Chapter 595 Spiritual Illusion!

Bears are afraid of bees!

This scene appeared in the exchange meeting, how to see how to violate the peace.

The warriors from various countries all fell into a weird silence as they watched Quincy chased by a swarm of bees in the arena.

The corners of Ute’s mouth twitched, and there was a feeling of wanting to find a hole in the ground.

What a shame Nima!


Why did their bald eagle country make such a fool in this exchange meeting? ?

I had known that I would not come to be the leader, and even he would be embarrassed.

Ute regrets that his intestines are all green, but he won it himself, and now it is too late to say anything.

In Xia Guo’s auditorium, everyone was amused.

“The Bald Eagle Nation is going to make a big fuss this time.” Yan Bo said with a smile.

“Using bees to deal with bears is nothing.” Zhao Yuanwu said.

“This god Nai Tongji is quite smart, because she thought it out.” Qu Fei shook his head and laughed.

“That Shennai Tongji looks very difficult to entangle.” Zhu Yunshao said.

“Yes, it’s not easy to deal with.” Everyone nodded slightly in sympathy, their expressions a bit solemn.


In the arena, Quincy has no resistance, rolling all over the floor, but can’t get rid of the bees, and constantly screams in his mouth.

Before long, even the screams stopped, and Quincy had fainted.

Kana Kirihime appeared, and the bees disappeared, but Quincy’s appearance was full of bags, as if he had been stung by the bees.

It is unpredictable.

When everyone saw this scene, their expressions became a little serious.

The priest of the temple immediately announced the victory of the Neon Kingdom.

As the leader of the Neon Country, Inuichiro Yamamoto was not at all happy, because Ute’s face turned black and his eyes were glaring at him fiercely.

Yamamoto Inuichiro shivered suddenly, his heart was extremely bitter.

Gangster, don’t look at me, it’s really none of my business…

When Kana Kirihime returned to the audience, Yamamoto Inuichiro looked resentful and suppressed his anger and said, “Tiruki, why are you doing this?”

“What did you do?” Kannai Tongji looked cute and looked at him innocently.

“You…” Yamamoto Inuichiro felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, and said with a sad face: “My little princess, the Bald Eagle Country is not something we can afford.”

“Oh.” Kannai Tongji nodded.

“…” Yamamoto Inuichiro.

Oh, what then?

What are you talking about, just say “oh” what is going on, what do you mean?

Yamamoto Inuichiro was crazy in his heart, but he had nothing to do with Kana Kiruki, so he could only hide in the corner and circle around.

Xia Guo auditorium.

Wang Teng swept his gaze downward, and his mental power picked up all the attribute bubbles in the arena.

【Earth Force *345】

【The Origin of Life*12】

【Wang Jing Spirit*50】

【Spiritual Illusion*20】

【Poison Force*125】

When Wang Teng saw the harvest this time, his eyes flickered slightly.

With 345 points of soil force, the attribute bubbles dropped by the quasi-army-level warrior are indeed many.

Of course, the most important thing is the [Life Origin] at 12 o’clock, which is much more dropped than the previous bald eagle national warriors.

At this time, he wanted to ask, how many years can Quincy live less?

This hapless kid.

Others fight with blood and get hurt at most, and the serious ones will die, but this is different from Quincy. His transformation means losing his life.

The so-called genetic warrior is nothing more than this, the disadvantages are too great!

Of course, Wang Teng hoped that they would get more genetic warriors out, anyway, it would be good for him.

Then there was a 50-point king-level spiritual attribute, which was a bit beyond his expectation. The Neon Country’s Shinnai Tongji had such spiritual attainments, which was incredible.

This guy won’t hang up too, right?

I don’t know how old she is, she looks a little bit younger, if she is the same age as Wang Teng, then it is really amazing.

The last remaining two attribute bubbles surprised Wang Teng again.

One [Mental Illusion], one [Poison Force]!

Mental illusion is a kind of mental ability, and it must be the method Kana Kiruki just used in the game.

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, he digested the memory in his mind, and he already mastered this spiritual skill.

【Spiritual Illusion】: 10100 (proficient)

The mental illusion at 20 o’clock allowed him to step directly through the entry and reach proficiency.

Now he has mastered two mental skills, one mental piercing, and one mental illusion. The methods in mental power have become more abundant.

The last is the force of poison!

The force of the poison force, Wang Teng has only seen Lin Chuxia so far, this Shen Nai Tong Ji is the second one.

However, Shennai Tongji’s poison type talent obviously cannot be compared with Lin Chuxia, but Lin Chuxia possesses the existence of the demon lotus poison body, and her talent can be matched by very few people.

At this time, Wang Teng couldn’t help looking towards the direction of the neon country. Anyway, this Shen Nai Tong Ji should not be underestimated.

The next moment, he couldn’t help showing a smile at the corners of his mouth, and he felt that this exchange would be more and more interesting.

Kana Kiruki seemed to feel Wang Teng’s gaze, and turned to look in the direction where he was.

However, Wang Teng had already retracted his gaze and got up and walked towards the arena.

“Wang Teng, challenge Bing Country Shields!” Wang Teng looked at the Bing Country auditorium and said lightly.

At this moment, the expressions of everyone in Bing Country changed.

Shieldsson himself was even more ugly, looking at Wang Teng, as uncomfortable as eating shit.

This guy must be deliberate!

He defeated the martial artists of Xia Guo and stepped on them to the upper position. Now Wang Teng is here to challenge him.

But he has no choice. In the exchange meeting, since he has shown his talent, there will be many challenges.

Either he stood there until the end, or he was defeated, and there was no other possibility after he succumbed to others.

The priest of the temple looked at Shieldsson and nodded at him.

Shieldsson knew that he was unavoidable. He had just joined the temple. If he avoided the battle, he would not lose his face. Even the temple would be ashamed, and the consequences would be more serious than anything else.

“Humph!” Shieldsson snorted coldly.

Bi Bi Bi, he may not be able to defeat Wang Teng.

The reason why everyone was reluctant to fight with Wang Teng was because they were worried that he would be taken care of by his brick and would not be able to step down.

He didn’t believe it. Now that he became a member of the temple, Wang Teng dared to do so.

“Wang Teng, please advise!” Wang Teng smiled as he looked at Shieldsson who came before him.

“…” Shieldsson suddenly hurts, laughing at you! This smile made him feel creepy.


He didn’t have extra nonsense, he said his name, held the spear in his hand, and pointed directly at Wang Teng.

“Come on, fight me upright!”

“Fighting upright?” Wang Teng smiled and said, “I’m afraid that once I make a move, you will have no chance!”


This guy simply doesn’t take him seriously.

An angry expression suddenly appeared on Shields’s face, and he stepped forward suddenly, pierced with a gun, and the gun was shot in the air, taking Wang Teng’s vitals.

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