Chapter 591 Appeared, Ice Tool Man!

The five styles of boxing are connected with each other, and they grow and restrain each other, and finally evolved into a brand-new boxing method.

When Wang Teng opened his eyes, all of this had been constructed in his mind.

In just ten minutes, a boxing technique comparable to the heavenly rank was born in his hands. Even this boxing technique has great potential. As long as it continues to develop and continues to be nourished with the five-element artistic conception, the future height is still unknown.

The light in Wang Teng’s eyes dissipated, and his mind returned to reality. He was suddenly startled when he saw the situation in front of him.

“Why are you looking at me like this?” He said angrily at Tantaixuan.

These people seemed to eat him.

When did the taste become so heavy, even his rough boy paper would not be let go.

Mom was right, the boy must protect himself when he is outside alone.

“What do you mean?” Tan Taixuan stared.

“You have no luck, and you can have an epiphany after watching a game.” Zhu Yunshao said enviously.

Ji Xiuming, Mu Zhiguo and others also felt the same, and they were not too envious in their hearts.

“My luck is so-so, so-so, you don’t need to be envious, maybe it’s your turn later.” Wang Teng said haha.

“I believe you a ghost, when we are stupid, do you think it is a Chinese cabbage? You still take turns.” Zhao Yuanwu said silently.

“You have gained a lot this time, right?” Zhu Yunshao asked.

“It’s okay, there is something to be gained.” Wang Teng waved his hand and said.

When everyone saw that he didn’t say much, they didn’t ask more about it. This kind of thing was originally everyone’s secret, and it was not good to ask the bottom of it.

It’s just that this makes Wang Teng’s harvest not so big.

Cut, do you think they can’t tell!

Wang Teng didn’t care about everyone’s envy and jealousy, and looked at the arena below.

At that moment of his enlightenment, many attribute bubbles had already accumulated in the arena. Before these attribute bubbles could dissipate, he immediately picked them up.

【Earth Force *110】

【Wood Force *55】

【Golden Force*105】

【Fire Force *80】

【The Origin of Life*3】

【Fire Sword Intent*65】


As the attribute bubbles melted into the body, Wang Teng suddenly gave a soft voice.

Among these attribute bubbles, the [Life Origin] attribute appeared again, and Wang Teng was shocked, trying to hold back… ah~

After two or three seconds, he looked at the people without a trace, and saw that they had not found anything, he could not help but breathe out a sigh of foul breath.

Too difficult for Nima!

In addition, there is a [Fire Sword Intent] attribute. Wang Teng felt the sword intent in his mind, and made his fire Sword Intent to a higher level.

At this time, the game below was over, and someone played again.

That was a warrior from the Nordic ice country. He had long hair, and his hair turned out to be a little blue, which looked a little…non-mainstream!

“This guy is handsome, and he is only slightly worse than me.” Wang Teng muttered.

“…” Tan Taixuan.

“…” Everyone.

Everyone gradually got used to Wang Teng’s shamelessness, but from time to time he would still be a little ashamed by his words.

How thick is this guy’s face? ?

The warrior of the ice country below looked around, finally stopped his eyes on Xia Guo’s side, and said: “I want to challenge the warriors of Xia country, please fight!”

Zhu Yunshao and others were taken aback for a moment.

Actually want to challenge them!

Since watching the match between Wang Teng and Fortes, warriors from various countries have consciously avoided Xia Guo. After all, no one knows if they will run into Wang Teng if they challenge Xia Guo.

However, Zhu Yunshao and the others immediately realized that this was a communication meeting after all, and it was impossible to put Xia Guo on the side.

If you don’t challenge Xia Guo because you are afraid of being treated specially by Wang Teng, wouldn’t it be that Xia Guo won the top spot in this exchange meeting effortlessly.

This is clearly a situation that countries are unwilling to see.

However, the Bing Country warrior suddenly challenged Xia Guo, but his companions showed surprise.

Even the warrior leader of the Bing Nation was shocked and shouted directly: “Wait, Shieldsson, don’t mess around.”

The ice country warrior leader shouted like this, although it was a bit embarrassing, but if he was beaten into a pig like Ford, it would undoubtedly be even more embarrassing.

Bing Country is just a small island country with a population of only 30 million. Naturally, the talents that can be known are very limited. He doesn’t want Shields to fall in front of Xia Guowu.

When everyone saw this scene, they suddenly showed meaningful gazes.

It seems that this is not their collective decision, but the personal choice of this warrior.

This guy is kind of interesting!

“I’m not messed up.” Shieldsson shook his head and said, “I heard that there are many geniuses in the country of Xia. Although my ice country is a small country, I also want to have a glimpse of the style of a big country, so please go out and let me see Xia. What kind of Tianjiao of the country is like?”

“You!” The Bing Country warrior leader was speechless. He wanted to stop, but couldn’t find any good reason.

Other warriors dare to challenge Xia Guo, wanting to appreciate the style of a great country.

And if he said to stop it, wouldn’t it appear that his team leader had no courage.

“Hehe, this ice country warrior has a good fortune, a great country style? This is forcing me to not use bricks.” Wang Teng sneered.


Everyone is speechless, when is the time, you are still thinking about your bricks.

In fact, they are not stupid, they naturally saw the intention of this ice country warrior.

This person wants to be famous by the people of Xia Guo.

But he didn’t want to fight Wang Teng, so he used this method, but it was a bit clever.

“Which one of you will go?” Tan Taixuan smiled and asked with interest.

Being provoked to the door, who can bear it?

Wang Teng was thinking about getting up, but Zhu Yunshao stood up first and said: “I’ll come this time, Wang Teng, don’t take everyone’s limelight.”

“What’s more, you are still the leader, so you have to go out at the end, there are more talents waiting for you.”

Wang Teng just got off the bottom of the chair and sat down again, and said with a smile: “Then you go.”

While speaking, his gaze swept down, and his spiritual vision turned on.

“Huh?” Wang Teng couldn’t help showing a slight difference in his eyes, and said: “This person is an ice martial artist.”

This is the first time I have met an ice martial artist at the quasi-war general level.

In Wang Teng’s eyes, this ice country warrior suddenly became a tool man capable of generating ice-type attribute bubbles.

“Ice martial artist!” Zhu Yunshao said in surprise: “How did you see it?”

“I have my own way.” Wang Teng didn’t explain, and said: “Mutated Force is not easy to deal with, you can handle it carefully by yourself.”

“Okay.” Zhu Yunshao nodded solemnly, and jumped into the arena.

“Ice Country, Shieldsson!”

“Xia Guo, I wish Yunshao!”

After each introduction, the two men stared at each other intently.


Suddenly, the two moved at the same time, and an ice spear appeared in the hands of the Bing Country Warriors, which pierced forward, and countless cold glows enveloped Zhu Yunshao.

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