Chapter 592: Body of Ice Dust!

I wish Yun Shao’s complexion changed slightly, and the force on her body exploded.

Fire Force!

This is where she is not afraid of ice warriors.

Zhu Yunshao’s long sword danced, the flame sword light swayed out, and it collided with the ice light coming from the opposite side.

The force of ice and fire exploded, and the meaning of blazing heat and icy cold swept across the arena.

A large amount of ice froze the ground of the arena, and flames swept across, baking the other half of the ground to black.

Shields was unable to make a single blow, and disappeared in place, attacking Zhu Yunshao from the rear.


Zhu Yunshao snorted coldly, his body flashed, avoiding the opponent’s attack, and the long sword in his hand was suddenly cut down.

The crimson sword light passed, and wherever it passed, the ice melted, and Shieldsson’s offensive was completely cut off.

Shieldsson’s eyes flickered, but he didn’t rigidly hold it, moving his figure quickly to deal with Zhu Yunshao.

Boom boom boom!

The two collided and separated from time to time, fighting hard to separate, and the roar continued.

“The strength of this ice country warrior is not weak!” Zhao Yuanwu looked down and said solemnly.

“Don’t underestimate the warriors of various countries, even in small countries, there are also some talented talents.” Tan Taixuan glanced at everyone and said lightly.

People like Ji Xiuming, Ren Qingcang and others are all 9-star warrior-level warriors, who have not yet been promoted to the quasi-war general level, but they are all first-class arrogances.

At first, they naturally looked down on such small countries as Ice Nation, but after seeing Shieldsson’s strength at the moment, the contempt in their hearts suddenly faded a lot.

“I wish Yun Shao can handle it?” Ji Xiuming asked.

“It’s hard to tell.” Mu Zhiguo shook his head, but he said, “Ice and Fire are mutually restrained, and they are quite strong, and the outcome is really unpredictable.”

“It’s a bit suspended.” Wang Teng’s expression was also a little serious at the moment, he looked down and slowly said.

Everyone was shocked. Wang Teng showed his vision many times and made no mistakes, so Ji Xiuming and others would be so surprised when he heard what he said at this moment.


At this moment, the battle situation below suddenly changed drastically.

Suddenly, a stronger aura rose from Shieldsson’s body, and the ice force in his body seemed to have been stimulated and greatly increased.

And his hair turned completely into ice blue, dancing wildly in the air, wanton.

Even his eyes turned into ice blue, icy cold, but they looked extremely dazzling and strange.

In the next moment, a large amount of ice force condensed into a layer of ice on the surface of Shieldsson’s body, forming a piece of ice armor.

Zhu Yunshao’s complexion changed drastically, and the original force of the fire system surged out of her body.

But Shieldsson was not afraid at all, and went straight through the turbulent flame, which was unable to melt the ice armor on his body.

In the flames, he took Zhu Yunshao straight.

Zhu Yunshao was shocked and wanted to get out and violently retreat. After all, he was still a step late.


Shields threw a punch on Zhu Yunshao’s body.

Zhu Yunshao stagnated, stepped back involuntarily, gritted his teeth to stop the pace, and half-kneeled on the ground.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth suddenly.

“You lost!” Shieldsson said lightly, covered with ice, with extremely cold eyes.

I wish Yun Shao looked unwilling, but at this moment, it was the end of the force. She staggered to stand up, but she was unable to fight again.

The warriors of various countries were surprised, looking at Shieldsson in the arena, especially his appearance at this time, everyone’s eyes were full of inquiry.

Is this a special physique?

Such a arrogant talent appeared in such small countries as Bing Country!

The warrior leader of the ice country looked dumbfounded, and Shieldsson didn’t even know the methods he showed. This guy hid so deeply.

On Xia Guo’s side, everyone didn’t look good, and at the same time they were secretly surprised.

It turned out to be hit by Wang Teng.

Did he see something just now?

“In this competition, Ice Nation Shieldsson won.” The priest of the temple took a strange look at Shieldsson and announced the result.

“Thank you!” With a faint smile on the corner of Shields’s mouth, the ice on his body slowly faded. He bowed gracefully to the priest of the temple and turned and was about to walk towards the Bing Country auditorium.

“Shieldsson, would you like to become the guardian knight of the temple?” At this moment, the priest of the temple suddenly said.

Shieldsson’s footsteps suddenly stopped and turned to look at the priest of the temple.

This competition was originally a battle of fame that he carefully selected.

The result is as he envisioned, showing his strength, defeating the warriors of the great powers, and becoming famous in the first battle!

But he really did not expect that he would receive the attention of the priest of the temple and even sent him an invitation.

The guardian knight of the temple!

what is that?

The temple is the most sacred existence in the Nordic countries, and even in the world, it is a holy place for warriors. As its guardian knight, it is not something ordinary people can serve.

And at this moment, the priest of the temple actually issued an invitation to him!

Shieldsson felt as if he was dreaming. The happiness came so suddenly that people were caught off guard.

