Chapter 584 Gene Martial Artist (4000+)

【The Origin of Life*1】

Originally, Wang Teng was only routinely picking up attributes, and he didn’t expect these two warriors who hadn’t reached the general level to explode anything good.

It turned out to be…no, the system boss gave him an ear scrape!

But, it’s so fragrant!

If you can, please give more of such ear scrapers.

This [Life Origin] is undoubtedly a new attribute of the ship. As for the function… I can tell by the name, but it is still uncertain.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and as the [Life Origin] merged in, he felt that his whole body was floating, and there was a sense of comfort that his soul was trembling.

I can’t help but let out a shameful “Ah~”!

Fortunately, he held it back with the supreme willpower, otherwise this might become a black history that he will never erase in his entire life.

Wang Teng felt a lingering fear, and quietly wiped out his cold sweat.

Nima is poisonous!

“What’s the matter with you?” Zhu Yunshao, who was next to him, couldn’t help asking when seeing him look weird.

“It’s okay, it just feels a bit fun to see the strange form of the warrior of the Bald Eagle Country.” Wang Teng said nonsense.

“Neither human nor animal.” Tan Taixuan sneered.

Wang Teng could feel it, and Tan Taixuan was extremely disdainful of this change in the bald eagle country martial artist.

Seeing that everyone had no doubts, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, Wang Teng finally knew what the origin of this life was, and he was inseparable from what he had guessed.

This is something that can make up for life! ! !

It’s going to be against the sky!

Even such BUG attributes have fallen out.

If he keeps adding the life source, wouldn’t he be able to increase his lifespan, so he doesn’t have to be afraid of death in the future?

Bah, this is not fear of death, it is prudent!

It is said that the warriors of the Bald Eagle Country and the Warriors of the Great Eagle Country actually fell out of this kind of heaven-defying attribute during the battle, I really dare not think about it.

But what is the reason?

Could it be…

Wang Teng looked down at the bald eagle national warrior, with all the colors he thought about on his face.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the great eagle warriors were defeated. Everyone thought that the battle was over. Unexpectedly, the bald eagle warriors suddenly rushed forward, raised their arms, and smashed their heads at the great eagle warriors. fall.

“I admit…” The warrior of the Great Eagle Country was shocked and wanted to admit defeat.

But it was too late.


The warrior of the Great Eagle Country was smashed to the ground, blood sprayed, and there was no sound in an instant.

The audience is silent!

Everyone was shocked by the fierceness of the Bald Eagle Country Warriors.

No one thought that he would suddenly die. This was just a competition. Isn’t the Bald Eagle Country warrior afraid of intensifying the contradiction between the two countries?

In the past, everyone kept a face, unless they couldn’t control it, it wouldn’t be the case.

This time the bald eagle country was crazy.

“Presumptuous!” The warrior headed by the Great Eagle Country was furious, rushed into the arena, and grabbed the bald eagle country warrior with one claw.


At this moment, Ute, the warrior headed by the Bald Eagle Nation, also appeared in front of him and made a bombardment with him.


The two took a few steps backwards, both looking at each other solemnly.

The warrior of the great eagle country looked at the warrior of the country who had completely lost his voice on the ground, his expression was gloomy, and angrily said: “Ute, you are too much.”

“Humph.” Ute’s eyes flashed with a headache that was not easy to wipe, but he snorted coldly: “Arnold, you are not a rookie anymore, don’t you know that you have no eyes, no wonder others.”

“He is about to admit defeat.” Arnold, a warrior of the Great Eagle Country, glared at Ute and said.

“Isn’t it because he hasn’t given up yet, who told him to tell him earlier.” Ute looked like a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, but he didn’t admit his fault.

“You…” Arnold trembling with anger, turned his head and shouted: “Priest of the temple, what do you say?”

The priest of the temple hesitated, and finally said: “The warriors of the Great Eagle Country did not clearly confirm their defeat, but the warriors of the Bald Eagle Country knew that the opponent was about to concede defeat, and they still attacked. This violated the principle of the exchange meeting and was sentenced to be forbidden to participate!”

“This verdict, I admit.” Ute said first.

“…” Arnold was determined to lose his sorrow.

The priest of the temple didn’t favor either side, but the rules were so, he couldn’t say anything.

“Don’t leave yet.” Ute glared at the beastly warrior and walked to the auditorium.

The warrior returned to his normal appearance, his face was pale, the breath of beasts on his body disappeared, and he honestly followed Ute’s steps.

Arnold was indignant, glared at both Ute hard, grabbed the body of his companion and returned to the audience.

The second game, Neon Country VS Kangaroo Country!

The competition starts again.

