Chapter 585 I want to walk the way for the sky and kill him! ! !

At seven o’clock in the evening, in the hotel.

Everyone had eaten dinner and was about to leave.

Wang Teng stood up, stretched, and sighed contentedly.

I have to say that the kitchens in Northern Europe are not bad either. The food they make is unique and unique.

If you can become a spiritual cook, you can’t be a person who can make up for it.

However, the weakest people like Wang Teng today are 9-star warrior-level warriors. The benefits of ordinary spiritual food are limited to them, unless the spiritual food is made by the master of the spirit chef himself, and extremely high-end ingredients are used.

Naturally, it is impossible to arrange a master chef to serve them in Northern Europe.

Although Wang Teng is a master chef himself, he is not picky because he has eaten Nordic cuisine for the first time.

At this moment he got up and went outside the hotel.

“Wang Teng, why are you going?” Tan Taixuan frowned and asked.

“Wander around.” Without looking back, Wang Teng waved his hand and walked out of the hotel.

“This guy!” Tan Tai Xuan was speechless.

During the exchange meeting, other people didn’t want to play, but this kid was heartless and didn’t care about communication at all. He should play, eat, don’t know, and thought he came to play at public expense.

Ren Qingcang, Ji Xiuming and the others looked at Wang Teng’s departure, and they were unavoidably envy. They had gone through a day of fighting, but now they can’t get up because they think about it.

However, Wang Teng sat in the audience all day today, without even moving a finger.

When everyone thinks about it, they feel that their mentality has collapsed and their hearts are very unbalanced.

“Leave him alone, take a good rest and prepare for tomorrow’s exchange meeting.” Tan Taixuan felt helpless and comforted, and then sent them back to fix it.

【Spirit Kitchen*20】

【Spirit Kitchen*15】

【Spirit Kitchen*38】

Wang Teng walked on the food street, using his mental power to roll over the spirit kitchen attributes scattered around.

One by one attribute bubbles merged into his body, and a section of how to make Nordic cuisine immediately appeared in his mind…

[Spirit Kitchen]: 13683000 (Master)

Wang Teng nodded in satisfaction. As an outstanding young man with all-round development, cooking certainly cannot be left behind.

As the saying goes, if you want to grab a woman’s heart, you must first grab her stomach.

Wang Teng felt that with his spiritual cooking skills, probably, maybe…can grab the stomachs and hearts of countless women.

He stroked his chin, and suddenly thought, if in the future all the delicacies of all countries in the world were eaten all at once, then he would not be a big fan.

At that time, which woman can stop his food cannonballs!

Unbelievable, unbelievable…

Well, that’s it, he wants to be an all-round gourmet!

Wang Teng’s determination has never been so firm.

Leaving the food street, Wang Teng hides his figure and immerses himself in the dark, like a dark night ghost, sneaking into the museum.

Little boy, I’m here again!

Wang Teng did the same, took out the crystal skull from the showcase, and carried it in his arms.

That picture, I can’t bear to look directly at it.

【Emperor Realm Perception*2】

【Imperial Spirit*1】

【Imperial Spirit*3】

【Imperial Realm Perception*1】

While he slapped, he also plunged his spiritual power into the crystal skull, allowing it to accumulate his own spiritual power.

Two-pronged approach, the effect is great!

Beautiful, beautiful~

If this is other people, it can only rely on the crystal skull to enhance the spiritual power.

But no one has discovered the only way, it’s no luck.

Wang Teng triumphantly, he spent the whole night feeling that it was almost time before he left the museum reluctantly.

[Comprehension]: 1663000 (Imperial Realm)

[Spirit]: 1943000 (Imperial Realm)

In one night, his comprehension increased by 31 points and his spirit increased by 36 points. The most important thing is that this attribute is the emperor realm.

If you want to improve the imperial spirit and comprehension in normal times, it is even more difficult, but now with this crystal skull, it is like an extra power bank.

Wang Teng’s desire for the crystal skull is getting stronger and stronger. This thing must be obtained. Anyway, they are put here as an exhibit. It is a waste. It is better to give it to him.

The next day, everyone came to the ancient arena again.

In the early morning, the mountain was filled with a faint morning mist, hazy, and the buildings and statues on the top of the mountain became more and more sacred.

Wang Teng stood on the edge of the arena, looked at the top of the mountain, and then took his gaze back to his seat.

The atmosphere between the countries is even more tense today, and a faint fighting spirit is floating over the arena.

A figure fell from the top of the mountain. It was the priest of the temple in a white robe. He looked around and calmly said: “Everyone, today’s competition is no longer conducted in the form of lottery, and warriors from all countries are free to challenge.”

When the voice fell, everyone was in an uproar.

This method has never been used before, and the priests of the temple suddenly changed the rules, which surprised people of all countries.

“Priest of the temple, why did you suddenly change your way?” Ute of the Bald Eagle Country asked with a frown.

“This is a decision made by the high-level temple of the temple. It is not made by me. If you have any questions, you can go to the zodiac, appeal to the higher level, or give up the exchange meeting.” The temple priest said without delay.

It was actually the decision made by the temple!

People from all over the world were puzzled and didn’t say anything in the end.

Although the test method is changed to free challenge, there will be some variables, and the previous rules may not work, but the matter is already there, and it is useless to say anything.

“If you have no doubts, the competition can begin.” The temple priest said, floating on the edge of the arena, quietly waiting for warriors from all countries to appear.

For a while, all countries calmed down and stared at each other, unwilling to be the first bird.

Wang Teng felt a little boring, so he took out a table from the space ring, then set up a table with melons and fruits, and sat there to eat leisurely.

It was too boring to watch the game yesterday, so when he had an idea when he was shopping last night, he bought some food. No, it came in handy today.

I really admire my wit.

Wang Teng silently gave himself twelve likes.


Tan Taixuan and others were shocked by Wang Teng’s sorrowful operation, staring at him blankly, and black lines appeared uncontrollably on their foreheads.

“…” When warriors from various countries saw this scene, they almost didn’t smash their chin on the ground, looking at Wang Teng with a strange expression.

This guy has a pit in his head.

What kind of occasion is this, doesn’t he feel compelling?

“…” The calm and waveless face of the priest of the temple also showed a trace of awkwardness. He felt that his mental state of cultivating for many years had been thrown on the ground by the Chinese kid.

He is a devil!

Fuck, I’m going to walk the way for the sky and kill him! ! !

The priest of the temple took a few deep breaths before he calmed his mood, dispelled his impulse, and restored the nobility and indifference of being a priest.

At this moment, a person from the Bald Eagle Country walked out to the center of the arena, pointed directly at Wang Teng, and shouted coldly: “I Ford is going to challenge you, so I dare to fight!”

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