Chapter 58: There is a man with his marksmanship like a god!


Falcon Shooting Club!

Wang Teng parked the supercar at the gate, threw the car key to the doorman, and told him to stop, while he walked into the club lobby.

Falcon Shooting Club is an advanced shooting club!

It is very famous in the East China Sea, and many wealthy and celebrities who like to play guns mostly regard it as their first choice.

If there are more people playing, the attributes dropped will certainly not be less.

Although many people are in the nature of playing tickets and focus on experience entertainment, there are definitely some people who have real skills.

Wang Teng went to the front desk to go through the formalities, pay the money, and become a member of the club directly.

The staff immediately respectful and respectful——

Members, that’s so arrogant!

Led by a beautiful woman wearing a black hip skirt, Wang Teng came to the shooting range, his eyes swept inward, and the corners of his mouth could not help but aroused.

There are many attribute bubbles floating on the ground!

One, two, three…

Wang Teng knew that this time he didn’t come in vain, and the members weren’t refilled in vain.

The beautiful woman in the hip skirt gave an explanation, and Wang Teng let her leave and started walking around.




Seeing the spearmanship attributes continue to grow, Wang Teng almost made his voice out of joy.

Various shooting skills kept popping up in my mind. At the same time, my body became more and more familiar with firearms, his eyes became sharper, and his accuracy improved.

He felt that as long as he held the gun, he could easily perform some difficult skills and could easily hit objects a hundred meters away.

This feeling is simply not too cool!

With the continuous improvement of spear skills, Wang Teng suddenly felt a little itchy in his hands after watching others play so vigorously.

So he ran to the staff and picked up a gun, and found an empty position, also had a hand addiction.

Wang Teng is familiar with the gun in his hand.

This is a [Falcon series] rune gun, rough and handsome, with a wild beauty, only those who love guns can appreciate that beauty.

He raised the gun and took aim.

The action was done in one go, very skilled, like a veteran who has played guns for several years.


Pull the trigger.

The gun body shook. If it were an ordinary person, it might not be able to control the recoil, but Wang Teng’s hands were steady, and there was no tremor at all.

Bang bang bang!

He didn’t stop, and then he fired several shots in a row, and his actions didn’t seem to have changed during the period.

But if you are a sharp-eyed person, you may notice that every time he shoots, his arms and wrists have undergone slight adjustments, and they are not uniform.

Ten rings!

Wang Teng put down his gun, feeling a little unfinished.

The difficulty is too low, it is not fun to play.

He continued to pick up attributes, and occasionally shot a few shots to cover up a little so as not to look too unusual and attract attention.

“Good! Good marksmanship!”

Suddenly there was a loud shout in front of him.

Wang Teng walked over and found a group of people gathered around, watching a middle-aged man shoot a gun.

This man kept a stubborn head, his face looked a little resolute, and his body faintly revealed a kind of military temperament.

At this time he was hitting a moving target, shooting from time to time, and he could hit ten rings every time.

The amateurs beside me could not help applauding.

“Finally I came across something expected!” Wang Teng’s eyes brightened, and he squeezed the crowd, leaned closer, and picked up a few bubbles on the ground.





The attributes that this man dropped, Wang Teng had to pick up at least a dozen of amateur attributes to make up.


Must be a master!

Here is the difference between a master and an amateur.

Wang Teng looked at the attribute panel, and the marksmanship attribute finally jumped from a small to a big one, and his power increased greatly!

“Brother, you marksman!”

Seeing that the Bancuntou man finished shooting, someone immediately went up to talk.

“I’m overwhelmed, my marksmanship is a bit more accurate at best, but I can’t be the word god!” The Bancuntou man said modestly.

“You are not a god, how can you be considered a god?” The people next to him were a little unbelieving.

“Don’t believe me, I’ve seen a man with super-skilled marksmanship, and that’s a god!” The man with a bancun head seemed to recall something with emotion on his face.

“How godly is that?” someone asked curiously.

“Have you seen a turn-around marksman?” The Bancuntou man said mysteriously.

Wang Teng was attracted by their conversation and planned to continue picking up attributes, but he couldn’t help but stop at this moment.

Marksmanship that can turn corners? !

Is it so mysterious?

Are you making a fantasy movie?

No, although it is not a fantasy movie, it is a martial arts drama!

In the age of martial arts, everything is possible!

The rhetoric of the bancuntou man made everyone look at each other. A group of amateurs and people with strong marksmanship hadn’t met a few seriously, let alone super god.

The bancuntou man fell into the memory, then sighed and said: “I have seen that man is a real spearman, his marksmanship is like a god, but unfortunately he was too conceited. He fell into the tricks of others and killed him with his most proud marksmanship. His most beloved woman!!”

Everyone was really surprised by what he said. Looking at the pity on the face of the bancuntou man, even if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he still felt that he was very pitiful.

“Tsk!” Wang Teng smashed his mouth, not knowing what his expression should be.

“What happened later?” the person next to him couldn’t help asking.

Others are also staring at the man with a short-cut head eagerly, full of curiosity, and want to know the follow-up development.

“Later, he couldn’t bear the blow and suffered a nervous breakdown. He is now in the Xijiao Mental Hospital.” The Bancuntou man said regretfully.


Everyone really did not expect such a result, and it was another grieving sigh!

“Western Suburb Mental Hospital!”

Wang Teng was muttering the place name, his eyes gleaming, and he didn’t know what he was thinking of.

After lunch at noon, Wang Teng went straight to the Xijiao Mental Hospital.

The place is not difficult to find, follow the navigation to drive to the western suburbs, it is easy to find the destination.

Wang Teng stopped the car and walked off.

In front of me was an old building with gray and white as the main tone. The walls were mottled and surrounded by iron railings. The paint on its surface had peeled off, revealing rust, and the corners were covered with weeds. It seemed that no one had taken care of it for a long time.

Wang Teng was a little surprised at the dilapidation of this mental hospital and the desolation nearby.

It stands to reason that in modern society, shouldn’t mental hospitals pay more attention to the environment?

Why does this place look like a haunted house in the movie!

If you live in such a place for a long time, you will suffer from illness if you are not sick!

With incomprehension, Wang Teng walked into the mental hospital, wondering if it was an illusion, he always felt chilly inside.

As a warrior, his hearing is much better than ordinary people.

Standing at the door of the mental hospital, he seemed to be able to hear the sound of someone running in the empty corridor wearing slippers.

Ta ta ta…


Wang Teng couldn’t help but shivered. He didn’t know if it was the right decision to come to this mental hospital?

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