didn’t say anything, so he left it to toss.

It was the black long object that looked like the cello box that made Wang Shengguo a little curious, and he didn’t know what was in it?

But if Wang Teng didn’t say anything, he didn’t know anything!

Looking at the back of Wang Teng walking towards the bus, Wang Shengguo suddenly discovered that his son didn’t know when he had been very different from before.

That back was straight and resolute, like a peerless Qingfeng about to be unsheathed!

He even had an illusion, as if this time, his son would set off a stormy sea.

Shaking his head, Wang Shengguo couldn’t help but laugh…

Here, Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan and others met, standing under the bus and chatting.

“Wang Shao, what’s this behind you?” Yang Jian curiously looked at the hidden weapon box behind Wang Teng.

Lin Chuhan also looked over curiously, glanced at the Tibetan soldier box, but unfortunately it was contained in the bag, and they couldn’t see what was inside.

My heart is more itchy.

“Secret weapon!” Wang Teng smiled.

“Cut, forget it!” Yang Jian vomited.

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