Chapter 61 Spear Fighting Technique!

“USB Disk!”

Wang Teng looked at the things in his hands in surprise, and at the same time he was a little puzzled.

“I’m here for you, there is something you want in it,” the instant noodle man said.

“The first time I met, you gave me something, which is so embarrassing.”

Although Wang Teng said so, he unceremoniously stuffed the USB flash drive into his trouser pocket.

“Just treat it as your reward for the cigarette, ha~” The instant noodle man yawned, lay down, and waved his hand at Wang Teng: “You go, I’m going to sleep, and remember to turn off the light when you go out. ”

Wang Teng took a deep look at each other, put on a mask, turned off the lights, and left.

As soon as he left, the instant noodle man suddenly jumped up from the bed and kept his face on the door window for a long time.

“Did you say he’s gone?” he said to himself.

“Should be gone!”

After confirming that Wang Teng has left.

He suddenly laughed wildly, leaned forward and backward, fell to the ground and rolled, laughing into tears.

“It’s so funny, so funny, this kid actually believed it, hahahaha… laughed at me!”

Wang Teng lowered his head and walked downstairs when suddenly a voice came from behind.

“Eh, whoever, wait a minute.”

Wang Teng’s heart suddenly stunned, is there any staff on duty at this point? I didn’t see it when I first came up!

There are various coping methods in my mind. If found, I can only…

There was footsteps behind him, and the person was approaching. Wang Teng slowly turned around, only to see a man in his white coat, who was about 30 years old, walking towards him.

“You are not on duty downstairs, what are you doing here?” He looked at Wang Teng with a serious expression.

“Oh, I just heard something on it. I thought something happened, so I came up to see it.” Wang Teng said nonsense.

Hearing this explanation, the white coat’s face was a little awkward, but then he asked suspiciously: “What’s the matter with you wearing a mask at night?”

“I have bad breath, I am afraid that it will affect others if I don’t wear a mask…”

Before Wang Teng had finished speaking, the entire mental hospital suddenly sounded a huge alarm.

“A mental patient sneaked out!!”

A loud roar came from downstairs.

The white coat in front of him suddenly changed his complexion. He pushed Wang Teng away and ran away. He took off his white coat as he ran. He laughed: “Come catch me, come catch me…”

“…” Wang Teng.

Mental hospital, it’s terrible!

Let’s go home quickly!

Taking advantage of the chaos, Wang Teng overcame the wall and left the mental hospital and drove home.

It was very late to get home.

After taking a shower, he returned to his room, took out the USB flash drive, plugged it into the computer, and found that there was only one video file inside.

“In the martial arts era, did you teach even martial arts secrets using video?” Wang Teng was a little surprised.

Click on the video!

In an instant, a blushing voice came out.

This voice is quite loud!

“Damn!” Wang Teng was in a hurry. He grabbed the mouse and clicked in a mess. He usually hits at one point, but at this time he couldn’t click the pause button.

In desperation, he directly forced the shutdown.

The sound finally disappeared, and the room was quiet.

Wang Teng didn’t dare to gasp for a moment and listened carefully. His parents’ room was not far away, for fear of being heard by them.


Fortunately, fortunately, Wang Teng let out a sigh of relief without seeming to wake them up.

“It was actually pitted!”

Only then did he have time to pay attention to this, thinking back to the instant noodle man, he was really deceived by his appearance…

Believe in his evil!

“I’m also fascinated by the ghost, so I actually believe in a mental patient?!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but smile.


This video looks pretty good. I just passed by and found that the heroine in it is very good. She is convex and backward, she is white and beautiful, tusk tusk!

Why don’t you take another look?

Just one look!

Wang Teng comforted himself, found the headset, turned on the computer again, and clicked on the video…hehehe!

In the dark room, only the computer screen showed light.

The whole room is very quiet, but from time to time there will be weird laughter, which is a little bit oozing.

“Yes, yes, the plot is very attractive, and the heroine is also very beautiful, but the voice is a little louder, isn’t it just pressing a mo, why do you call so loudly, scared me!”

Wang Teng watched the video critically.

But when he was about to turn off the computer and go to sleep, he found that the progress bar below was only halfway through.

Wang Teng couldn’t help moving the mouse away and let the progress bar move forward.

After a while, the following content came out.

Wang Teng’s expression couldn’t help changing, his sleepiness disappeared instantly, and his eyes stared at the computer screen unblinkingly.

After half an hour.

After the video was completely played, Wang Teng closed his eyes for a moment in thought, and when he opened his eyes, there was another wry smile.

“This is too bad, I almost missed the things behind!”


He was somewhat fortunate.

Speaking of it, I have to thank the heroine, because she is beautiful, so I can barely look at her.

Otherwise, he will throw away the USB flash drive when he turns his head, and the content behind it will be missed by him.

Open the properties panel!

【Comprehension】: 93

【Spirit】: 55

[Talents]: primary fire talent (11300) primary ice talent (13300), primary earth talent (12300), spiritual vision (primary 1.410), demon lotus poison (1510000)

[The Force]: 64100 Fire (One-Star War Soldier Level)

8100 ice (one-star warrior level)

7100 soil (one-star warrior level)

30100 Poison (One Star War Soldier Level)

[Gong Method]: Chi Yan Jue (Introduction 20100), Xuan Bing Jue (Introduction 12100), Huang Tu Gong [Tu Yuan Shield] (Introduction 15100)

[Combat Skills]: Basic combat skills (fist, sword, knife, body comprehension), basic stick technique (consummation), spear fighting technique (entry 110), fire lin sword technique (entry 43100), magic ice fist (entry 13100) )

[Knowledge]: Basic subjects (full marks), “Five Years of Wushu and Three Years of Simulation” (80 points)

[Comprehensive combat power]: 221

[Blank attribute]: 0

In the field of combat skills, the original [spear technique] has become [spear fighting technique]!

But it’s just for getting started, and there are more attribute points needed to upgrade later, and spearmanship, like other basic combat skills, is not clearly marked.

——The contempt of Chiguoguo from the system!

So according to the urinary nature of the system, gun fighting skills are undoubtedly more advanced than spear skills.

Although Wang Teng had never heard of gun fighting before, there was related content in the second half of the video just now.

The theory of spear fighting technique was put forward thanks to the combination of martial arts and technology.

Since the birth of Rune Firearms, the warriors of the Earth Star have tried and innovated repeatedly before finally pushing out the now fearsome spear fighting technique!


Used here is not an exaggeration, but it is true.

Theoretically, spear fighting is a powerful ability that combines physique, spear and swordsmanship.

Many warriors specialize in rune firearms, coupled with this spear fighting technique, the power is amazing, it can be called terrifying!

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