Chapter 600 The boss is asking for letting go!


Wang Teng’s throat squirmed with difficulty, and he looked up at the’beauty’ from the big bear country in front of him!

Even with his height of 1.8 meters, he still needs to look up slightly to see the other person’s face, otherwise he can only see the majestic chest.

At first glance, this woman is shocked!

Look at it again, like a ghost!

Beauty is beautiful, but it is also strong to make people doubt life.

When he heard the other party’s words, Wang Teng finally knew where the ominous premonition came from.

This King Kong Barbie is the most ominous!

Not to mention that Wang Teng was in shock at this moment, even Ji Xiuming and others couldn’t help but open their mouths.

But they quickly showed an expression that wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh.

Zhu Yunshao, Qu Fei and the others were already flushed and unbearable.

“我#¥@……*” Wang Teng saw the expressions of several people, and countless Cao Nima wanted to blurt out, their expressions fluctuating.

“Why, is this question difficult to answer?” Valeria stared at Wang Teng and asked seriously.

“Ahem!” Wang Teng couldn’t help coughing.


This is more than difficult!

It is simply the biggest problem of this century.

“It’s not difficult to answer.” Wang Teng firmly refused to admit counsel.

But when he saw the other person’s pure gaze, he couldn’t help but move. How could this King Kong Barbie look like an inexperienced person? When he was about to say something, he turned around his mouth, sighed in his heart, and replaced it with another rhetoric. He asked: “Is it just that you people in Great Bear Nation are so direct?”

“I like being direct.” Valeria said.

“Well, before answering your question, I will ask you a question first.” Wang Teng pretended to think for a while and said.

“Okay, you ask.” Valeria nodded.

When everyone heard the conversation between the two, they couldn’t help but look with great interest.

Tan Taixuan glanced at Wang Teng, with a smile, a little gloating.

Let you show, now it’s waist down!

“Then I ask you, do you like to eat sweet tofu nao or salty tofu nao?” Wang Teng’s eyes flashed and asked.

Everyone will fall!

Now they finally knew what he was going to do.

This guy is too shameless to escape in this way.

“What?” However, Valeria was stunned. He didn’t know what tofu brain was, and didn’t even understand.

Wang Teng finally realized his stupidity, but he didn’t know the food in Big Bear Country, so he could only ask: “What do you like to eat in Big Bear Country?”

“Brincakes.” Valeria said without hesitation.

Even the throat rolled a bit, as if thinking of something delicious.


This guy looks like a foodie!

Wang Teng suddenly felt an unpleasant feeling again.

But the arrow had to be sent on the string, and he immediately asked: “Then do you like sweet or salty Bollinger?”

Everyone is full of contempt, and they ask such shameless questions. This is just a lie to others!

Wang Teng ignored it and stared at Valeria.

Sample, as long as you make a choice, our fate is over.

Valeria glanced at him suspiciously, not knowing why he asked, but still simply replied: “I like it all!”

“…You like it all?” Wang Teng was stunned.

“Yes, I like it all?” Valeria nodded.

“How can you like it all?” Wang Teng’s mentality collapsed.

This script is not right!

Isn’t it good to choose one? Why choose both? ?

Do you know that you are too much.

“Hahaha…” When everyone saw Wang Teng’s depressed look, they couldn’t help laughing.

“You can have a good exchange with this Miss Valeria to enhance the friendship between the two countries. Isn’t this your favorite thing to do.” Tan Taixuan patted Wang Teng on the shoulder and laughed.

“…” Wang Teng was almost autistic.

How can these people be good friends?

This is to push him into the fire pit!

Is it that way to enhance the friendship between the two countries?

Don’t say anything, friends from now on!

Wang Teng glared at Tantai Xuan, and then said to Valeria solemnly: “You love Bollinger, then we may really have no fate.”

“Why?” Valeria said.

“Because I don’t like to eat, how can people with different tastes have a future.” Wang Teng said.

“You misunderstood.” Valeria smiled and said, “Actually I like to eat everything, so we don’t have the problem of different tastes.”

Wang Teng’s eyes suddenly narrowed.

Surprisingly, this is an opponent!

This seemingly innocent King Kong Barbie was so difficult to deal with, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

“Then don’t talk about food, let’s talk about something else. If two people want to be together, they must understand each other.” Wang Teng winked wildly at Tantaixuan, and at the same time went down the mountain and said: “Say while walking. ”

Tantai Xuan pretended not to see, but he went down the mountain and discussed this kind of thing on the way, which was indeed quite ashamed.

“What do you want to know about me?” Valeria asked, following Wang Teng’s pace.

“For example, your hobbies.” Wang Teng said.

“I like hitting people.” Valeria said.

“…” Wang Teng was speechless.

Is hitting a hobby?

Then this King Kong Barbie’s hobby is really special.

But why did he have a sense of sympathy…Bah, damn sympathy, this was not the result he wanted.

“Ahem, beating is not good, I don’t like beating, you see our hobbies are different, so there is no future.” Wang Teng said against his will.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone stared at him with weird expressions.

“You don’t like beating, do you believe it yourself?” Tan Taixuan looked at the excitement and directly exposed his face.

“We, Valeria, decided to come to you after seeing your performance in the game,” said Ivan the Great, who had not spoken at this time.

Wang Teng finally knew where the problem was.

MMP, King Kong Barbie actually took a fancy to his style of beating, how could he change it?

Is it true that he and Valeria have a bad relationship?

No no no!

Wang Teng seemed to think of some terrible picture, shivering all over, his scalp was numb, and he shook his head heavily.

“I think you really misunderstood me. I don’t like hitting people. Really, I am a kind person in my bones. Beating people is just being forced and helpless. Generally, I can’t do it without doing it.” Wang Teng earnestly Said.

“Coincidentally, I am also a kind-hearted person.” Valeria said shyly.

“Yeah, yeah, we Valeria would feel guilty for a long time even if we crushed an ant. She is a good girl with a kind heart.” Big Ivan nodded repeatedly and sent God assists.

“…” Wang Teng felt his chest feel tight, and his eyes showed incredible.

How can these people be more shameless than him? ?

Wang Teng felt like he was gone, so desperate…

The boss begs to let it go!

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