Chapter 601 The Force of Stars Appearing Unexpectedly!

In the end, everyone in the Great Bear Nation did not leave.

Especially at the kind invitation of Tan Taixuan, they stayed and had dinner with everyone in Xia Guo.

Everyone had another very friendly exchange.

The relationship between the two countries is good, at least on the surface, so this dinner is also extremely harmonious, and nothing nasty happened.

At the dinner table, Big Ivan asked, “What do you think of the genetic warriors of the Bald Eagle Country?”

The movements in the hands of everyone in Xia Guo couldn’t help but stop.

“What do you think?” Tan Taixuan asked rhetorically

The Great Ivan didn’t care either. Knowing that he had to show some sincerity if he wanted to know Xia Guo’s views, he smiled at the moment: “This genetic warrior has some merits, but the flaws are also obvious. After they become beasts, they will be starred. The influence of the will of the beast hurts others and hurts itself.”

“After they are affected by the will of the star beast, their strength will be stronger.” Tantai Xuan said.

“But without reason, their attacks become purposeless, no different from beasts, and it is not difficult to solve them.” Wang Teng said.

“I forgot that you fought each other.” Great Iwan gave Wang Teng a deep look.

If it is as simple as Wang Teng said, then they don’t have to worry about the genetic warriors of the Bald Eagle Country.

Wang Teng can solve it easily, but it doesn’t mean that other warriors can also do the same.

“You must also have a genetic warrior.” Tan Taixuan suddenly said meaningfully.

Big Ivan’s eyes condensed, and he suddenly smiled and said, “Don’t talk about us, aren’t you too?”

The atmosphere on the dining table suddenly became tense, but then Tan Taixuan and Da Yiwan both laughed.

After that, the two of them didn’t seem to have mentioned the matter at all, and they avoided talking, and harmony resumed at the dinner table.

“I won’t give up.” Valeria said to Wang Teng seriously before leaving.

Wang Teng suddenly had a headache, and this strain was also exhausted with him.

Tan Taixuan grabbed his neck and said with a smile: “That’s right, my little brother, what a blessing, the exchange meeting is only halfway through, and I won a beautiful woman to win glory for the country.”

“Go, go, you call this a blessing, a glory for the country?” Wang Teng opened her hand unhappily and walked upstairs to the hotel, not wanting to pay attention to her.

Everyone was amused.

Zhu Yunshao joked, “Isn’t this just a blessing? That Miss Valeria has an angelic face. I’ve grown up so big, I haven’t seen such a delicate face yet.”

“The face is an angel, but the figure is a real devil. I’m afraid my small body can’t bear it!” Wang Teng said depressed.

“That’s why you have to invest in advance. The figure can be practiced. As long as she doesn’t work hard to train her muscles, her figure will naturally return to normal. Then you will make a lot of money. “Zhu Yunshao analyzed.

“Hehe, I don’t have the idle time to play the cultivation game.” Wang Teng said.

“I don’t know the blessing in the blessing, and you will regret it in the future.” Tan Tai Xuan said quizzically.

“Go aside.” Layers of black lines appeared on Wang Teng’s forehead, furious.

The next day, everyone came to the arena again.

On the side of Big Bear Country, Valeria immediately shouted hello when she saw everyone in Xia Country, looking very familiar.

Wang Teng bit his scalp and nodded as a response.

When warriors from other countries saw this scene, they speculated that the Great Bear Kingdom and Xia Guo joined forces?

The priest of the temple fell from the top of the mountain, seeing this scene, his eyes flashed slightly.

As the largest organization of warriors in Northern Europe, the Temple is naturally very concerned about the movements of the world’s major countries. At this time, the situation of the Great Bear Country and the Xia Country is giving out what signals?

Both Big Bear Country and Xia Country didn’t know that the actions of the two young people actually opened up the minds of all countries in the world, and they didn’t know what mess they were thinking about.

“The test continues, who wants to be the first to play today.” The temple priest said.

There was a slight silence around the arena.

Suddenly, in the direction of Inga, a young monk walked out and entered the arena.

He was dressed in red and half naked. The top of his head was not a bald head in the true sense. Instead, he had grown a shallow layer of hair. His complexion was calm and solemn. He turned to look in the direction of Xia Guo, his hands clasped together, and said:

“Acura, challenge Xia Guowu, please fight!”

The sound came out, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

In Xia Guo’s auditorium, Qu Fei and the others couldn’t help but stare at each other.

“Which one of you wants to fight this time?” Tan Taixuan asked.

“This person is probably the strongest warrior of Inga Nation this time.” Wang Teng glanced at him, a trace of surprise flashed in his heart, and said.

“The strongest!” Everyone was surprised.

“Yes, the strength has reached the rank of the lower generals, and there is a strange aura on his body.” Wang Teng frowned and said slowly.

Inferior warlord level!

Upon hearing this, Qu Fei and Yan Bo suddenly put out their thoughts of playing.

They are only at the quasi-war level, and that Acura is clearly the strongest hole card of Inga, and they have no chance of winning.

After all, all countries have extremely outstanding talents, which should not be underestimated.

“In that case, let me play.” Mu Zhiguo stood up and said.

Wang Teng and Tan Taixuan looked at each other and nodded.


Mu Zhiguo nodded at the two and walked into the arena.

“Xia Guo, Mu Zhiguo.”

Mu Zhiguo saluted Acura.

“Please enlighten me!” Aquilo replied calmly.

The voice fell, and two powerful auras suddenly rose in the arena.

In an instant, the two sides began to wrestle each other.

This is the first battle conducted by a lower general-level warrior, and warriors from all countries are paying great attention, staring at the arena below.

Wang Teng also got serious, chewing a roasted octopus leg in his mouth, but his eyes were looking into the arena.


The next moment, the two forces burst out.

Mu Zhiguo was bathed in golden force, holding a war knife in his hand, cutting out the blade, and slashing at the warrior of the Inga country on the opposite side.

Aquilo’s weapon was a strange-looking iron rod. His face was calm, with wisps of crimson force rising from his body, and the blazing high temperature spread to the surroundings.

“What’s this?” Wang Teng’s eyes condensed, and a storm surged in his heart.

Star Force!

There is absolutely nothing wrong.

The force used by this Inga monk is the force of stars.

Although the force of the stars is a bit messy and not so pure, it is a real force of the stars.

The martial arts leaders are struggling to find the power of the stars.

How can this make Wang Teng not surprised.

“Is it the ancient law of Inga?” Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, remembering what Tan Taixuan had said.

The warriors of the Inga country have a long heritage, and seem to have some secret methods that outsiders don’t know. Is the force of the stars that appear at this moment related to those secret methods?

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