Chapter 586 Your sword intent is not strong enough, my little brother!

Wang Teng was holding a piece of crispy and tender fried cod in his mouth. He was eating Zhenghuan. When he suddenly saw that the bald eagle national warrior named Fortes was about to challenge himself, he was stunned.


This person wants to challenge him!

Wang Teng turned his head and looked around, seeing everyone looking at him, he couldn’t help pointing at his nose.

He was planning to watch a good show and never thought that he would be the first to play.

Director, this script is wrong!

Shouldn’t all the protagonists appear last?

There is also the sand sculpture, who is not good enough to choose, is it too leisurely to choose him?

“Quickly end, don’t be embarrassed here.” Tan Taixuan said in a bad mood.

“Why? Why did you choose me?” Wang Teng was very unconvinced. Did Ford regard him as a soft persimmon, he really thought he was easy to deal with.

“Hey, who makes you love to make troubles, shoots the top shot, and doesn’t find you to find someone.” Zhu Yunshao smiled happily.

“Why did I mess up with me? It’s boring just to watch the test. How can I pass the time without getting some food.” Wang Teng was very upset, but he still stood up. Since the other party has challenged him, it is useless to talk about other things. He can’t. Avoid war.

“Help me take care of these foods, and I will come as soon as I go.”

When the voice fell, Wang Teng’s figure disappeared straight away, and when he reappeared, he was already in the arena.

So fast!

Ren Qingcang and the others were shocked when they saw this scene.

Wang Teng just showed a trace of strength at will, which made them feel powerless, and the gap was like an insurmountable gap.

In the arena, Fortes saw Wang Teng suddenly appear not far in front of him, and the dust was thrown under his feet, his pupils contracted slightly.

He felt that he might really underestimate the young man in front of Xia Guo.

“Excuse me to eat.” Wang Teng’s eyes were bad, and he looked at Fords and said: “Do it, end it soon.”

Ford’s forehead suddenly protruded with the word ‘well’, Wang Teng’s tone made him feel that he was underestimated, his mentality burst, staring at Wang Teng firmly, and spit out two words from his teeth:

“court death!”


As soon as the voice fell, his right foot slammed on the ground, and his whole person seemed to turn into a golden arrow, rushing towards Wang Teng violently.

A war sword appeared in each of his hands, drawing a sharp sword light, the right war sword pierced Wang Teng’s chest, and the left war sword swept across, blocking his retreat.

Wang Teng’s face was flat, his body twisted in a very strange posture, and he easily avoided Fords’ attack.

Ford’s complexion changed slightly, his two-handed swords danced wildly, slashing repeatedly, the sword aura filled Wang Teng’s surroundings completely.

However, Wang Teng’s fighting consciousness was too strong, and his footsteps moved horizontally, as if strolling in a leisurely court, letting the opponent’s attack all come to nothing.

In the auditorium, everyone in the Bald Eagle Country looked at the battle in the field with solemn expressions.

“That Xia Guowu fighter is not easy!” Quincy said solemnly.

“Fords is too impatient, and has completely fallen into the opponent’s rhythm. If you don’t withdraw in time, you will be very passive.” Ute shook his head.

“Ford is too proud, he can’t tolerate losing to that Wang Teng, his mentality has been lost.” Martha said with blinking eyes.

On the other side, the warriors of the Great Eagle Country are also looking at the field.

“This Wang Teng is a bit interesting.” Arnold glanced at a young man beside him and smiled: “Gerald, he might become your opponent.”

“If he only has this strength, it’s not enough.” Gerald had blond hair, a handsome face, and his eyes flat and indifferent.

“That’s right, but the real powerhouse from the Bald Eagle Nation hasn’t played yet.” Arnold said.

A trace of caution appeared on Gerald’s face and nodded.

On the side of the Big Bear Country, a bear-like warrior looked at Wang Teng and Ford in the arena, and said with a smile: “Are these two guys playing games?”

“Don’t mind, Valeria, your opponent is not them.” An equally sturdy warrior looked at the girl beside him, his eyes full of appreciation.

That’s right, the bear-like warrior is a girl.

She has sturdy hands and feet, is more than two meters tall, and her muscles are swollen, but she has a loli-like face.

King Kong… Lolita!

On the side of the neon country, a woman with a blank face and a height of 1.5 meters quietly watched the battle below.

“Tong Ji, can you see his strength?” a man next to him asked.

“I can’t tell, that Chinese man… is very mysterious.” A strange light flashed in the eyes of the woman called Tong Ji, and her voice said without fluctuation.

“Can’t even you see it?” the man murmured solemnly.

In the arena, Fortes could not attack Wang Teng. He was furious, his eyes were red, and he panted heavily, and roared: “Yellow monkey, do you only know to hide? Come and fight me head-on.”

Wang Teng stopped suddenly and looked at Fords coldly: “Retract the insulting vocabulary you just made.”

Fords ignored him, a glimmer of success flashed in his eyes, sarcasm appeared in the corner of his mouth, and he rushed towards Wang Teng in an instant.


With two swords strangling, Fortes apparently didn’t keep his hands, and the golden sword intent broke out and enveloped Wang Teng.

Standing in place, Wang Teng looked cold, and suddenly stretched out a hand to grab the golden sword intent.

Everyone was stunned.

Is he going to die?

Grabbing the sword intent with his bare hands, is Wang Teng’s brain broken or flooded.

“This guy is too big!” In the audience, Tantai Xuan stood up suddenly, her complexion slightly changed.

Ford smirked and laughed at Wang Teng’s uncontrollable ability. His golden sword intent, even the lower generals did not dare to insist on it. This Wang Teng was simply seeking his own death.


However, the next moment, his eyes widened suddenly.

The golden sword light was actually grabbed by Wang Teng’s bare hands, and then… crushed!

Crushed! ! !

In everyone’s eyes, the golden sword intent cracked every inch and turned into invisible.

This scene is too shocking, and there are people who can hold the sword intent with their flesh.

Could this Wang Teng be a warrior who specializes in physical training? ?

The warriors of various countries who didn’t care just now stood up one after another, staring at Wang Teng in the field with wide-eyed eyes.

Tantai Xuan let out a sigh, her eyes gleaming, she did not expect that she still underestimated Wang Teng.

Is he even so powerful in his body?

In the field, Wang Teng crushed the golden sword intent, raised his head to look at Fortes, and chuckled lightly: “Your sword intent is not strong enough, brother!”

“Damn it!” Fortes drew back violently. This scene just caused him a great impact, and he felt extremely strong danger from Wang Teng.

“Too naive.” Wang Teng shook his head, his figure disappearing in place.

Fortes looked shocked, looked around, looking for Wang Teng’s figure.

“Behind you.” At this moment, a faint voice came into his ears, close at hand.

“Not good!” Fords wanted to turn his head, but it was too late.


A muffled sound rang in his ears, and Fortes felt a tremor in his head, severe pain came, and his eyes turned black.

Everyone stared at the golden tiles that suddenly appeared in Wang Teng’s hands in a daze.

Tan Tai Xuan covered her face…

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