In the audience, Wang Teng glanced at the direction of the Bald Eagle Country, and said: “That beastly warrior has a problem? He probably couldn’t control his tyranny just because he was going to kill him.”

As soon as these words came out, Ji Xiuming, Mu Zhiguo and others were shocked, but they didn’t see it. After all, after the bald eagle country martial artist turned into a beast, they still looked sober and didn’t seem to lose their minds.

“Yeah.” Tan Taixuan nodded and explained: “That is the genetic warrior that the Bald Eagle Nation has been studying.”

“Genetic warrior!” A strange color flashed across the faces of Ji Xiuming and others.

There is such a thing, and the Bald Eagle Country has also researched it out.

“It seems that they have studied the genetic warriors extremely deeply, but there are still some flaws.” Wang Teng thoughtfully.

“If the will of the warrior is overwhelmed by the will of the beast, the situation just now will happen.” Tan Taixuan said: “When you meet the warrior of the bald eagle country, be careful!”

“Yeah.” Everyone nodded in awe.

They all saw very clearly in the battle just now, after the bald eagle country martial artist turned into a beast, they possessed strength beyond the same level, which was enough to make them dare not take it lightly.

“But with the first case, the priest of the temple will also be vigilant when thinking about it, and will not easily cause troubles to the warriors of various countries, otherwise the exchange meeting will completely change.” Tan Taixuan said, taking a look at the Bald Eagle Country. Sneered and said: “And I don’t think the Bald Eagle country dare to go too far, otherwise they will not be able to bear the anger of the countries.”

“Is there a fatal flaw in the genetic warrior?” At this time, Wang Teng touched his chin.

“Oh? Why do you say that?” Tan Taixuan said non-committal.

“Guess, look at the animalized warrior just now. He looked like he was hollowed out after fighting a certain female fairy for three hundred rounds.” Wang Teng said.


Everyone was full of black lines.

Shentewo fights against the female goblin for three hundred rounds.

What kind of metaphor is this!

What kind of horrible things are thinking in Wang Teng’s head, can he be healthy? ?

“Speaking of people.” Tantai Xuan gave him a blank look.

“Ahem, in short, there is a problem.” Wang Teng said with a dry cough.

The crowd slowed down, and then observed carefully, and found that as Wang Teng said, the warrior after the beastization is now extremely sluggish, and it seems that it is really a bit empty.

“genetic defect!”

Tan Taixuan suddenly smiled when he saw the faces of everyone, and said.

Everyone couldn’t help looking at Tantaixuan.

There was a trace of surprise in Wang Teng’s eyes, a genetic defect, and it seemed that this was the cause of the loss of the other’s life.

“Can this genetic defect affect life span?” Wang Teng asked.

“Yes, I only know that the early genetic warriors didn’t live long.” Tan Taixuan said.

Wang Teng nodded and didn’t ask any more, knowing this is enough.

There is no doubt that the origin of life is definitely the attribute dropped by the genetic warrior, and it hasn’t run away.

Wang Teng’s eyes are shining, and the warriors of the bald eagle country are not all genetic warriors. If so, then he will send it…

On the other side, the bald eagle nation warrior suddenly felt a bit of cold, as if a strong malice enveloped them.

Ute couldn’t help looking around, his face filled with doubts.

At this moment, the battle between the warriors of the Neon Kingdom and the warriors of the Kangaroo Kingdom has reached a fever pitch, and the winner will soon be divided, and the winner is the Neon Kingdom.

This result is surprising.

The area of ​​Neon Country is small and resources are limited. I am afraid that there are not many talented warriors. I did not expect that the first competition would have won.

The neon national warriors cheered, as if they had made great achievements.

People can’t help shaking their heads, and there are even warriors from many countries showing disdain, and they seem to look down on the neon warriors.

Wang Teng picked up the attribute bubbles in the field.

【Wood Force *135】

【Golden Force*110】

【Wood Force *85】

Next is the third game.

Xia Guo VS Afro-African Alliance!

A tall black man walked out of the Confederate States of Africa and entered the arena.

Ren Qingcang also stood up.

Wang Teng glanced at him. This person reached the rank of 9-star warrior. Ren Qingcang guessed that he could handle it, so he didn’t say anything.

Ren Qingcang walked into the arena, stood still with the opponent, and the competition started instantly.


The two of them exploded into force and collided directly.

The fighters of the Afro Alliance, regardless of their tall stature, are as strong as a cow, but in fact they are extremely fast, which makes them hard to defend.

And Ren Qingcang was not a simple character, he was carrying the Thunder Elemental Force, and as soon as he took the shot, he attracted everyone’s attention.

