Chapter 602 I can’t be defeated!

Wang Teng suddenly looked forward to the next competition.

Star Force!

I don’t know if this warrior of the Inga nation can burst out some different attribute bubbles, but fortunately, it is certain that the force of the stars cannot run away.

Just as Wang Teng was thinking about what cheap to pick up, in the arena below, Mu Zhiguo and Acura had already collided.

At this moment, they represent the two countries, honor and disgrace, without any nonsense, just just Gang!


The light of the sword that Mu Zhiguo cleaved came and cut off from the top of Acura’s head.

Aquilo’s gaze remained unchanged, and when he moved his hand, a red light flashed in front of him, smashing the blade straight to pieces.

At this time, Mu Zhiguo had already approached from a distance, and his punch slammed Acura.


The two fists fisted against each other, and two rays of gold and one red directly shot out strong energy and rolled around.

Touch it!

Mu Zhiguo and Aquilo both stepped back a few meters away, both looking at each other with slightly condensed expressions.

Mu Zhiguo’s eyes drooped slightly, there was still a trace of scorching heat on his fist, and even the force in his body felt like he was about to be burned.

That kind of fire force is stronger than ordinary warriors!

It seems that, as Wang Teng said, this Aquila is a little different, it’s not easy to deal with!


Aguro did not give him extra time to think, and with a kick, his body turned into a red residual line and approached Mu Zhiguo.


At the same time, cracks appeared on the ground where he was just now, which were stepped out by him.

Mu Zhiguo’s eyes condensed, his body rose into the air, and then quickly dived, slashing towards Acura below.


A distant metal tremor echoed the sky.

I saw Aquilo standing on the ground, his body slightly squatting, but he abruptly blocked Mu Zhiguo’s attack with the iron rod in his hand.

Without a single blow, Mu Zhiguo leaped into the air again, followed by Acura.

The two turned into two light groups, violently colliding in the sky.

The violent sound of the Force echoed all around, and the aftermath swept across the sky and shocked.

“Both of them are very strong!” Gerald, the arrogant of the Great Eagle Nation, said slowly, with a hint of warfare in his eyes.

“Both of them have reached the next level of generals. They must be the strongest arrogance of the two countries.” Arnold pondered for a moment, and continued: “But I’m very curious, that Wang Teng is among the warriors that Xia Guo played this time. What role does he play, I always feel that this person is not easy.”

“Is it possible? This Mu Zhiguo is not the strongest arrogant of Xia, and the strongest… someone else!” Gerald said with a flash of eyes.

“You mean… Wang Teng!” Arnold thought for a while, and couldn’t help but shook his head: “But he is too young to be able to defeat Shieldsson. I am already surprised. If he can be compared with you, I can’t believe it. .”

“Don’t say it’s you, even I can’t believe it!” Gerald said.

In the audience of the Bald Eagle Country, Ute said to a young man: “Su An, can you win them?”

Martha and Ford also couldn’t help looking at each other.

After a night’s rest, Fortes had regained consciousness and used a lot of expensive healing medicine to recover from his injuries, but there were still some bruises on his face that could not be completely eliminated.

Thinking of his handsome face, being beaten like this, Fortes tickled with hatred when he thought of it.

But when he heard that Tianjiao, who was selected by the temple, was also treated like this, he was relieved.

At least he is not the only one.

It’s good to lose this face together!

However, another warrior of the Bald Eagle Kingdom was not so lucky. Quincy, who was stunned by Kannai Tongji’s illusion, was still in a coma at the moment, and it was estimated that it would be difficult to recover his body.

Ute had airlifted him back overnight, rescued him, and maybe he could save his life.

The young man who was questioned by Ute at this moment was very ordinary, with a tall nose, two white marks on his face, and his skin was between white and yellow. He was obviously not pure white.

Hearing Ute’s words, he just replied coldly: “I don’t know.”

A trace of helplessness flashed in Ute’s eyes, and there was nowhere to vent his anger, so he simply stopped asking him.

Both Martha and Fortes seemed extremely jealous of him, and when he saw that he didn’t mean to speak, they didn’t dare to come forward to talk.

It seems that in this team, the position of this young man is somewhat special.

Not only the Great Eagle Nation, but the Bald Eagle Nation, these two countries are paying attention. The warriors of other countries are also very seriously watching the competition in the field, measuring the gap between themselves and the other side.

Boom boom boom!

Over the arena, two light groups clashed frantically, but one of them was clearly in decline.

In another collision with Acura, Mu Zhiguo’s body flew upside down involuntarily, and the long knife swept across the void. With the help of air resistance, he stepped on the void again under his feet, and forcibly stopped his figure.

With a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were extremely dignified and looked at Aquilo in the distance.

In this situation, Mu Zhiguo’s gaze suddenly trembled, and memory fragments flashed in his mind.

In that memory, the team of four people carried out the task, and Mu Zhiguo was among them.

They walked in a forest, sprinting fast, supporting each other, and rushing to a certain place.

As soon as the picture turned, several people were fighting with warriors of other skin colors in a certain ruins, seeming to be fighting for something.

Suddenly, two of them were in danger, and Mu Zhiguo gave up the task goal he was fighting for and went to rescue…

At the end of the picture, he and his teammates were seriously injured and returned.

A middle-aged man in a military uniform stood in front of him, looking disappointed, and sighed and left…

The memory ended, and the thoughts in his mind were just an instant, Mu Zhiguo recovered his senses in an instant, his eyes became extremely firm.

“I can’t be defeated!”

He tightly held the sword in his hand, his whole body was boiling, the golden force rushed into the sky, and the sharp sword intent wrapped around him.

The golden sword light danced wildly, interweaving in the sky, and finally condensed into a huge golden giant blade.

Mu Zhiguo’s eyes widened in anger, holding the saber in both hands, and slammed down in anger.

The golden sword beams are vertical and horizontal, and there is a harsh rubbing sound in the sky, the air is squeezed, violent, and the sharp blade intent is scattered, making it impossible to look directly.




It seemed that there was a roar echoing in the void, accompanied by the blade intent to completely cut down.

Aquilo looked up, his eyes still calm, his hands clasped together, and the flames on his body rose suddenly, condensing into a mysterious flame beast.


The giant beast roared and greeted the golden sword light above its head.


The two collided with a violent roar, and the golden and red light almost covered half of the sky, completely covering the situation.

At this moment, no one can see who wins and loses?

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