Not to mention him, the others were also shocked, and the surroundings fell into a strange silence, and then an uproar sounded.

“Knight of the Temple Guardian, Shieldsson is about to flourish!”

“Hmph, didn’t it just defeat a Xia country martial artist, the priest of the temple is actually so optimistic about him.”

“It’s not just as simple as defeating Xia Guowu, but more importantly, the special ice-type physique he showed.”

“What a shit luck!”

“Oh, opportunities are for those who are prepared. If Shieldsson hadn’t boldly challenged Xia Guowu, how could he get such an opportunity.”

Everyone talked a lot, some of them were envious, and some of them were pantothenic. For the warriors of the Nordic countries, they also want such a good thing!

It’s not surprising that the priest of the temple sees the other person. With the existence of the temple, anyone who hears of such a good thing will be like this. Shieldsson’s ability to remain calm is pretty good. He smiled and said: “How So, Shieldsson, how are you thinking about it?”

“I am willing!” Shieldsson finally reacted, suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, and nodded quickly.

“Very good, but after you enter the temple, you are only a reserve. If you want to become a guardian knight of the temple, you need to go through trials and tests.” The temple priest said.

“Yes, I understand.” Shieldsson thumped his chest with a fist and performed a knightly ceremony of the temple, with a firm face to show that he was fearless.

“Go, find me after the game.” The temple priest nodded in satisfaction.

Shieldsson was full of joy and walked to the ice country auditorium. He was greeted by the enviable eyes of warriors from the same country.

On the other side, Zhu Yunshao’s situation formed a sharp contrast with him, and Zhu Yunshao’s defeat set off Shields’s light.

“It’s okay.” Tan Taixuan stepped forward to comfort.

A trace of bitterness appeared on Zhu Yunshao’s face, and she shook her head desolately: “I’m fine, but I was a little unwilling to lose.”

“That Shields is stepping on our upper position.” Qu Fei and the others said with a slight expression of irritation.

“I will meet him in the next competition.” Yan Bo said.

“You are probably not his opponent.” Mu Zhiguo shook his head.

“Let me go, it just happens that I am somewhat interested in this ice martial artist.” Wang Teng said.

Tan Taixuan’s heart moved, others didn’t know, but she knew that Wang Teng was also an ice martial artist.

But this guy’s ice force realm seems to be inferior to that of Shieldsson, can he do it?

Then she shook her head again, and laughed in her heart. She thought too much. Wang Teng’s strength was not just as simple as the Ice Force.

Although Na Shieldsson had a special physique, he might also be defeated against Wang Teng.

“Are you sure?” Mu Zhiguo didn’t know this, he couldn’t help asking.

“Don’t worry.” Wang Teng said flatly.

When he spoke, his mental power was already rolled out, picking up several attribute bubbles in the arena.

【Fire Force *255】

【Fire Sword Intent*70】

【Ice Force*320】

【Body of Ice Dust*10】

【Ice Spear Intent*45】

A meaningful smile appeared at the corner of Wang Teng’s mouth.

Body of Ice Dust! ! !

A new physique, and it is also an ice physique.

That Shieldsson’s physique has been acquired by him, and it will make him happy for a moment, and he will cry later.

[Body of Ice Dust]: 105000

Wang Teng glanced at the various physical descriptions on the attribute panel, and felt a little joy in his heart.

After carefully sensing the changes in his body, he found that he was more sensitive to the force of the ice system, and even had a lot of memory in his mind about the changes in the nature of the force of the ice system.

This change in nature was impressively Shieldsson’s method of using the ice armor just now.

Now he will, and Wang Teng will also.

And if Wang Teng superimposed [Body of Ice Dust] to perfection, Shieldsson would definitely be out of reach.

This kind of pleasure of holding each other’s talent to catch up with each other is simply not too cool!

In addition, there is an ice spear intent attribute, which is also an artistic conception that Wang Teng does not have.

Wang Teng was extremely satisfied. He had obtained such a great harvest before he had fought with Na Shields. If he really fought against him, wouldn’t he be able to squeeze out more things.

He looked at Shieldsson in the distance, and the smile at the corner of his mouth gradually became uncontrollable.

Shieldsson, who was delighted in the distance, shuddered suddenly, feeling a full of malice enveloped him.

“Shieldsson, what’s the matter with you?” an ice country warrior asked.

“It’s okay, it may be my illusion.” Shieldsson shook his head.

“You actually have an ice-type physique, but you have never shown it for so many years. You are hiding too deep.” The ice country warrior leader said.

“Sorry, it’s not that I deliberately concealed it, but my mentors were afraid that I would be suppressed, so they told me not to use it lightly. When I was in China, no one really allowed me to use this physique, but it’s different now. At this national warrior gathering, I don’t show it anymore, and it’s meaningless to hide it.” Shieldsson said.

The ice nation warrior leader nodded, expressing his understanding that after all, the ice nation is just a small nation, and if Shieldsson showed the ice physique too early, it might not be known whether he could grow up.

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