“Thunder Force!” Everyone was shocked.

“The martial artist of the Xia country is a arrogant man, this is true.” On the side of the Bald Eagle Country, Ute’s eyes flashed and said gloomily.

“So what? It’s only a 9-star warrior level after all.” Fords said.

“What do you know, he can’t do this this time, but the next one, this person is young, and the next one will be his world.” Ute said.

A cold light flashed in Ford’s eyes, and said, “Then do him?”

“Look at it, it’s not easy to do it here.” Ute hesitated.

The competition in the field became more intense, and in just a minute, the battle between the two sides had come to an end.

Ren Qingcang’s strength is not imaginary. His “Thunder Body” has been cultivated to an extremely deep level. His body is strong, and his body flashes with thunder, hitting the Afro Alliance warriors severely.

The warrior of the Afro Alliance flew out, the person was in the air, he had appeared in the sky, and he pushed down fiercely.


The warrior of the Afro-Allied Nations hit the ground with a bang, and his body bent into a prawn shape, spurting blood, and immediately lost consciousness.

In this competition, Xia Guosheng!

The powerhouses from all over the world were shocked, looking at Ren Qingcang in the field, with different thoughts, and no one knew what they were thinking.

Ren Qingcang returned to the auditorium, glanced at Wang Teng, then sat back in his seat and said nothing.

Wang Teng understood the look in his eyes, and this guy was demonstrating with him.

He didn’t care, and actually didn’t care about Ren Qingcang’s everywhere.

Ren Qingcang was just a defeated general, and he couldn’t get over the big waves no matter how much he jumped. Wang Teng had already walked in the front, and there was no reason to look back.

If Ren Qingcang played any tricks, Wang Teng wouldn’t mind pinching him to death.

But this guy is a thunder-attribute baby, dropped a lot of thunder-attribute bubbles, all of which are cheaper than Wang Teng.

[Thunder Force *60][Thunder Force*35]

【Thunder Body*12】

The competition continued, and warriors from various countries played out one after another, becoming more and more fierce.

After a trial, all warriors below the quasi-combat level have fought, and they have their own victories.

Xia Guo’s side was surprisingly smooth, Ji Xiuming, Luo Cheng and others made their moves, all of them made contributions, and none of them were defeated.

The warriors of all countries are dignified, and the young warriors of Xia Guo’s generation are very extraordinary, and all of them have the posture of arrogance.

And many people have noticed that Wang Teng hasn’t made a move on Xia Guo’s side.

Wang Teng, Ji Xiuming, and others are of the same age at first sight, but they are always sitting in the auditorium watching the game.

Could it be that this young man is a strong man above the rank of quasi-combat? ?

The Bald Eagle Nation is always paying attention to Xia Country’s movement, and attaches great importance to the few remaining people who have not yet shot.

After all, Ji Xiuming and the others in the front have shown extremely strong strength, can it be said that the ones in the back can be even worse.

And Fortes, Quincy and others who have had intersections with Wang Teng were very impressed with him, especially when they had previously met Fortes and others, their momentum was compelling, and they did not dare to underestimate him.

“Let me say, you really take him seriously, no matter how strong the Xia country is, can it be better than us?” Ford said unconvinced.

“These Xia people can still be rampant, but they haven’t run into us, let them see our methods when the time comes.” Quincy grinned.

“You should just relax, those Xia people seem to be difficult to deal with.” Martha said with a smile.

“Martha, shouldn’t you see that little white face, you actually speak for him.” Quincy glanced at Martha and sneered.

“Quincy!” Ford’s face suddenly sank.

“Shut up to me.” Ute gave a few people a cold stare, and said: “When you encounter Xia Guoren, don’t be careless, but you can’t use your genetic abilities as a last resort.”

“Brother Ute, we finally acquired genetic power, what’s the matter not letting us use it?” Quincy refused to accept.

“Genetic ability is not yet mature. You have seen the situation before. In the real battle, your will may not be able to control the will of the beast.” Ute said solemnly.

“Huh, that’s because he is too wasteful, his willpower is not strong enough, at most he is a half-hearted, but we are different, but our willpower has been tested many times, we don’t know how much stronger than him.” Fords said.

“Yes, we are different. We can control these genetic abilities, so don’t worry.” Quincy said.

“You…Forget it, just figure it out by yourself, something happened, don’t blame me for not reminding you.” Ute snorted coldly, turned and left.

Today’s competition is over, they will return to the town below to rest, and the competition will continue tomorrow.

Fortes and Quincy didn’t care, they didn’t seem to take his words to heart.

And Martha looked at Ute’s back, her eyes gleaming with strange light, she didn’t know what she was thinking…

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