Chapter 60: God Says…

Wang Teng quickly got rid of the thoughts in his mind. The picture was so beautiful that he didn’t even dare to think about it. He would rather not have mental attributes than see that picture.

Eyes will grow needles!

Close the door and look for the next mental patient with a godlike marksmanship.

As for whether the one was still lying on the ground before, don’t care about me~

207, 208…

The next one is in room 209, but when passing through room 208, the light inside is bright.

Wang Teng suddenly saw a familiar person.

Creampie face nurse! ! !

Why is she in the ward?

Wang Teng wondered, could it be…

Is she actually a mental patient who sneaked out during the day and pretended to be a nurse at the front desk? ?

And I have been talking with a mental patient for a long time!

Wang Teng felt that the whole person was not well, and the entire mental hospital seemed to be full of malice, and was quietly surrounding him.

“Damn it!”

Secretly cursed, Wang Teng had no desire to explore, he went directly to Room 209, opened the door and walked in.

“Biu, biubiubiu…” In the room, a man was shooting into the air.

“Who are you? Did the squad leader ask you to support me?” He asked excitedly when he saw Wang Teng.

Wang Teng saw the attribute bubble of a place and picked it up silently.




They are all spiritual attributes, none of them are marksmanship attributes. It seems that this is another pseudo-gungod.

However, my guess seems to be true!

Mental patients lose their mental attributes, and the person who came up with this setting must be an individual!

Wang Teng looked at the ceiling silently.

“Hey, why don’t you answer my words, are you… you are a traitor?” Seeing Wang Teng’s delayed response, the man was full of suspiciousness, making a gesture of raising his gun, and facing Wang Teng, it seemed that as long as one answer was wrong, he would Shot him to death.

That’s right, kill him…

This drama is fine!

Look at this expression, and then look at the number of spirit attributes dropped, I am afraid that he is already dying.

To an unsaved mental patient, it’s impossible to answer anything, and it’s done with a knife.

“Oh, why is it so difficult to find someone?” Wang Teng closed the door and sighed.


Next is the third floor.

From the first floor to the third floor, there was a flock of demons, and many patients didn’t sleep at all.

The lights were on in most of the rooms, and scenes of scenes that made people laugh and cry, but were fraught with my heart.

“A lot of attribute bubbles!”

Wang Teng was dazzled and opened a door casually.

I saw a patient squatting on the ground, motionless, with many attribute bubbles scattered around.

“Take medicine! Take medicine!” Wang Teng shouted.

“Don’t bother me.” A faint voice came out, and he remained motionless in the corner.

Wang Teng walked over.

Pick it up!




“Why are you always squatting here?” Wang Teng was really curious and couldn’t help asking.

“I am a pile of cow dung!” The faint voice came out again.


“Why are you a pile of cow dung instead of pig dung and sheep dung?” Wang Teng asked.

“Only cow dung flowers will be inserted!”

“…What you said makes sense!”

After Wang Teng finished picking up his attributes, he turned and left. There really is no topic in common with a tuo of cow dung. Goodbye, no, never see you again!

Next, he visited one by one.

Finally, I have seen a lot of what is called a mental patient!

For example, the one in front of you.

“Do you know who I am?”

“Who are you?

“I am the God of Creation. God said that there must be light, so there is light in this world. God said that there must be air between the waters…”

“Did God say you should take medicine?”


This is an online novel who wants to become a god. In order to enhance the reader’s reading experience, he will not hesitate to adopt a cheating substitute writing method!

Then, then there is no more!

Now he is his god in this psychiatric hospital, not a great god, earning one million a year, and winning Bai Fumei has nothing to do with him.

Next person!

The fetish patient, holding a pillow with a beautiful girl in the second element, kept rubbing, licking, and chatting with the beautiful girl on the pillow.

Sakura country must owe you a beautiful girl with a second dimension.

Amen, may the sun bless you!

Next one.

It’s really up!

With emotion, Wang Teng finally arrived outside the room of the last target character.

If this is not true, then he must have been fooled by the stubborn man during the day.

Although I made a mistake and found a place where I could use my mental attributes, Wang Teng, I was actually deceived, and I couldn’t bear it!

open the door!

There was a man sitting next to the bed in the room. He had long black hair, a high-fashioned noodle head, a mustache, a melancholy look, and a vicissitudes of life!


This is a very handsome and attractive man!

Compared with the previous mental patients, this man looks almost normal, and the normal one is a bit less like a mental patient.

But Wang Teng couldn’t help raising his vigilance.

Mental illness, the more normal it seems, the more dangerous… right?

“Hello!” Wang Teng asked carefully.

“Hello!” The man raised his head, his voice hoarse, but he sounded surprisingly warm.

He glanced at Wang Teng and said, “You are not a staff member here.”

“I’m here…”

“I know, but don’t say it, or I will go violently, and I can’t help it.” He seemed to know what Wang Teng was going to say, and before Wang Teng finished speaking, he stopped.

“Don’t say anything? Brother, can you give me some hints, or how would I guess?” Wang Teng was a little confused.

He didn’t say it after all, but he was already sure that this man was the one he was looking for.

What can’t be said… is not about the gun, or about his beloved.

“This is a bit difficult, I can’t even say, how can this be done? This man is no different from a normal person if he doesn’t get sick, and he can’t be fooled.”

Wang Teng obviously felt that this man was not an ordinary person, at least when he faced each other, he felt very dangerous.

If he treats this man the same way he treats those patients before, it is estimated that he will die miserably.

“It looks like you ran for nothing today!” The man smiled and asked, “Is there any smoke?”

Wang Teng was slightly taken aback.

This turning point almost flashed his waist.

He took out the cigarette, handed it to the other party, and sighed: “Oh, I’m a little disappointed, but it’s not a waste of running.”

The man lit a cigarette and then returned it to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng was depressed, so he ordered one, and the two of them became confused in this ward.

“You’re good, you are a martial artist at such a young age!” the man suddenly said.

Wang Teng was suddenly shocked.

“How did you tell?”

“Feel, there is the force!” the man said.

“Are you also a warrior?” Wang Teng asked.

The man smiled, did not speak, then fell into silence for a while until he finished smoking.

“It’s a pity that there is no alcohol, and I haven’t drunk for a long time,” the man said.

“If you want to drink, I can bring you some over next time.” Wang Teng got up, ready to leave.

“Wait a moment!”

Wang Teng turned his head and saw an object thrown by the man, and quickly caught it.


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