Chapter 593 Oh, you broke my head!

Want to challenge Shieldsson, at least wait for the next round.

This is the rule of challenge. After a match, there is one bye to prevent wheel fights.

Of course, if you voluntarily, no one will stop it.

After Shields, a neon warrior walked into the arena.

Everyone’s eyes were attracted. This is a pretty and lovely woman. No, this is not the point. The point is that she is only 1.5 meters and looks very petite.

And always has a stern face, but it is not rigid, but a…natural dullness!

Coupled with her slightly fat baby face, it gives people a sense of cuteness.

This neon country girl looks really unique!

Wang Teng had weird eyes, thinking that the world is so big, there are no surprises, there are really all kinds of women.

At this time, the woman below said, her voice was hoarse, but it was like a loli, very unique.

“Kannai Tongji, challenge the bald eagle country warrior!”

As soon as the words fell, the warriors of various countries showed their surprise and started talking in a low voice.

This warrior of the neon country actually challenged the warrior of the bald eagle country? !

The Neon Country has always regarded the Bald Eagle Country as its head. This is a well-known thing. This time I dare to challenge them at the exchange meeting. Could it be that I have lost my mind?

“Haha, interesting.” The corner of Gerald’s mouth in the Great Eagle Nation couldn’t help showing a faint arc of interest.

“Hey, it’s really interesting. There are a lot of unexpected things in this exchange meeting.” Arnold laughed in a low voice.

He was naturally happy to see that the Bald Eagle Country was in trouble.

On the side of the Bald Eagle Country, Ute’s complexion became ugly again, and his gaze in the direction of the Neon Country suddenly became dangerous.

Haha, what a courage!

When did the Neon Country dared to open their mouths with fangs?

Inuichiro Yamamoto, the warrior leader of the Neon Country, was stunned…Big brother, it’s none of my business!

It was Kana Kiruki’s own decision to challenge the Bald Eagle Country.

Tong Ji, mistake me!

It is said that the challenge to the stick country, how did it become the bald eagle country? If we don’t play it like this, it will be dead!

Obviously, this god Naiduki, like Shieldsson, is self-assertive.

Everyone in the Bald Eagle Country doesn’t care what he thinks, it is an indisputable fact that Kannai Kirihime challenged the Bald Eagle Country.

If you can’t teach the Neon Country a profound lesson, where to put the face of the Bald Eagle Country.

Ute looked at everyone behind him, Quincy, Martha and others immediately understood what he meant.

Quincy stood up and said with a smile: “I’ll go, let me play with this little loli from the neon country.”

“Be careful, don’t overturn the boat in the gutter, dare to challenge us, this neon national warrior may have some hole cards.” You Tong nodded and said.

“Don’t worry, the small island nation that is begging for pity behind us can still make a big wave.” Quincy said indifferently.

After speaking, he left the audience and came to the arena.

“Who gives you the courage, dare to challenge us.” Quincy sneered looking at Shennai Tongji.

“Kannai Tongji, please advise!” Kannai Tongji said calmly without expression.

“…” Quincy suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness with a punch on the cotton, and the veins on his forehead violently yelled: “Stop talking nonsense, now let you know that you dare to challenge us.”


He stepped on the ground, strode towards Kannai Kiruki, a warhammer appeared in his hand, and in a smirk, he rounded his arms and smashed Kanna Kiruki’s head.

What a cruel man!

This Quincy did not have the slightest heart to pity and cherish jade. With this hammer, no matter how beautiful the face is, it will turn into a bloody tofu brain.

Wang Teng touched his chin, and said, “This Quincy is probably a single dog for ten thousand years!”

Everyone: “…”

Tan Taixuan and others are full of black lines, feeling that Wang Teng’s brain circuit is really strange.

Is this a problem of single dogs not single dogs?

This is obviously the problem of the head can’t be opened, okay!

Just when everyone was shocked by Quincy’s cruelty, the situation in the field made everyone’s eyes wide open.

Kannai Kiruki actually stood there in a daze, ignoring the warhammer that fell above her head, and staring at Quincy with her eyes calmly.

Then the next moment…


With a crisp sound, Kannai Kiruki’s petite head exploded!

That really exploded!

For a time, red and white splashed all around.

The picture was so impactful that many people retched directly.

Even Quincy, who caused all this, couldn’t help being stunned, looking at the warhammer in his hand, and then at the petite figure whose head disappeared in front of him, his head couldn’t turn around.

This… is dead?

He was a little unbelievable. Winning this game was too simple and too simple. He didn’t even try hard yet!

The warriors from all countries were in an uproar. This was the first time such a bloody and tragic situation occurred in the exchange meeting. Even in the past, such a situation has never happened.

On Xia Guo’s auditorium, Zhu Yunshao directly covered her mouth, and lost her voice in amazement: “This…”

Ji Xiuming, Qu Fei and others also suddenly stood up from their seats, their expressions changed drastically and said, “How is it possible!”

“Is that the neon warrior who went up to die?” Yan Bo said.

“What the hell is going on, if you really go up to the competition, how can you not even resist? Is the difference between the two really so big?” Zhao Yuanwu said with a face full of confusion.

“Shao An, don’t worry, the game has just begun.” Wang Teng said with a sudden smile.

How many people couldn’t help but look at Wang Teng, the game has just begun? Isn’t Wang Tengmo stupid, everyone is dead, how can he fight?

“What do you mean?” Zhu Yunshao asked suspiciously.

“It’s just an illusion, you are all deceived.” Wang Teng said.

“Illusion?!” Everyone changed their expressions slightly: “Impossible, even if it is illusion, how can we not find it?”

“The spiritual attainments of this neon nation warrior are very high. It’s not surprising that you were deceived.” Wang Teng said, looking down at Kannai Tongji’s gaze a bit strange.

Spiritual power!

This god Nai Tongji turned out to be a spiritual teacher, and she obviously had learned special spiritual teacher methods.

This method may not be obvious to others, but how can it be concealed from Wang Teng.

Hearing the words, everyone couldn’t help but look down.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred in Kannai Kiruki’s body.

Her smashed and smashed head unexpectedly returned to its original state, like a video tape playback, all the red and white things splashing around were gathered.

Immediately, Kannai Kiruki’s baby-fat face appeared in front of Quincy again.

Quincy looked at this scene like a ghost, and couldn’t help taking a step back.

“What the hell are you?” he exclaimed in shock.

Kannai Tongji tilted her head, clicked, her head fell to the ground, and she rolled a few times before she came to Quincy’s feet, with her eyes looking at Quincy from the bottom up, with that calm and secluded voice. Said:

“Oh, you broke my head!”

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