Chapter 596 This girl is a pretending offender!

The gun light pierced the sky and swept across with an icy chill.

Wang Teng’s expression remained unchanged, and he threw a punch.

This punch was simple, did not use combat skills, only vented pure power.


The strength of the fist collided with the light of the spear, and the ice formed by the light of the spear shattered with a bang, turned into ice debris in the sky, and fell everywhere.

Shieldsson felt the violent energy coming from the opposite side, his complexion changed slightly, and his body couldn’t help taking a half step backward.

It was only the first day of the match, he fell into a disadvantage.

This Wang Teng’s strength is by no means as simple as the surface.

Shieldsson looked solemn, and then used [Ice Dust Body] without hesitation, the ice force on his body burst out suddenly, condensing into a pair of ice armor on his body.

In the ice country auditorium, the ice country leader’s complexion changed.

The warriors of various countries were also a little surprised, and couldn’t help but talk in a low voice.

“Shieldsson used his special physique so quickly, it seems that Xia Guo’s Wang Teng made him feel a lot of pressure.”

“That Wang Teng is not an ordinary warrior, his strength seems to be very strong!”

“I used slabs as a weapon before, so I guess it’s just for fun, right now?”

“By the way, have you noticed? This Wang Teng is very young!”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was taken aback.

They discovered that Wang Teng’s age seemed to be younger than most warriors. Almost all of them who entered the rank of quasi-war fighters stepped on the threshold of twenty-five years old. It’s only one or two years old.

However, whether Wang Teng’s age is 20 or not is still a question.

The faces of Gerald from the Great Eagle Nation, Valeria from the Great Bear Nation and others showed a touch of movement.

“Tong Ji, this Xia Guo Tianjiao is younger than you.” Yamamoto Inuichiro said to Tong Ji beside him.

“Yeah.” Kannai Tongji did not sing the opposite, and nodded solemnly.

“Xia Country, it’s really a magical country, it’s a pity…” Yamamoto Inuichiro sighed with a gloomy expression.

What a pity, he didn’t say anything, but Kannai Kiruki understood what he meant.

Since the new era, the Neon Country has chosen to rely on the Bald Eagle Country, and the relationship with Xia Country has been somewhat rigid, and the two countries have not been so friendly.

If you had chosen to rely on Xia Guo, the situation might be quite different from now.

In the arena, Wang Teng was overjoyed when he saw the changes in Shieldsson.

【Body of Ice Dust*10】

【Body of Ice Dust*8】

【Ice Force*112】

Wang Teng felt his own changes, and his eyes on Shieldsson were filled with aunt’s kindness.

This guy is actually a good person, except for heavier thoughts!

Drop, good guy card!

Shields’ ice blue pupils stared at Wang Teng without emotion, without knowing that he had been issued a good person card.

“You are strong, but I won’t fail.” His face was firm, with a trace of firmness in his eyes.

Wang Teng’s face is plain, self-confidence is a good thing, but it depends on who he faces!

Boy, it’s still too young!

Shieldsson saw his calm face that hadn’t been stimulated by him at all, as if he didn’t put himself in his eyes at all, he raised his eyebrows, and an uncontrollable anger rose in his heart.


The force of the ice element in his body burst out, no more nonsense, the force of the ice element was condensed on the spear, condensed into thick ice, and pierced with a simple shot.

Cold ice gun meaning!

“Let me see if you can smash this shot with one punch.”

Shields yelled loosely, his body seemed to straddle the spatial distance and came straight to Wang Teng.


Wang Teng’s eyes were calm and he raised his head. The spear light continued to enlarge in his pupils until he was completely close before he raised his fist unhurriedly.

Seriously punch!

The crimson flames wrapped around his fist, and directly collided with the cold spear light.

Wang Teng once again shook Shieldsson’s ice spear with his body.

Real man, that’s so steel!

An incredible flash of Shieldsson’s eyes flashed, but Wang Teng did not expect that Wang Teng would actually take his attack with his fist.

Is this guy really so confident?


At this time, the collision of Wang Teng’s fist strength and the spear light produced the ultimate violent, and the impact of the original force swept all around, and the dust was everywhere.

Everyone couldn’t help but squinted their eyes and looked into the arena.

Suddenly, at the center of the collision, a slight ‘click’ sounded.

Shieldsson’s complexion changed, his pupils contracted, and he was shocked: “How is it possible?”

I saw that the ice condensed with the spear in his hand unexpectedly showed a trace of cracks, and then the cracks became bigger and bigger, and some ice fragments fell.


At a certain moment, the ice completely shattered.

On the opposite side, a powerful punch with a sense of heat swept across.

Shieldsson’s body shook, and abruptly resolved the fist, which was just a aftermath after all, unable to break the ice armor defense on his body.

He couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

However, before he was too happy, Wang Teng suddenly disappeared in place, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards him.

Shieldsson’s complexion changed, and he rushed directly into the sky to avoid Wang Teng’s attack.

He already had a deep understanding of the horrible boxing power, and he was extremely jealous, so he didn’t want to insist on it.

But he couldn’t think of how fast Wang Teng was.

As long as Wang Teng thinks about it, the other party can’t avoid it.

The next moment, Wang Teng appeared straight in front of Shieldsson, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, like a villain who molested beautiful women.

“Don’t run, you have to come and go, you also try to take my punch.”

As soon as the voice fell, he hit the opponent with a punch.

Shieldsson’s complexion changed drastically, but he couldn’t keep up with Wang Teng’s punching speed and was punched in the stomach.


With this punch, Shieldsson’s body bends into a prawn shape, his eyes burst, and terrifying power erupts completely on him.

call out!

He was knocked into the air, flying a full tens of meters before he stopped.

“Ahem!” Shieldsson gave a dry cough, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, wiped the corner of his mouth, and sneered: “You can’t break my ice armor!”

“Really?” Wang Teng smiled faintly.


A crisp sound suddenly sounded.

Shieldsson’s pupils shrank, and he slowly looked down, only to see a crack in the ice armor coming out of his chest.

“You tortoise shell can’t do it, I just punched it lightly and it cracked.” Wang Teng said.

“…” Shieldsson looked ugly.

God tortoise!

His handsome armor was actually described as a tortoise shell by this guy, what look in his eyes!

But his ice armor was actually cracked by the opponent’s punch, this guy’s power was really terrifying.

As for the light punch he said, Shieldsson didn’t believe it at all. The opponent must have used all his strength to break his ice armor.

This girl is just pretending to be a criminal!

“Come, come, let me hit a few more punches.” Regardless of Shields’s face, Wang Teng disappeared in place again and blasted over.

“Come back!” Shieldsson’s face turned green.

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