Chapter 594


When Quincy saw this scene, his mentality collapsed, and he couldn’t help but explode with a foul language.

Then he kicked it out and kicked Kannai Kiruki’s head away.


That head turned into a black shadow directly, disappearing into the distant horizon, and can’t be found again.

Quincy was panting, obviously scared by the scene just now, and there was still some lingering fear at this time.

Horse eggs!

How did a good game become a scene of horror.

No matter how hard the man is, he is afraid of these creepy things!

“Why are you kicking my head?” But at this moment, the faint voice rang again.

But this time it sounded directly in Quincy’s ears, and he still felt that when the sound came, the breath accompanied by the spit made his ears a little cold.

Quincy stiffened, turned his head a little, and then saw…

A head appeared on his shoulder, blood was dripping down from his neck, and that cold gaze was meeting his gaze.

Quincy only felt that his heart missed a beat for a while, his scalp was numb, and the hairs of the younger generation were standing up, and there was a sentence of MMP stuck in his throat, and he couldn’t vomit it out.

“Go to hell!”

He raised his right hand and punched his head on his left shoulder.

With a ‘boom’, Kannai Kiruki’s head exploded again.

This time, the red and white thing splashed all over his face.

Quincy’s face was dumbfounded. When did his strength become so strong, he just wanted to knock that head off, why did it explode?

Didn’t he know that he would splash him if he blows it up?

He is not that stupid!

But this head just exploded, and he had a close contact with him.

Feeling the strong bloody air, Quincy’s throat rolled, and she was about to vomit out overnight.

Although these Tianjiao martial artists have all seen blood, it was the first time that they experienced a headshot spray at such a close range.

And it was obviously very uncomfortable.

In the audience, everyone had goose bumps all over their bodies, and then showed sympathy.

Too miserable~

They can’t stand this kind of sin if they are replaced!

At this time, everyone had discovered the problem, the god Nai Tongji was obviously not really dead, but confused everyone with a unique method.

In addition, Quincy, who was the authority, was the most affected, unable to extricate himself, and was played around in circles.

Ute and the others looked ugly and wanted to remind Quincy, but they couldn’t do that, otherwise the competition would be meaningless.

The priests of the temple will not allow them to break the rules.

On Xia Guo’s side, Wang Teng said with a smile: “This game will probably leave a psychological shadow on Quincy.”

When everyone heard his gloating laughter, they couldn’t help being a little speechless.

This guy is really careful!

The Quincy hit him before, and he obviously remembered it in his heart.

In the arena, Kannai Tongji’s head once again appeared around Quincy, floating in the air, dripping blood, as if the ghost was still in the air, and the cold voice kept echoing in Quincy’s ears.

Quincy was going crazy, his eyes were bloodshot, and the warhammer in his hand smashed indiscriminately, smashing the heads of Tongji.

He has become a beast, covered with black hair, sturdy body, and extremely terrifying aura.

“Get out, I know these are fake, you get out of it.” Quincy is not stupid, knowing that he must be in the psychedelic of the other party.

But it is another matter to find out whether it can be deciphered or not.

He couldn’t find the real God Nai Tongji at all, and suffered from this series of entanglement and persecution, he was already on the verge of collapse.

Especially after being animalized, his body was strengthened, but his spirit was more easily affected.

The area of ​​his psychological shadow is constantly expanding.

“It was discovered by you, then it’s as you wished.” Kana Kiruki’s figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Quincy was overjoyed and rushed forward with a grinning grin, and slammed it down.


Kana Kirihime’s body exploded, and the bright red blood splashed Quincy all over.

“It’s fake again.” He was stunned, the pupils in his eyes contracted, red bloodshot eyes almost all over the entire eyeball.

Then there was a nervous smile on his face, this is… collapsed!

His confidence completely collapsed!

As a quasi-general-level warrior, it is almost impossible for his confidence to collapse, but after being transformed into a beast, his spirit is already under the impact of the will of the beast. difficult.


Quincy roared wildly, his body changed again, his eyes completely lost his reason, only the ferocity of a beast was left, more hairs grew madly, covering his body, even his face changed, becoming more and more like a head… …Black bear!

If it was said that only 50-half of the beasts were animalized before, then it is almost 80% or more now.

“Not good!” On the side of the Bald Eagle Country, Ute’s complexion changed drastically and he stood up suddenly.

“Quincy can’t control it anymore.” Martha said solemnly.

“Damn, this idiot was forced to such an extent by that neon country woman. Is his mental training all for nothing?” Ute yelled, his face extremely ugly.

Masha couldn’t help but mourn for Quincy. The neon national warrior’s methods were not easy to deal with. Even if she ran into it, she couldn’t guarantee that it would become the same as Quincy is now.

It’s a pity that Ute didn’t want to listen to these truths, Quincy couldn’t control it, and that was his fault.

“Should you give up?” Martha asked.

Ute’s complexion changed, and finally gritted his teeth: “Wait a minute, just take this opportunity to destroy the warrior of the neon nation, and then we will take control of Quincy again.”

“The risk is very high. If you are late, Quincy may not be able to come back.” Martha said with a slight change of face.

“I don’t hesitate to die for the country.” Ute said with a cold face.

Masha’s face changed, and she fell silent.

At the same time, Quincy’s changes also attracted the attention of warriors from various countries. Everyone saw that his state was wrong, but they didn’t know the seriousness of it.

The priest of the temple frowned slightly, glanced in the direction of the Bald Eagle Country, and saw that they had not confessed, and said nothing.

In the arena, Kannai Kiruki appeared in shape, intact, her head was still pretty, and it didn’t drip blood.

She looked rigidly at Quincy in front of her, her eyes flickering slightly.


Although Quincy had lost his reason, he still remembered this ‘enemy’, and rushed towards Kannai Tongji with a roar.

Kana Kiruki’s body disappeared in place, and then…buzzing…

There was a buzzing sound.

Suddenly, a group of black bees appeared in the arena, overwhelming Quincy.

As a result, the situation in the arena immediately turned sharply, and Quincy hugged his head, and how fierce he was when he pounced on him, now how frightened he was to escape.

That clumsy appearance is full of an alternative funnyness.

Everyone: “…”

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