Chapter 59 What is the ghost setting of mental illness and mental attributes?

“Hello, I want to visit the Mr. “Gun God”!”

In the lobby on the first floor of the Xijiao Mental Hospital, Wang Teng explained his intentions to the nurse at the front desk.

The nurse lowered her head and played with her mobile phone, but did not respond.

“Hello…” Wang Teng patiently said again.

“What a good thing!” The nurse suddenly raised her head, with a big pie face and a pair of squinted eyes, “staring” at Wang Teng.

Stare at…

“…” Wang Teng had a clue: “I think you will look good when you lose weight!”

“Really?” The big pie face nurse’s eyes lit up suddenly.

“Of course, people who know me call me Honest Xiaolangjun, and I can believe what I say.” Wang Teng said vowedly.

“Then I must lose weight and prove it to everyone…”

“Yes, prove it to them!”

“Prove it to them, I’m thin, it’s ugly as well~” The big pie face nurse suddenly laughed wildly.

“…” Wang Teng.

In the mental hospital, is even the staff so abnormal?

Wang Teng looked at the nurse who was laughing wildly in front of her in horror. She laughed out of breath, and the powder on her face fell down.

“Then what, can I meet Mr. Gunman?”

When the nurse’s laughter gradually stopped, Wang Teng asked cautiously.

“Mr. Spear God? Which one are you talking about? There are nine of us who call themselves Spear God!” said the nurse Dabinglian.

Wang Teng suddenly felt a little pain in his head.

He wondered again whether he was the right decision to come to this mental hospital?

“Is the one who killed his own woman by mistake?” Wang Teng pondered his words and said.

“Oh~ You said that poor creature, unfortunate!” The big cake face nurse said with a blank expression on her face, but she said in a daze.

“It’s him, it’s him, it’s him!” Wang Teng nodded.

“I’m sorry, we decline anyone to visit here.” The big pie face nurse lowered her head and played with her mobile phone again.

“??” Wang Teng felt the blue veins on his forehead bursting.

“Decline to visit? Why didn’t you say it earlier!”

“Oh, I think you have a desire to chat, so I can’t help chatting with you for a while~” the nurse Dabinglian said without looking up.

“I @#%¥#¥……%&*……”

“God day, labor and capital are dead, and they won’t have the desire to chat with you!”

Wang Teng was almost suffocated to death by his stomach full of complaints.

I never thought that Wang Teng would fall into the hands of a big-faced woman like you…


Snorted angrily, flicked his sleeves away!

Wang Teng returned to the shooting club, full of grief and indignation turned into motivation to pick up attributes, I picked up, I picked up, I picked up…




The already accomplished spear technique continues to strike towards Consummation!

While busy, time flies quickly.

In the evening, Wang Teng went home for dinner, then went to the rented house in University Town, and visited Xiao Dandan.

Hmm~ I haven’t hatched yet.

After that, he did not go to the shooting club again, but went to the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall.

Leave until eleven o’clock.

Then, Wang Teng returned to the Xijiao Mental Hospital!

The western suburbs are already desolate and sparsely populated. At this point, it is even more uninhabited, and the surroundings are terribly silent.

Wang Teng feels that this place is more embarrassing than during the day!

The mental hospital in the dark is like a giant creeping beast, waiting for the ignorant to approach, and then swallowing it in one bite.

“So should I go home? Is it too late to turn around now?”

Although a little embarrassed, Wang Teng finally took a deep breath for his attributes, and with a determination that he would never return, he slipped into the mental hospital quietly.

The gate was guarded by security guards, and Wang Teng could only get in over the wall.

At the front desk, the daytime pie-faced nurse has been changed. Now he is a male nurse, leaning on a chair and watching a TV series.

——The content of the plot heard from the voice seems to be an anti-Japanese drama!

Wang Teng made a noise outside the door, and the male nurse suddenly raised his head: “Who?”

There was no response for a long time.

He stood up suspiciously and walked towards the door.

Wang Teng listened to the footsteps, and when he had just walked out the door, he knocked him out with a hand knife.

Then he dragged the person back into the corner, thought for a moment, took off his work jacket and put it on himself.

Put on a mask again!

Looking at this outfit, Wang Teng couldn’t help but praise his wit.

Then he lowered his head, avoided the camera, went to the front desk and sat down.

Wang Teng turned on the computer, checked the internal records of the mental hospital, and wrote down the room numbers where several suspected mental patients were located.

After removing a bunch of keys hanging on the wall, he walked upstairs.

The corridor is quiet, and even if you try to relax your steps, there will still be a small noise.

When it spreads into his own ears, he will feel a little hairy.

“The first one, room number 203!”

Wang Teng followed the room number, walked to door 203, looked inside through the window, and saw a figure lying on the bed sleeping.

He found the corresponding room key, opened the door softly, and walked in.

There was a person lying on the bed, seeming to be asleep, and beside him, there were a few bubbles floating quietly.

“There are still bubbles that haven’t disappeared!”

Wang Teng’s eyes lit up suddenly, and he didn’t expect to be surprised when he came in.

These bubbles may have just fallen, and before they disappeared, he ran into them.

Pick it up!




Realizing that it turned out to be a [spiritual] attribute, and the amount was not small, Wang Teng was not too happy.

“They are all spiritual attributes, can mental patients lose [spiritual] attributes?”

Wang Teng suddenly became a little confused!

If his guess is correct, what the hell is this? ?

Shaking his head, he walked directly over and pushed the person on the bed to wake up: “Hey, I’m up, it’s time to take medicine!”

The man was dazed and mumbled: “Isn’t it the medicine I just took? Why do you take it again?”

“Oh, I ate one less just now, and I suddenly remembered, so I will quickly make up for you.” Wang Tenggui said.

The man took the Liuwei Dihuang Wan handed by Wang Teng, put it in his mouth, and swallowed it in one bite.

These Liushen pills were specially bought by Wang Teng on the road in order to nourish the kidneys of these poor mental patients.

Wang Teng watched him finish the medicine, and asked casually: “I heard that your marksmanship is accurate?”

As soon as the other party heard this, he immediately became energetic.

“You know what I am capable of. I tell you that my marksmanship is accurate. A single shot can knock down planes in the sky.”

When it comes to hitting a plane, a sickly excitement suddenly appeared on his face.

“Really? Can you show it to me?” Wang Teng said.

“No problem, you are optimistic.” As he said, he began to take off his pants…

He actually started to take off his pants! !

“…” Wang Teng.

Seeing that something hot-eyed was about to happen, he quickly chopped it out with a hand knife.

The mental patient is really terrifying!

But just now, another attribute bubble fell from the mental patient.



So should he just let him perform for a while?

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